HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12227 P 662**NO CONSIDERATION'"' THIS INDENTURE, made the 7ut day of'October, in the year two thousand and two BETWEEN. OLORIA R. HAYDEN, es surviving Ic~ant by thc antirccy, residing u122 Bunkcrhil] Drive. Huntin{~on ,New YoH[ 11743, pray of the Fwst pon. and GLORIA R- LIAYDEN. residing nt 22 Bunherhiil Drive. IluntJngtan. New Yc~k {{743. and ROSANNE SINATRA HAYDEN and GLEN R. HAYDEN. es Trumtec~ of the GLORIA HAYDEN GREENPORT QUALIFIED I'ERSONAL RESIDENCE TKUSTdmed Oct·dm- 7. 2002. 22 Runkerhlll Drive. Huntington. Ncw York 11743. ~ p~'ty of the second port. WITNESSETH, that the pony of the fiFst pon. in consideration often Dollars and other valuable coesidarmion imm by the puffy of the Second par~, does hereby grdm and relc~qe un~ the pnn). of the second imrt. the heirs successors and Sesi~ls of the party of'the second part forever. SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACIIEI~I~ff vr',~4 '~ ': 2 -...' · r .{, "Soil f BEING.~e sam. e p~"misas convoyed to Ralph F. Hoyden nad Gloria R. ilaydan, his wife, by decal ,4nt. d Deccmher .6... ~.97.9~ild.recorded in the Off'ice of'the Cleflt or the Coumy of Suffolk on December I~, i979 in Liber 877, Page TOGETIIER with all risht, tkle ami Interest, ifany, or,he puffy of Ute first part in and to any sirra, ts nnd roads dmuing the above duserihed p~mises to the center lin, thereof; TOO i-'TH ER with the nppuneflances and all the cstme nnd ri~ls of~ ixu~.y of the first pm~ in and to Seid e. -,,,;scs; TO HA VE AH D TO HOLD the promises herein ,Ip~nred un~o thc party, of the second pmk. thc heirs or succ%.'ssors and u.~igns of the pony of Ute ~.'cond parr forever AND the pml. y otthe fire parc in cnmpliancc with Seaion 13 or'the Licn Law. covcannt~ that the pony ofthe firsl pm~ will r~ceivc the considarmio, for this conveyance and will hold thc right ro receive such considemfio, as u m~st fund ~o be applied Ilr~r ~r d~e puq~ose of paying the cosl of thc improvem~nt and will apply th· san~ lo tha poymem of thc cost of the imp~ovemem hefore using any puff of'the lul~l of th· esmc t-or any othcr purpose. Thc word "part)-' shall bc conMTued Se it' il read 'parties" wbencvcr the Sense of this indanmrc so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the finsl peri hes duly executed this deed Ute day and )'ear first above written. $~m® of New Y_ork Coumv of ~ On' the 7th day of Onlober, 2002, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared GLORJA R. H^YDEN. per, GriMly known to me or proved to mc on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and ac{mowledGed to me that she executed the samc in her capaciW, nnd thru by he~ siBnaturo on the instrumem, the individual or the person upon hehnlf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. acknowledBment) ERIO M. ImAMER ~._ - Qualified I/1 Suffolk CoOntv WARRANT~- DI:.ED WITH F U L;L'"C~V ENANTS Title No. GLORIA R. HAYDEN, as surviving tenant by the entirety TO GI.ORIA R. IIAYDEN and ROSANNE SINATRA HAYDEN and GLEN R. HAYDEN, ns Tntstees or the GLORIA R. HAYDEN GREENPOR'r QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST, as tennnls-in-common State of'New York ) County of ) ss: On the day or , 2002. bet'ore me. the undersiLmed, permnnlly appeared , personally {mown to me or proved to me on the basis ofsutin£actory cvidenec to be the ifldividuaKs) who~e name(s) is (nrc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to mc that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capecit)~ics), and that by his/her/their sisuaturc(s) off the instrument, the individual(s), or thc peraon upon hehalfof which the individual(s) actecL executed the instrumenL (Sisnamre and oR'ice of individual raking acknowledgment) DISTRIC'F 1000 SECTION 053.00 . BLOCK 06.00 LOT 009.000 COUNTY SUFFOLK RETURN BY MAIL TO: ~c M. KtameF. F.~q. Farrell Frle,. P.C. E~B Plaza. West Tower. 