HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 790NO CONSIDERATION Quitclaim Deed This Indenlure, made the 25th day of January Two Thousand and Five BETWEEN DONALD M. BAYLES and VIRGINIA D. BAYLES, both residing st 785 Albacore Dr., Southold, Now York 1197 I, as Tenants in Common party of the first part, and THE DONALD bt. BAYL]~ REVOC.A.B.L.E TRUe'f, under a~reement ~ H January 25, ~o~. hid M. hyles and Virglma D. [h__yi~.Tnmees, both rastding Il at 785 Albacore Dr., Sonthold. New York 11971. as to n ~ interest in tho premises; [ and THE VTRGINIA D. ILAYLK8 REVO~ABLE TRUST, under agreement dated fl January 25, 2005, Virginia D. Bayies and ~onald M. hylas, Tmstcet both nmiding H at 7Bi Albacora Dr., Souh~old. New Ymk I I~/I. as to a J0~ interest in ;he premises. as Tenants in Common; [ party of the second part TAX IdAP I~,lO~A'nO~ [ WITNESSETH,.tbal the'party of the firs~ part, in conslderetion of Ten Dollars and [ other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second pa~ does herol~ ~rant Dist,: Io0o [ und release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of Sec.: 057.00 I the Party °f the .scce, nd ~rt f°rever, . . nlk.: 01.00 ] ALL that certmn plot, psece or parcel of land, with the buddings and improvements II thereon erected, sitoate, lying and hei~ at Ardmnmnmq .ne, Town of Somhold, County I.m(s): 016.003 of Suffolk and State of New Yo~k, being known and desigmted as and by Lot 3 ! on a certain map entitled, 'Map of Southold Shores at Arshamomaque" and filed an the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 29, 1963 as Map No. 3853 and being hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Albacore Drive distant 219,17 feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Albacore Drive with the no~hwestedy side of Marlin Drive; RUNNING THENCE North 63 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds West along the northerly side of Albacore Drive. 115.00 feet; THENCE North 26 degrees 07 minutes .30 seconds East 175.00 feet to the Cane]: THENCE South 63 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds ~n,t alon8 the Canal, 110.00 feet; THENCE South 24 degrees 29 minutes 20 seconds West, 175.07 feet to the northerly side of Albacore Drive at the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE die same premises conveyed to the Grantors by Deed dated October 21. 1992 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 21, 1992 in Uber 11558 page 193. Together with all righk title and interest, if an~, of the .party of the first par in and m any streets and roads abutting the above~lesenbed prenuscs to the center lines thereof; Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; . To have and to hold the premiscs hereto grantnd unto the pray of the second part. the heirs or ,tu¢~ssorn and es~qgns of the party of the second prat fon:ver. And the party of the first part covenants that the pa~y of the first par has not done or suffered anything whereby, the said premises here been encumb~rod in any way whataver, except as afore.smd. And the party of thc firstpert, in compliance with Section 13 .of the. Lien Law, covenants thut the party of the first part will receive the consideratxon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such c .o~sideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the. cost of improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pat of.the total ofth.e same for any othcr purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if it read "pames' whenever the sense of this indenture so requirer In Witness Whereof, the party of th~ first part has duly executed this Deed the day and year tim above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~S. DONALD M. BAYLES f~ LS. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss,: ~'"~day of January in the year 2005 On tho before me, the undersljlned, i~..rsonnlly appeared DONALD M. BAYLES, personally known to me or i~.v..