HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 269THIS INDENTURE, made the 21 sir. dayof July, 2005 BETWEEN TIIOMAS J. MCCARTHY AND SUSAN MCCARTHY, as Ilusband and Wife, residing at1450 Horton's Lane, Southold, NY 11971 pmty of the Ikst prat. and KARI~N L. MILLER residing at 330 Majors Path, P.O. Box 42:5, Southold, NY 11971 wI'rNF~ETH, mat the party of the first prat, In Go~siderat~n. of patd'by tAe pefly of the _se~__~ part, does honfoy gflmt 8ncl.rei~ unto t~o patty of t~.e4~ond" part, the holt8 ALL Itml (m~teln plot, piece or parcel of land, with tho buiJdinga and Improvement~ thereon m'ecMd, aJ~ote, and b n0 in me SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED ilERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF. THE GRANTOR (S) herein being the same party as the grantee (s) and thc premises same ns desc~bed in deed recorded in Liber 12133 page 475. TOGETHER with all dgM, title m~l Inmre~ If any, of II'm party of the rgst part in ~ m any ~ ~ ~ abutting the above descra)ed prembe~ to the center Ilmm tlmreof; TOGETHER with the appu,'tana~__=~_ m~1.11 the estate and rights ot' h'm party of the flint part in and to saki premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD AND the party of the rust pan covenants that me pafly of tho first part has not dooe or ~uffemd any~dng ~ the ~akl premisel have been encumbered in any way whatever, exit ~ afoco~aid. requlros. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the flint part has duly ex _~__,t~l this deed the day and year fa*st above I~le Nnq R/'IG53e354B SCHEDULE A - DESCRTPT~ON Au. that certain plot, piece or parcel at' land, Situate, lying end bung at SoUthold, Town of $outhoJd, Courgy of Suffolk and State at' New York, bounded end described es fotlows: BEGINNING eta ~nton Ute easteriyside soUtheHy end of an arc of cun, e connectJng the southerly side of Hiddle Road C. R. 27 wath the easterly side of I lortans L~e, Said ' or Hortons Lane distant 1093.3~. feet Southerly from Ute exb ama side of Hort0ns Lariat ~g~nnlng POint I$ also where the'southerly line of land of Conway interMcts Ute eaSterly RUNNING THENCE along the land now or formerly of COnwey Ute follnwlng two (2) COurses and diStances: 1. North 71 degreea ,~1 m~nutes 40 seconds East, 530.85 feat; 2. North 13 desJrees 46 minutes 30 secands West, 259.46 feet to the land now ar formerly at ~harne~; .. THENCE along the lend of now or t*ormer~, of Chamsws, North 70 degrees feet to land now or formerly of Ahlers end shoUter; D1 minute 40 seconds East, z03.~'7 THENCE a~oeg the lend now ur forrnenly or Ahlere and another the following three (3) courses and c~Jstances: 1. South 12 degrees 28 minutes t3 seconds East, 537.84 fo~t; 2. South G9 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds West, I.lZ.80 feet; 3. Gregory;Souttt ;'0 degrees 11 mlnub~ 30 seconds West, 343..41 fee~ to land now or forrnerty of THENCE almlg land now ar farmerly of Gre~o~. the foUOw;ng two (2) courses and distances: I. North 12 degrees 00 minutes 30 SKonds West, 97.42 feet; 2~ South 7l degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds Wist, 180.06 fee~ to t:~ eastedy side Of flortons THENCE alo~ the easterly stde of Hortons Lane North 11 degrees 26 minutes 30-soconas West, zg2.49 feet to the ~nt or place of BEG3NN~NG. ALTA OWner's Pol~;y (10-J.7-92) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI.EDGMENT IE MADE IN NEW YORK BTATE O~Ute 21 dayM Julyinlheyear 2005 (.ignatom .nd office of IndlvidusI laklng sGiuxMtedoment) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK ST,~TI; S~ata (or Dislgct of ~, Terdtmy, or Foreign County) of ss; Onthe dayof in ~he yam' be~3re me, tbe undandgned, pemona~y appearad pereonaly known to me or pnwed to me on the basis (d ,mtJs~ctoJy evldmlr4 to be the ktdMcluaJ(8) whose heine(,,) i8 (am) in BARGNN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAJNST GRAHTOR'8 ACTS TltJe No. __~.