HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 438IO00 053.00 o,/¢. ~'ONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGKENG '~IIS INSTRUMENT - TNIS I~STRUMEA'T SliOULD B~ USED BY LA~'ERS ONL%' THIS INDENTURE, marc the c~~'~- day of Septemher in the )*car 2005 BETWEEN Karen Hagen, n/k/a Karen GoXdberg and Mark A. Goldberg, residing at 619 HilAtop Circle, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 partyo£thefirstpart, nd Barbara Ann Clay, 11971 residing at 600 Ga=diners Lane, Southold, NY party of the second pa~ WITNESSKTH, that the pan~ ofth~ tim part. in consideration often Dollars and other valuablc consideration paid by die party of the _*~___~xl part. does hereby grant and relensc unto the party ofthe second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pan~ of the second pert forever, ~LLthatccrlIinp~kpieceorpa~ce~f~and~wi~thebui~din~sandimp~vem~ntsthc~c~n~rectcd~situat~ying and bein8 in the See Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof Being and intended to bl bhe same premises conveyed to party of the first part herein, by deed dabed June 11, 1998 and. recorded on June 22, 1998 in the Off$ce of the Clerk of Suffolk County in Llber 11900 pg 521. TOGETHER with ull fight, title and interest, if any. of tho party of the t'tm pan of, in and m ny sueets and roads ahottin~ thc above-described premises to the cesta' lines thereof;. TOGETHER'with the appurtenances and all the .lite and fights ofthe ~ of the fh~t pan in and to said premises; 'FO HAVE AND TO HOLD = ~l~eSpahrter~.v~F. ted unt° the party °f thc sec°nd part, the heirs or successors and assisns o f the party of A.ND the pan~ of tho first pan covenami that the pan'y of'the fiat part has not done or sutTn~ anythin~ whereby the said promises have been incumhetcd in any way whatever, except es aforesa~ AND the pony of the first part, in compUance with Section i 3 of the Li~n Law, covenants that thc party of the fa~t pa~ will receive thc consideration R)r this conv~ancc and will hold thc right to receive such consid~ation as a Mt fund to he applied first for the propose of payin~ the coat of the improventent and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before usJn~ any pet of the total et' the same for any other plupose, The word .'paFt~ shall be conslmed as if it read "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so rcquirp=s. !I?~_TNF, SS. WHEREOF, the party of'thc tint part hu duly uecuted this deed the day sad y.ear fu3t above .w.._. 14. L~PRES~CEO~ Ka.~en I~gen~l/k~ K.a~q~l Goldbe_t~ Narq/A. -O~o~d~ SCHEDULEA ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Arshamoeque, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. known and designated as and by Lot No. 31 as shown on a certain map e~tltled, "Mep of August Acres, Section !" and filed in the Office ofthe Clerk ofthe County of Suffolk on June 3. 1991, as Map No. 9107, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side ofKenvin Blvd a tie distance of 468.36 feet southerly f~om the ~m'eme southerly end of the arc ora curve which connects the southerly side of August Lane with thc northeasterly side of Kenvin Blvd.; RUNNING THENCE North 46 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East, 245.00 feet; THENCE South 43 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds East, 164.00 feet; THENCE South 46 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds West, 245.00 feet to the northeasterly side of Kerwin Blvd. THENCE along the northeasterly side of Kenvin Blvd. North 43 degrees 09 minutes seconds West. 164.00 fcet to the point or place of BEGINNING. State of New Yor~. Ce~u~ ot ! s~ to be the individual described in and who e~ecutM dm foregoing insU'Lune~; that said subm4bing wimess wu ~,.