HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12366 P 422 .', 0 I~m~',pb m~ ~e ~ w,.~ Cmmmm'- qm~ Grmmr ', Am - id,tm, mm ~r ~ ................... ~'~ i CO,XSULT ,,'mir L&WVt"R ~YOaL~ mGiqlNO 'r, us LY.'.3're. uMCqT ' This mSTnoMENT SUOUI-U* u~ It~ aY m'&Wl' z~° u~'~'~t TInS INDENTURE, made me ' t/YI~ _dayofJmmary, 2005 BE~EEN .. BA~ ~ ~ULD~-PU~iNO iud MIlL J. PUPINO, hushnd mhd wife, bo~ m~n8 6~ August ~ G~npo~ N~ Yo~ !!~ Lane, Plainview, New York, 11803 party of the second pan, WITNESSETH, dmt the party of the first part, in ennsideration ofTEN ($10.00) dollar, lawful money of the United Strum paid by the party ofthe second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second tmrk the hairs or suceeasors lind assigns of the pa~y of tim second p~m forever, ALL that cemin plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildinp and improvements thereon eFeeted, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same imemisas conveyed to the panics ofthe tim pat by deed dated July 3 I, 2002 recorded in thc Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 1 I, 2002 in Liber 12208 at pag~ 225. 0~-JJTOGETHER with all right, title and inte~ if any, of tl~.. pray of the first l~X in and to any sn~ets and roads abutting the above d~scribed premises to the center lines thetenf. TOGETHER with the aplzuxenuncas and all the estate and rights of the pafly of the first part in and to said FO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises he.in granted unto the pafly of the second part, tl~ heirs or so~.--essors and nssigm of the party oftbe second part forever. AND the party of the fi~ part covenants that the patty oftbe first pat has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatov~r, ex.'pt ns afor~aid. AND THE pm~y of the first pm, in compliance with Se~on 13 of the Lien Law, covenams that the pa~y ofthe first part will receive thc consideration for this conveyance and will bold the risht to receive such consiclc~ation ns a Umt fond to be epplied fu3t for tlx~ purpose of Ixlyins the cost of the im."rovornent, and will apply the same first to the i~yment of the cost of the improvement before ming any pa~ ofthe total of the same for any other p~. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "partics' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, piece or parcel of land, situate, lyin~ and b~in~ at C~eenport, in thc ~o,,~ o~ Sou~o~d, Co,~,y o~ S~o~k ~d S,~ o~,,, Vo,~ k,o,,~.~ ~o~ ~S o~ .~p o.~*.uS~ .jAjAjAjAjAjAjAjAjAX~__~ Sec One at Arsimmomaque, filed 6/3/1991 unde~ Ivlap #9107. Being more parttcutany oomm~u mm dcscribecl as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of August Lane distant 467 feet wcstcdy from d~ cxtt~te westerly end of an arc of a olive which conn~s the southerly side of AuiPtst Lane with Ih~ westerly si~ of Pheasant Place; RUNNING THENCE south 46 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds West 245.00 feet; THENCE Notch 43 degrees 9 minutes 40 s~onds We~t 164.00 feet; THENCE North 46 desrees 50 min~*_~ 20 seconds F.a~t 245.00 feet to the southerly side of August Lane; 164.00 fcet to the point or place of BEGINNING. THENCE South 43 degrees 9 minutes 40 seconds East along the somberly side of August Lane IN WITNESS WliEREOF, dfc ~ of~he first part has duly executed fltis deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: MICltAEL J. PUPINO STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: . On the ~ day of Janumy, 2005, before me, ~h~ undemigned, pemmally appeared BARBARA A. BOULDIN-PUPINO and MICHAEL J. PUPINO, personally