~o~/ealth I~H 05303549 ~I'AND.N~D FORM ~ NEW YOgi BOARD GF I~t.B UNDEIW~IRflTd~ Safe Harbor Title SECTION 63 BLOCK 1 LOT 12 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk/Sout~ld STREET ADDRESS RETURN BY MAiL TO: Olsen & 01sen ~ PO ~ 706 Cubchc~Jue, [~ 11971 Number of pages ~J~ TORRENS S~rial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage lnslmment Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp lIE.ES Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Total 2005 P,~ 02 12'-27:,~ P~ Eck~ard P.R~irm Ct.E~ ~; ~t~'FOLK COUHT? L D00012401 P269 DTJ Reconting / Filing Stami~ Mortgage Amt. I. Bit,~i¢ T'~ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec,/As,~ic Of Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointmenl Mansion Tax ~ ~. ,C~ O. The property cove~d by this mortgage is or will be improved by n one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, .~e appropriate 'tax clause on page # of this instrument. 4 t.., ' s community ,esev, atton 05029657 zooo ~erat~o' n Amount $ ,/, Improved Vacant Land 6 I Sadsfactions/Dir, charg,'s/Relea.~es Lis~ Pmpeny Owners Mailing Addres~ RECORD & RETURN TO-' TD This page forms pn~ of the attached (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'rRUMENT) The premiscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~ made by: BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over.) SufFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE TRAgSFER TAX HUMBER= 05-00343 District: 1000 Deed Amountz Recorded: LIBER= PAGE: Section: Block; 063.00 01.00 EXIdi~NEDAND CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $1,200,000.00 o8/o2/2o05 12:27s58 PK D00012401 269 Lot: 012.000 Recsived ~e Foll~ing Fees For ~ve Znstz~ment Page/Filing $12.00 ~OZ $5.00 F.A-CTY $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 RP'~ $30.00 Transfer tax $4,800.00 Cmm. Pres $21,000.00 TRANSFER TAX HI~BER; 05-00343 NO Handling $5.00 NO NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO NO EA-BTATB $75.00 NO NO Cert.Co~le, $0.00 NO NO 8CT~ $0.00 NO NO ~ansion Ta~ $12,000.00 NO NO Fees Paid $37,952.00 PAGE ZS A PART OF THE ZNSTR~F~T THZS Z8 NOT A BZLL Edward P.Rouains County Clerk, 8ufiolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 / I FO~COUNTY USE ONLY I 1 .~ "~ ~' ~'Q. I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REFORT "~,-.~1 1450.~,~ I Morton'smm.~ l~ane I I Soul:hold I 111971 , I I I of ~pme., ~ [] Pad olm Per~ McCarthy I Thomas J. I McCarthy Susan I I ) ~06 / 09 /2o051 5 F l~.r.d,~='.__ . I , . 1. 2.0,0 , O, · o.o.91 IFil $~le Rrke ia the Iolal ameea paid fe~ Ihe p~ ~ pe~oMi i~. lt~.m~m~v~aee~pe~a~~m, eav~W~,dk, me..,. I 1,[i 2, 0.0 Il' O, O. 0..0. 0 ! I A~uMENT INFORMATION. Data Ihould reflect the Ilta~t Final ,~ Roll and Tax Bill Southold Ome~ uno.mi F~ Affe~l.e Sale ~ (Sperry ae~wl · ,6, 7,0. 01 ~ ' ½ ' ~ I 1000-063.00-01 o00-012.000 I I I I I I I I ctrd~- ~M-n d tlw imm d'lnfm mkm~d im thk h.n n,~ in~ and enn~ i~ tht ~ ~ my ~ ~ ~ M i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~y , o.. , ar¥ 631 734-7666 I NEW YORK STATE COPY