~mt and mw said ' Sm~e orNew Yo~ik Countyor } e~ evt~me to be dm in'wa--19) whom trane(s) is (afc) ~;bed m the butmma~ dsc ht~s), of tho pa,fort upon Ixfulf o~ which the execuM tb ~n~; tnd tbet old wimess st tho same tlme subs~ibed tlmf~ffbcit~o~odm'~Mlidml~dlv~fo~muftA~stmdo~c~wtryor BARGAIN & SALE DEED TrFL; NO. DIS11UCT SP. CIION Gol~oerg BLO~ Clay lqdellty National 31tie lnmranee Comptny of New York P. Cefl/PJf JY M,~L TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITI,E INSURANCE (~O~,m,b~CobiPANY OF NEw YORK Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Ce~ificme # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (C.c~nty) EA-5217 (Suite) · "R.P.T.$.^. Cortifi~! Copy NY$ Surcharge 15. Other Deed I Mmgnge Tat Stump FEES Sub Tt~l Re~ding I Filing Smmp~ i. Bn.qie Tag 2. AddJtkmnl Tax Sub Tmnl SpecJAssit. OF Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly Mansion Thc properly covan:d by this moflgnge is or will bc improved by n one or two family dwelling only. Sub Total YF, S or NO Grand Total ~ If NO, ~ appropriate tax clause on re_ al_Pro?ny 0.~M2230 1000 05300 0400 044033 idem.on Amount I~00,000.00 Agency ~ $ 7,000. O0 Verification 61 Snfist'acfions/Dischar~s/Relea.~ns U~ Pmpe~y Ownu~ Mnilinf Addrcss .-La RECORD & RETURN TO: Rudolph Bruer, Esq. P.O. Box 1466 Sou~,hold, NY 11971 Improved, Vacant Land TD TD Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forn~ pan of the attached DEED Karen Hagen and Mark ..... A, .u~uo.~ SU~LKCOU~,NEWYORK. TO In the Township of Soul=hold Barbara Ann C1a¥ In thc VILLAGE or HAMLET of G:eenport, BOXES & THRU 8 MUST BP- TYPED OR PRINTED JN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. foyer) I lllllll[[llll[llllmllll[lllllllllll[[illl[llllllfil Iii Iii illllll Illl Humber o£ ;~gesl 4 Ro~eJ. pt Wund~eE : O5-OX:L&072 TRMISFER TAX HUMBER; 05-3.33.04 District; X000 Be~tiou: BloCks 053.00 O&.O0 $500,000.00 ~e~eXve~ ~:~e follcAr~ r..s M Ahoy. :Z. nstnlnn,t TAX MUMBIR[ 05-X350& TH:XB i"Af3B XB & PART Or THB T~3:S XSl MOT & DXLL ~dl~o,--'d ~.RoW Counk~, CXerk, 8M.££o].k County Reoordod: XO/3X/2005 Att X0tXSI45 AM LTBERz 1)00012417 ~A~B: 438 0&& · 033 Ss.oo MO Sxs.oo $75.oo MO $0.00 MO $o.o0 MO $~,000.00 $9,152.00 · PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIi~MLY'WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J/www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 "~1 ~ I Ketwin Blvd. I so~t4o~ I [11944 I Bar~ara Ann IOidy II PIit d i PII#I GIIlik IIN Ippi~1 U~IT m I~0MPNiY , 1 [ IofP~:~40~ O PmofaPa,~d I ~ INFORMA'T1ON I 1~.Dm~dlk/TmM~r I 9 / 29 I 05 I Manta De/ Year B C D I J l$.Fl~kleFdie I , , .5,0,0 ,0 p i0 .e,Ol Full SiM I¥,m k, th~ .,--a MIWU~ pEM hx tll~ pml~W indwd~ p~man.l p~. ~idn~r~ll~ Chlnge in Pl~ln'y BiMqmn T&~libMH~w~uI Mid ~MI DMll Nmle 14'indiagtl'Wlul'Ml~ [ t ! I i ,p 0 · 0 I J ASSESSMENT INFORMA'nON - Dm ohouid reflect the latest Find AMe~mmt Roll and Tax Bill ,5 I ,,. ,,, ,.-,v.,..,., = ,..? ,, ,,., , 1~ ~ ok,, I 2. 1. Oi.L_j ~l. ~.MM... I .... 1000-053.00-04.00-044.033 ~ I I I I I i I mmnc,~,o. I BLIYBR'~ AITOI~EY Rtuer I lh~oXph 631 765-1222 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY