HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12398 P 500BARGAIN AND S LR DICKn WFFH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOit*S ACTS (INDI'v3DUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDAJU) NYBTU FORM 8007 VINCXNT A, GADOMSKI, Jrq and JANICK ANN GADOMSKI, rcsidinl -, 700 Bay Slwre Road, Greenpofl York THOMAS GM)OM,.qKI; residJn8 at 19~ Ausust lane, Oreenpon. New York. COLLEEN WALTER, residing at 180 Atlantic Avenue, Blue Point, New York, and ~ GMX}MSKI, I~idinl It 16 Pe.w.h RidAe Drive. Mullica. New Jergy, A~ T~qANTS Gq COP, O~ON pa~y of the second plul, W/~VgS~TH. that the I)my of the first ~ in consideration of Ten dollar., hwful money of the Unlted ~tates, paid by the pray of the m:ond intl. _,~_ _-_ hereby ~rant and release unto ~ ~ ~ A/.J, that eeflain plot. piece or piireel of hind, with tho Imildin~ and impiovements thereon erected, sip,--., lying and being at Oreenpo~ Town of ~outbokl, County of Suffolk and Stato oi' New Yodc. known and desiinaled u Lot No~ 82 and 83 on a eemin map ,~tbled, -Ame~-~.____ Map -A- Peconic Bay Esialos, ab,m!," at Asm. Town of Sombdd. Now York, Otto W. Van Tuyl, C.E., ~. New Yodc" and filed in Ihl~ officc ofth~ Clcrk of the County o~Suffolk (m May 19. 19'33 as Map No. 1124. SUBJECT TO A ]L.~3AL LIPE ESTATE IN THE ABOVE D~ED PREMISES WITH ALL THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON F~q,r~-it~u IN ~ 'TO ~ PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART, VINCENT A. GAI:X)MSKI, JR., AND JANICE ANN OADOMSKI, SOT m y FOR THE USE AND OCCUPANCY OF THE PARTIES OF THE ~ PART. Bein8 nnd h~ to bo 01e reno ivemises conveyed to dlc Orantora by __,~__ made by JANiCE ANN OADOMSKT, dared July 14m, 1960 tnd ~ ~uly 20. 1960, in Liber 4844, Ps~ 199. with all right, title and interest, if any, of file party of the fiat part in and to any mere and folds abutting the above all,scribed pmnlses to the center lines th~.reof, ~'o~r~ with ~ ~s Ifld idl ~ ~ Illd r~ghtt of ~h~ palty of the trust pl~ in and to said FO H~ VRAND ~O HOLD the premises herein 8mn~d unto the pray of the se~x~l p~t. th~ heirs or sueee~x~ nnd assigm of tho pa~y of Ihe second p~ for~ver, ,a-ND thc party ~ the first psrk eov~nanls Ihat Ihe pray of thc tim pail Im not done ot mffe~,d nnything whereby Ihe said pmniscs havo been cncumbercd in any wly whtev~, except as ~oresaid. AND the pluty of file Fu~t park in compliance with Section 13 of 1he L.l~n Law. covemnts that I1~ party of the firit pail will receive the comidenflon f~0r this coaveyance and will hold the ~ m improvemcm and will apply the samo first to the payment of the cost of the im.e~ovemont ~ using any part of the Emal of the san~ f~x* any c4h~ purlx)se, The wo,~ "lxn~' shall be eomtrued as if it r~td "laniel' wl~.never the ten~ of tl~ ind.m~ so requires. IN W/2~V~S~ ~I~HRP~OF, th~ i)lrty of tl~ trlvat pa~ has duly exe~-t_~_ this deed Ihe d~y ud year first abov~ wflnen. RrF067.16 I Smtt of NEW YORK Com~y of SUFFOLK is (ire) subicribed to the ytthin ' _ms~'b~ent ~ld Klmowledjed to me tJul lu/fhe/Ihey oxee~ ~ m in hisZherhheir capet Jty(~.~;end~di:j~oy hillw sipumre(s) on ~ Jnsmnnan, d~ indwidual(s), or ..; Acb]owled~m~ b~ a Subscribin~ S~c of. ) Comity of ) wi[h whom I am persoflally ncquninted, who, beins by me duly sw~m, did depose nd ny ~ ~ rcsides in (Jrlbe place of ~_*~ is in a city, includ~ the su~et and sueet number, if ny. thtngof); ~hnt b~sir bows to bc the individual(s) described in and who execu~ the t'on~s~n~ iusuume~ that said subscribing wimcss wu Fluent end saw slid execute lira nmG sad th~ hid wimps fu Ihe same time suhcrib~l his;b~r name os wilness ther~o. (si~mum and office or individual l&~ Kknowlcd~nenO Rb'TMT.16 2 Deed / Mort~a~ lmuvm~t Handling ~-~' O0 EA-52 17 (County) R.P.T.S.A. Cream. of P.d. 5. 00 Afl, In,it cenm~ c~y NYS Sm~Juuge 1:5. 00 200~ Jul 19 01:13:31 Eck~ard P.Rona~,w ~UFF~I.K CO~f? L PSO0 DT~ 04-49696 Recording I filing Mog~,e Amc I. Basic'fax 2. Addifioual Tax SubTotal Spe~../Asslt. Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appoint~nt 'rrandor Tax ~ Mansion Trix The property covered by thi~ mo~gage is or will be improved by a one or two fnmily dwelling outy, YES m NO If NO. see npln~ lax clause ou Vacnnt Land -- RECORD & ~r~tN TO: 'rD / 0 ~0 ' T',~'- ~ /O ~ "~"7 / 7 Title Corn Information Suffolk Court Recordin ?Endonement Pa e Thi~ pn~e fomls part of file ~¢h~l I ~' ~"'~ ' mnde by:  {SPECIFY TYPE OF INa-~'KUMBNT) ~ ,~o/~,x/~ / rnemmi~ten~nts sttu~d in SUFFOLK COUNTY~=~YORK. ~t ~g~ ~ x~' ~,'~": f In the VII-IAOE BOXES & THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED O1~ PRINTRD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR '110 RECORDING OR FILING. (over) i iim i~1 iiiii ilmlllllllllllllll iiiiIiiiillff ill SU~FO'r.K COUHT~ CLERK RRCORDS OFFZCE RBCORX)ZNG PAGE Nlmbe= o£ P&geet 3 Reoe:Li;)t Number t 05-0074744 TRANSFER TAX NOHBER~ 04-49596 1000 Deed Amoun~t PAGE: Sect Xon I Blo~k s 053.00 0&.00 80.00 o7/19/2oo5 01113131 Pi( Received tho Follow4ng Fees It'oz' Above · ~ANBnR TAX NOMBBRz 04-49696 THIS PA~B ZB A PART OF THE INST~ THIS ZS NOT A BXLL Edward P.kma~ne Count¥Clerk, 8uf£olk ~oun. ty D00012398 500 038,000 85.00 NO 815.00 HO 875.00 MO 80.00 ~0 80.00 MO 80.00 HO 8140.00 ......... ~LEASE TYpE OR PREss FIRMLY WHEN WR-IT-I-I~-bJ4 ]=OR'I~ ....... INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.atate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I,A~ A. ITAT1 OF NL~/YOla[ · ' RP - 5217 mlmm if ww,h,,, ~,dd,m u bantu d fo,,n) I [ I .,,,~,,...i,...~.,~, ,, I [ . I 4. IBIGIIII the mmlbM M AielImIM I"--'1 (OIIly I hit d II lillall dE~'"d' n IIW/IPPIIK ~ I Ixl,,o,~,,,, ~. Io.I , , .,~. - · I ~,.M~.~.~.~UM.m~MVM I .~E,- ,~,~'noN I [ lhmild Mllct the ~ Final AllMlment RMI end T~x 8iII I l& Yw dAmM"m M~ I I 1?.TM ' a. Ta ll~ W l M MiraI W ~le k l~z, ilI M iili lal ikkll! I I(~0- '~"~. ~1/- 3~ ' I I NEW YORK STATE COPY