HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12387 P 631~O~ESES REALTY, INC. 44500 Route 48 Souchold, Ney York 11971 mrty of the firM pet, ~d ~iAL~EL'StHUSTARD SEED LLC 1020 Ereakvacer Road Mttituck, Ney York 119§2 : WITNE8SETH, ~ the potty of the firm peri, in GonMderltlon of .~? ' do#ars ocher veluab3.e coaoiderac~.oa ...... heirs or i~__~e__,~>'s_ and ossJgns of the pony of Ute sicG-,d part forever, ALL th~ cedoin plot, pike or porcel of lind, wi~ the buildings &~S i~o~ven~m the~o~ . _e~':'~____. situate, lung and beLng In tho Town ofSouthold, CounCy of'Suffolk, SCare of Ney Yori~ I See, deecripC~on aC ScheduXe A accached hereto and Bade a parc hereo£ TRIO ~o~veyance has been approved and authorized by the Board of DirecCoro of FORRESES REALTY, XNC, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same preu~Lsee conveyed to Che parry o£ che. f~rsc parc by deed dared March 2, 200L end recorded in Che Off~co of the Clerk of Suffolk County suM arch 20, 2001 ~n X~ber 12108 of deeds at pass 843. TOGETHER Mth all right, title end Intorost, if any, of the party M the firm pelt In and to, any itme~ mid roods 'ml~d~ng the Mx)ve delmlbmd pcm~ilos th the c~r lines thoreo~, TOGETHER with tho IppudenlnCos end 811 the osiers end dghll of the pldy of Ihs ~ pm~ In md to 8oi~. IXmTJlsos: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the the second port fomw. AND the pasty of the firm ~ad cove~n~- ~ ~e pofly of the first pod hos not done or suffered ~hlng Mmreby the SM] prernMe have been encumbeTed b~ any way wh~Mw, except os ntoreuMd. sm it trust fund to be al)plied first for tho puq)ose of poyfng the cmt of the Improvement and wll Wpiy tho same fimt to the payment oHhe_ _,y~-~_ _ of the imlxovement before using aflY Pet of the ~u:-: o1' the ~ ~ aW ~ I purpoos. Tho word "pofly' 81ud bo coMtrued ~8 If It rsud 'pmlJeo" when ever the sense of this Indenture 8o IN WITNm WHEREOF, the party of the first pa~ has du~( executed t~8 deed tAe day and year first above wfltW~. IN PRESENCE OF: · DOUGLAS P. ROSE, JR., ]'rel'idenc 8tnudiKI N.Y.B.T.U. Fon~ 8002- BMUM1 ind Gdo Deed. yah ~4wen~t Ig~b~l G~Wl Ads- Ufllfmm ~ Form 3290 (4~S0~6) SCIIEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with thc buldings and improvements thereon crectnd, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described a follows; BEGINNING at a monument on Ihe southerly line of Middle Rend, dislnnt 8~2.35 feet westerly ns measured along Mid southerly line of Middle Road from the westerly end of a curve co.nnecting said southerly line of Middle Road with the westerly line of Railroad Avenue (now Y6ungs Avenue), said point of beginning being the northwesterly comer of land of Perron: RUNNING TH~-NCE from aid point of beginning along said land of Perron, Sou'ih 0~ degrees 37 minutes 50 second~ East, 338.91 feet; RUNNII~G THENCE along [and now or formerly of John Charnews, South 67 degrees minutes 40 seconds West, 50.00 feet: RUNNING 'I:HF. NCE along land now or fom:erly of Robert Gillespic, Nort~ 09 degrees 37 minutes 50 seconds West, 338.91 feet to ~id soulherly line of Middle Rend; RUNNING THENCE along said southerly line of Middle Rned, North 67 d~gree,~ 06 m~outes 40 seconds .Eut, .f0.00 feet.to the point or place of BEGINNING. Th~ poliGy to be ~ued under this mlmzt wiU insure th~ dlle to such buildings and imlxo~emantsemcted on the pzembet which by law constitute fed property. FOR TOGETHER wiel dl tl~ tijhl, title and intet~st of tM ixuly of th~ tint pa~ty, of, in and lo the land lyins CONY~Y)g4(:INGoNLY "' ~' tbe s~met in front of and adjoinln[ sam pmmis~s. P~e 2 TO BE USED ONLY ~.$ ;-" ~: THE AnKN~ ~,n~_MENT IS ~-~--nF I# NEW yORK STATE Sram of New Ymk. CmmlY of Suf~olI, ,: S~le M' Hew Ymk. County DJ Onlhe 2ndd~yof Ym:y Inlheyear 2005 On~ d~¥of · lntltey~r (,,m) ,ubscdbod a) the wllldn in~nJment end .