known to me or proved ~o me on ~he Msis of satisfilctory evidence to be die individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowlcdged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their si~mttes on the instrument, lhe individuals, or the per, on upon I~.h-*f of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. SPANO ABSTRACT SERVICE CORP. C~m~l~le TIIle Im~e ~end~e 370 Oki ~tt~ I~td, 5't~. ~00(516) 294-7037 Garden CRy, N.Y. 11530 (718) 358-9416 F~ (516) 742-9375 Number of lX~''e ~ TORRENS Cerdfic-,,' # Deed. Monga~ Inb'lmmen{ 31 Notation EA-~217 (Counuy) EA-~2I? R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Al]fidavit Cenificd Copy Reg. ~ Othcr Deed / ~ Tax Stamp FEES SubTotal Sub Total .'~)03 {an i8 12;42;21 WA E~ik~rd P. Ro~aa'.- ne 90FFOLX CiY. IHT. V P 42'2 DT# 04.-24;~9 Recording I IRli~ Sumps Monpfc Amt. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Taz Sub Total Spec. I Asait. or Spec./Add. TOT. ~ TA.X Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Traax~r Tax c~, O~) ~ Mnmion Tax ~ Th~ ~c,j~orty covered by this ~ ii m' will be imMoved by n on~ o~ two family dwelUng only. G~ NO __ I f NO, see appropriate taz ,'lause on pa~e # of,his iaxtrument. 4 , ConunuM Preservation Fund Rcal ~ Cordideration Amount S SO0.00O Properly Tax Semite ~a-.~a:~ CPF Tax D~e $ ?.OOO . Agency ~. _ _..?~-'-. ............... / lmlwoved X]~ Vcrificati n -  Yacen~ Land 1Sausfactioi~isdmrgea~lcase Lift Pr~z~y Owne~ Mffiling Addres~ TI) SPANO ABSTRACT SERVICE CORI:,.. 'rD ConlpleM Title Insuraflc~ Sendoe TI) aToc~oo~na~ed, su,~oo (,,,,e)2e4-7o~' i OarclenOIty, N.Y. llS30 fHe)-q~6 ' {? I Ti~Comim~lnformadon Fax (M6) ?4t-~?s : ...... ~ .......... ' I Co. Nam~ Spino Abstract Servlc~ Corp. . uffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'ibis page fomu pail of the attncl~l Baret~ nndSale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Rurbn~ A. Rmddin=Pu?lnfl and Michael Pupino i' TO Philip Wnh'~ra and I~imne Walters The Ix'cmisis lawe, in is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.". In thc Township of So~fhnld / In the Vn ! AGE or flAMLETof Oreenuort BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR fiLING (over) .{ I lllllll Illl IIlll left Illll Ill lEI Ifil IIlll Illl lie : BUFFOT.K COUHTY CT.ERK RBCORD'FNG PAng 1~pe o£ Znnbgument: DBunH/I)DD Receipt Number z 05-0005923 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-24779 lO00 Deed Anount: LXBERz PAGE: 8ec21on: Block; 053.00 04.00 F,,TA14ZI'i'~)ANDCEARGED~g FOLLOWS $500,000.00 Received ~ttm Following Femm For ]~move Xnmtrmam~t · RAT4SFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-24779 TH~8 PAGE XS A PART OF THE ZNflTR~ TILTH ZS MO~ A BTLL ~v&rd P.Romaine County Clerk, Su£~olk Cotmt¥ 01/18/200S 12;41:21 D00012366 422 Lot: 044. 027 F.~un~t $5.oo MO $15.oo MO $75.00 MO $0.00 MO $0.00 MO $7,000.00 MO $9,152.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRp'J/www, orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (5181 473-7222 IF'OR COUI~'Y USE ONLY .,, I ",.---,,, Iq, '/,,~, *~,£,~1 I N,i,,r =.,,-..-,,,.-.- i / //e td,s~ I ~ .r-,.o~.,,,....,.~,,.-- ~,~ ~J,~,,3~,~,"'"~ "'' ~'T, ,~ I ~ RP- 5217 I I ~ [ Pup£no N EOdy I ~ E~ m Prod) Chink m thff~ ~1~ , 11 ,ofpatuis mq pmof,Pmml 4R. Pbndnunumdwlm'n..~.Mm~qt~)myhlm [] [ Bazbara A. Bould/n- and l~Lcha~l 5. [ I [ SALE INFORMA'nON I l l~ / 08 /2004I I Ol / ~ / 2005 I A ~le BmoM~n Rdm~m or Fo~' Rdm~m ,60,0,01 I 1000 - 053.00 - 04.00 - 044.027 I I I Novlck, Esq. Jeffrey ~1. 516 224-5L00 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY