HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 204THBINDENTURE. madethe leifa' day M Augur7' 20~ BEIWEEN JAMES C. 8UD~ and GEORGE & 8UDA, Ir~ng M 1280 $a0e 6OUIllViKI, ~xJithoJd, New YOW i1971 et 1he Wdy eomm'M ind W by Chldm & Sage and Yea Y. 8aige to John Hlgolne. I~l from ~~ I..TOG.ET~. R v~ eE ~ht t~ ~nd k~rmC hny. d ~e pray d m f~ p~t kt md tO my m ~ m ebut~g the mmve dm(zbed premb~ to the W IIn~ ImcO. I'OGETHER wlh (he NNwnmm~ Etd MI IN WlTNEM WI~EREOF. Ihe pI/ty (~ the fll~t pitt h~ du~y execuled this deed the My ~d yem. ~t e~ IN PRESENCE OF: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAI~EN LN NEW YORK STATE sue or~ Yed~ ¢om~ or ~kt r--~-o~ .n: -- bumm~ MY~ ROSENTHAL ACKNOWLEDGLMENT BY SUBSCRIlRNG WITNESS TAKKN LN NEW YORK &'FAT% ~--~,.- the mn~. nnd d~U nil wimm at kM nme dine mbsm'btd his&rAMtt4r mint(s) u n Mmm Ihemo Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenants TRI,'No, ..;t~'~ o 371 SUDA TO ARSLANYAN. · ~O~tI1.TITLE (MIS) FAX: ACJ0qOWI~DGEMF. NT :tAKEN IN NEW YORK STATK ~, ofN~w Yed~ Cau~y or , pamull~ knoum te ne er preq~ to m al the trash of' n~sfm:ta~ c~dmce to be bt hdivMm](s) v4on nmi(s) b (~e) mlmerbal lo dB wid]b Jmuwnml md ,dnnrMalied to me tb,~ Immm~L ACKNOWLKI)GEME4%'T TAKKN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE · Siotoof No~l(~tmlilm ,Count~of ~d,~l j~l : .n: '(Or iua; DtS~l or C~Jn~ Paundl~ known to me o~ prowd ~o me ou the hub of mbfscmy k*vida~e to be dm individud(m) vA~me ume(s) is (m~) mbcnNud to the w~h immlmml nnd ar. lmowhdpd to me dui bt~hbMu~ ~_-?_~._~_ thrmm~ ia his'~lfl~h'caplt41)~ks). Ihmbyhla~net~lelr sl[ml~t(.) eab tnmmnum, the Imllvidmb) or h perioe u~e btlulfof wh~.h dm individud(s) feWl, exenaed lb ia~nnnmk nad dut sudt intvldml nuke mob sppenm~ bf~ thc umbniped in the nl.OCl~ 0s.0o LOF: CIX~qTY OR TOWN: RETURN BY MAlL TO: 15-~4 21.qb ~tmEI Qram Villq~, NY 11427 ~R~NS Serial # Certificate # Prior Of. # Deed ! Ma~e lns~rumem Page I Filin~ Fee Hnndling TP-$84 No~ion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 [State) R.P.T.$.A. Comm. of Ed. Al~da,,.it C~rtified Copy NY.S Sureherge Deed / Moft~qe T~t Swmp SubTotal Sip 0~ ~l~l~ P[ L 0000124(~ P20¢ OT! Reeordins I Fili~ Stnmps Mong, nge AmL I. Bnsie Tnx ' 2. Additional Trix Sub Total SpecJAssit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTE. TAX Held for Appom ~tn~,/.l~~ Transfer Tax ~ ~ Mansion Trix ~ ~ The pmpe~y covered by this mortge~ is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellinI only. Sub Tmnl YES or NO Other ~ If NO, ~ee nppropriale tax clnu.se on ~ ~ ITDRZCmm & ~ru~ ~o: · ~ ~ _ __ ...... ~"l - ~ _. ~om_,~~on · ~t~ ~ : Su olk Co..t R ordi. & E.do esent Pa e This page forms part of the atmubed (SPECIFY TYPE OF IN~UMENT} ~ The premises hew. in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. nmde by: ! In Ihe Townf, hip of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU l MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR fiLING. (over) I IIImII IIIIIIIIHIII!HI]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[IIIII I IIIHIIIIII[III[]IIH] ~17~FOT.4~ COUHT'Z CLBR]C RBCOR.I)80FFZC~ RBCOILDZNG I)AQ~ ~BFBR T~ ~BR: 05-05823 LZBER: D00012408 P~B: 204 ~000 053.00 05.00 0~0.000 8870,000.00 Deed Amoun~; 00/08/2005 03t35t3S PM Fees Pot Above Z~tFumont Page/Filing $9.00 ~0 Handling $5.00 COB $5.00 lC) H'ZS 8RCHO $X5.00 BA-CTY $5.00 HO RA-STATR $75.00 TP-584 $S.00 HO Cart. Copies $0.00 RIFF $30.00 HO 8CTM $0.00 Trans£e= trix $3,480.00 HO (~'"'-,Pres $14,400.00 Fees Paid $X8,029.00 TRAti'SFBR ?AX NUMBER: 05-05823 THZS ZB ~ A BZLL Bdnrd P. lto~aine PLEASE ~ OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orp$.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~'~1 1280 I sase BouLevard LOom& t hM I Suda [ Suda 1. ~lmd~ the box beb~ ~h mMt mm~dy ~ IN me M tim i~*lmtV e tM tlm~ d'"'~ [ ~ INFORIVI~TION [ I I Georse A. I. Oe, mmlblp TVlW b C~-'- - .-' Jml [] A B D B F [ A$6E6~MENT WFORMA~ON - D~ta dmuM ~m the ~ Find MNi~miR RMI and Tex B#I ] BUYER mAW ChapLan [ Edvard 718 I 465-6355 I NEW YORK STATE COPY