~ to me on the hams of satlsfaetmy evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within i~mmment and ~cknowledged lo me that he executed the same in his ca insuumem, the individual. me same mnts capacity, and that by his or the parson upon behalf of which the individ~l ~ exe~l~ JAY P. OUARTARARO Norm,/Pubilo, Stade Of NY No. 02OU5055695 STATE OF NENV YORK) Ouelifled in 6ulfolk County OommJ~lon Explre~ Oat. 20, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK} ss.: On the ~.c~.~y of..Jnntmry .? .the year 2005 before.nm, the u.nde, rsi~., ap .p?red VIRGIN!^ .u: U~TL.'=~, patrons, ny .gno~.n to me or proved .to me on. me nam al' sstis~actosy evidence to he dm ~ndsvtdual whose name ts su.bscnhed to the within mstnjl~.nt and w, imowledged to .me that she executed the same in her .c,apacay, and that by._her ~u.rc .on tho instrument, the ,ndtvidual, or the person upon heludf of whsch the individual~~ the instrument. " JAY R OUARTARARO / ~ / Not~ry Publlo. ~t~ Of NY __ / ~" I Ou~Jl~ti in $.no~k Oom~ i,~omry ru~m: QUITCLAIM DEED DONALD M. BAYLF-q and VIRGINIA D. BAYLES TO THE DONALD M. BAYI.I~ REVOCABLE TRUST A 50% Interest And THE VIRIGINIA D. BAYLES REVOCABLE TRUST AS0~ ln~.rest DI~,'I'RICI': 1000 Sl~rlOK: o57.00 BLOCK: 01.00 LOT: 016.003 COUNTY OR TOWN: TAX BIUANO ADDRESS: 785 Alhecme Dr., Southold, New York I RETURN BY MAIL TO: Jay P. Quattaram. F, sq. Twomey, Latham. Shes & Kelley, LiP 33 West Second Street P.O. Box 9398 Rivmlm~, New York I Ig01 Page 2 of 2 Pages TORRKNS Serial # Cmificale # Prior Cit'. # RECORDED 2005 Nar O~ 0,~116~ 40 PH Ed,ord p, Ronaine SUFFCLK OOUNTV L I~0012."r/4 P790 DTI 04-$1.257 Pnge I Filing Fee Handlins 5"-" Notation -lA-52 l? (County) · F..A-52 ] 7 (Smte) Ccmn. or .Fad. AffMavit Certified Copy Dued I bhxt~s~ Tax Slamp I R - -'-"-~-'-"Jins I FUins Stamps FEES ~bTotal.~~ Mort~qle Amt. I. Bmk~ Tax 2. Additional 'lax Sub To~I Sl~:JAssit. O~ Epee. ladd. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town . Dual County Held for Apportmament,~=~ Mansion Tax -- Re& Copy ...,.. J_.~ ,,~--"-- will be improved by · one or two family , //,~ Sub Total /C;;;?"*-,,'' dwellin~ only. Other ~ /,., .,.9 . YES orNO '--'--'-----'------ .____. or~is In~ument. ~ ~ Real Pmpmy Tax Sen~iee ^8""'Y Verireatim I 6 I Com_m_,_,_,l_Ry Preservation Fuqd Initials ! ~-M._~,-~ t/leant Land 71 Sntlsfacliuns/L ..... o- . . ~s~ TD TD -- L"_.l... +i,,. Company Information I'ntl,# Suffolk County Recording & Er _dnrsement Pag, e ll~is IzSe forms ~ of tie attached .{'~-~,~¢q T'~,~, (SI~FY'fYPE OF IN~il KLIb~I') 1 le In'no..au hacin is sitmtal in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. mad~ by: TO In lie Townd~ip of (OVER{ I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl!#lllllllll lJ lllllllll i iiiiiiiIIiiiimll lll 8U~FOLK COUHTY CLERE RECORDS OFFZC~ RECORDZHG pAGu Type o£ Tnmt~uments DBBDH/D~D ReGeipC ]~,uh~z s 05-0023158 TRANSFER TAX NUHBURz 04-31257 Dlltrtat~ 1000 Deed Amounts lto~ozded~ LTBBR PAGE Section s Block s 057.00 02.00 $0.o0 03/03/200S 03s16t40 Pli RoceAved the Following Fees For Abov~ Znftzundnt Page/Filing 8S.00 NO Handling COB 85.00 NO ~YB SRC~G IA-CTY 85.00 HO n-STi~ TP-584 $5.00 ~ ~ert.~lea ~ S30.O0 ~ B~ T~8~e~ t~ ~0.00 ~ C~.Prel TAX HUMBEit ~ 04-31257 TK~B FAGB ZB A FART OF T/~ 3~STRUJ~NT D00012374 790 Edward F. RouaLne County CleEk, fJu££olk County Lots 016.003 85.00 815.oo 875.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 8149.00 PLE~I~"TVPE OR PRESS FIRM-L~ WH-E~d-~R~NG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRp://www.orp,,.mtate.ny, u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY kl~ ONLY I .. ..-. -. ~ ~,.,~ I REAL~RO{~=RTYTR~PORT ~I'A~E OF NEW YOR~ -' """ RP - 5217 FIP ,, 52.17 . IsiS_{ z ~.'. r..m.v nmue, M J%..J (:M,,,,.M[ ~ ,,,Mi.] [] C ~_.{ R,,Uwld Yr.,hr ' -M ({}._J A~t DL~lNm)'RMdm'ddVenntbnd HI I ~n~ntl~ ~ [] · , ,~.O.Ol 1'~ Ftdl m'~ {~m I ~ ! · (FLdl hk PFM k the {MM mmur4 I~kl fM tM prope~y Indudl~ perM{ pmpmmy. 1NI piyment rely IN, im Jim fon~ d' ud~ othlr pmlWly or {~md~ m. ~, Wm M I{,, CJulk III w mm d lilt '-' li~B n C D E' F ,L~. Datl ilmuld mBe~ ~e iitiM Flnl{ AMlllmiw ROM md TiX Bill ' ' . {~ Tex llip MIdlild l Y W l{ rwm tilm hur, mldi i wb iddfknd kimIWjdd{ I d lid d d fl[, kris d'klnmem at[nd au lie h m mud re.nd ~lo ik k d t,O. In,,W e ~ e I ~ h b W I Nb,'W YORK STATE COPY -