~:i~__~__g~ (are) =beat)ed to the Mmin me that he/slle~hey executed the ~ m ~ me thit he/ihe,lh~ execuled the Nr~, ,, ,.?-----_.~ Inslngnent. the Indl~b- "~(s) lu~cl, exe~: the ImmJmeflt TO BE imFn ONLY ~,',:-"~ THE .~-K.--~nr:MFuT 18 _u_A_r~_ OUT~IDE NE~: YORK GTA'I'I~ State (M Oimdct o/CdumMI. Temtmy, or ForMgn Country) of ~: C~Um dayof in the yem' before'me, the undemigMd, per~ (inMd the City or other polWGM eubdiv~) (enos :'-~ Ihe Stere ~ CQunW ~ a~her I~e,Ihe Idmawle(Jgment w=~ tiken) (signature .ncl BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WTTH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'8 ACTS Title No. CommonweailJi SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS' RecordlM at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Number of page,, TORRENS Serial # Cmtificnte # Prlor Of. # Deed. MortlMge Instrument 31 Pagc I Filln~ Fee /c~ __ Handlin~ TP-$84 Notation Deed I Mortgage ~ Stnrnp FEF. S Sub Total RECORDED :E}05 H~ 17 12~.~,6~0 Ed~rd P.R~mine L P 63! DT# 04-41105 EA-$217 (State } Comm. of Ed. AITu:lnvit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Recmdin~ I Filing Stamps Sub Total o T.. o, Mo~a~ Amt. I. B~ic Trix 2. Additional Ta~ Sub To,al Spec. /Assit. or S~. / A~. ~nl Town ~1 ~nty ~ld f~ Ap~in~e~_ M~i~ ~ ~ ~Wny c~'e~ by ~L~ mo~age ~ ~ will ~ im~ by a ~ ~ two ~lly dwel~ only. ~ NO ~ If NO. ~ n~ ~ el~ ~ Real ..... Cons' "alc,-ntJon Amount S 4.q(}000.00 Pn ty 05017826 xooo oxoo o2 ooo Communit~, Preser,~tion Fund This page forms pan of the auached DEED made by:; ~SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) FORROSES REALTY. INC. The premisls heroin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD EMMANUEL'S MUSTARD SEED LLC In the VWl J-AGE or HAMLET of SOUTHOLD BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RE-CORDINO OR FILING. (over) I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 111111 1111111111111111 11111111 ~OFFOZ~ COUNT~ CLERK EECORD80FFZCu RECORDZNG PAG~ '2'qj,'pe o~ Znetrtmmnt: D~mg/DDD Numbs: o! Pig'el: 4 Rece:Lpt Ntmber : 05-0053087 TRANSFER TAX NUHB'mR: 04-4'1'10g 1000 Reaorded= LZBER: PAGE: BecttoG~ Block~ 063.00 01.00 EXAMZN'~DAND CHAiuJu,~AH ~OLLOWB $450,000.00 05/17/2005 12z36z30 PM D00012387 631 0:22. 000 Reoeived ~he Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO lhnclllng COB $5.00 NO NYB SRCIKI EA-C'TY $5.00 NO SA-STATS TP-584 $5.00 No Cer~.Coptee RI:VT $30.00 NO T=ane£er tmc $1,800.00 Fees PaAG TRANSFER TAX N~MBERt 04-41109 THIS PAGE Z8 A PART OF THE ZNST~I]M~IT TH'T8 ZB NOT A BILL $S.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $6,000.00 NO $8,042.00 ~lward P.Romalne County Clerk, Suffolk County COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. M ~.mdo ~ ' ,/t ~0~ IN~ON I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY-V~/~IT:N-~v~J-TING ON FOkM' INSTRUCTIONS: hRp:# www.orps.itate.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 1. ~tot~km I 44500 [ Route 48 I $outho~d I I I tBuv~ [l~m~m'~l'e Huntat& Seed. ~C I I I I I ts~., [ Forroses Realty, Inc. I B t_~ 3 ~' 3 Fan~' 8.ddmm~ F (:omJ,W(hJ KI~ Pu~e hn,W Cl...~ RJdm,,.[ VK.m Land Ol~] A,qmm~t J k,duWd DI I Hon-RNidemi~VlMm~ HI I EmyzdnmmtlAmuNnmm I.I r ~'_...t 13 / ~ / O5l 12. Dm,,dt.~./'r~ I 5 / * / nq I ~M[k.~ .1 , , ,4 .5.0.O.O.O.o.~l ltPmpiflvCbn [~,~,~[-I ] lthiudmnifNmu I Sout~old I I loon.-h~N.nn-nt.flfl-n??.nnn I I L J I I I CERT1F:ICATION I ~flf~ ikat d I the lim~ d ink,---~'--, NM~d m Ihk h m Inw md ~l~(t lie dt blt I n~v kmmkdl~ d ~ d I d k ~ ~ d m~ ml~d hlw ~mtRnml I nmkMni fl~ IkN~in d nd~ nm lo dm ~ ndn~w tn ;hr nuddnlt mM H[b~ ~ him Im/nmun~ L~manue! ~Hu, st~li=d Seed I 3/21o5 44500 I ~oute &8 Southold I NY [ 11971 IJ~'I~F. ROSE, JR. T~lta I Dunevood I NEW YORK STATE COPY