14d~ Floor Uniuadale. New York 11556-0i20 All thc certain plot, picec or parcel of land, with thc buildings and improvemems thcreon erected, situate, lying and hein~ in the Town of Somhold, County of'Suffolk and State of Ncw Yolk, known and designed as Max of lots $$ and $9 on a certain map entltlcd "Map of Wick 'hem Park Lots," formerly owned by Westfield City Realty Corporation. locked at Arshamomoquc, Town of Southold, Suf~lk County, Now York. satyr, ed July 13. 1927 by Otto Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor. of Grccnport, New York end filed in thc Office of'thc Clerk ct'Suffolk County, Scp~mber 28. 1927, as Map ,'No. 644 which said lots are mor~ particularly heundcd and daserihed as follows: BF. GINNING m a point on the easterly side of Bayshore Road dislant 930.64 feet northerly from the comer of the imersectlon of the easterly side of Bayshore Road with the northerly side of Island View Lane, ~aid heg, inoin~ point also bein~ where thc division line between lots 59 and 60 intersects the easterly side of Bnyshore Road; running the. nee north 23 degrees 51 minute~ west alonf~ the easlerly side of l~ayshote Road 100.00 feet to the division line b~ween lots 57 and 58; running thence north 66 degrees 09 minutes east along said division line 166.0 feet to the westerly line of the present ordinary high water mark of Peeonie Pay; muninl~ Ihence south 17 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds east alon8 the westerly llne of the present ordinary high water mark of I'econi¢ Bay 100.60 IL'et to the division line between lots 59 and 60; running thence south 66 degrees 09 minutes west along said division llne, 155.00 feel to the easterly side of Bnyshore Road, the point or place of heF, inning. SAID premises being known ns 3345 Payshore Road. Oreenport, New York 11944. .Numhe¢ of page~ TORRENS Serial # C. enificate # Prior Cfi. # Oeed/ Moa ,gagA instramem Fagc / Filing Fee Handling TP-$~4 ~" Deed I Mortlp~.e Tax Stamp FEES N~alioa EA-$2 17 tCtmm?). EA-5217 iS'tam) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Sub Tm-al Sub Total Grand Total P.F.~0RbED Dec ~0 04:~4:46 F~ F.d~ard P.R~atne Ct.E~K 0F Sa.~FOLK C0UHT¥ L P6~. DT~ 02-21109 Recording / filing S 'taml~ MortgAge Amt. I. Baste Tax 2. Addititmal Tax Sub Total SpecJAs.~it.or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ DuAl County Held f,~ Appoimmen~__ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is m' will he improv~i by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, ~ appropriate tax clnu~e on page # of this in~tmmem. 4 District Real Property Tax .~.rvicc Ageacy Verification Section Block Lot 02048917 zooo 05300 o~oo oogooo Co~,"-""ty l~reaetv~t~m lhmd - ' V~n.t ~od ~ Sati~fm:lion.~Oi~har~e '~Relc~ses List Property ~ Mailing RECORD & R~I'~RN ~: This page forms pa~ or thc attached t~ A t2 ~ A R~T~ ~ ~ ~ m~ by: (SPECI~ ~PE OF IN~RUM~) ~0~ ~ ~ . ~~ q~ p~mi~s he~in i, ~ituatc~in SU~LK COtJN'~ NEW YORK. TO In the Town.~hip of ~'0 ~ '~}'~ 0(.-.~) ~~~r HAMLET or ~ e~ ~O~T ~ BO~ ~ ~8~F ~ ~ D~RIN~ ~ B~ACK INK ONLY PRIOR ~ RE~RDING OR FILING. (twer} I lllll][]]llllllllm ll[l[ll]lllllllllllllllllll I I[]l]llllllllllllll SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDB OFFTCE RECORDIN~ PA~ TTpe o£ Tnetrtment: DEEDS/DDD Hmnber o£ 9&gee; 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-21109 D~etrtct: 1000 DeedAmoun~: LZBER PAGE Ssc2io~: Blocks 053.00 06.00 EXAJCEI~DARD CKARGED AS FOLI,O~8 $o.oo 12/30/2002 04:24z46 Pa D00012227 662 Lotz 009.000 Received the Folloving Fees For Above Znetnment Pa~e/F~ling $12,00 .~O HandZtng COg $5.00 NO NYE 8U~CHG F,A-CA-x $5.00 ~ ~-8TATE TP-584 S5.00 ~ Cern.Copies ~ S30.00 ~ S~ T=~s~er ~ $0.00 ~ C~.PFis Fees Pa~d ;1~,~ ?AX i;OMBSR; 02-21109 TKX8 PAGE Zfl A PART OF THE TNIITR~IGD~ $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 SO $~02.00 Edward P.Romaino County Clerk, Bu££olk ~ounty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I.FORCOVNTY USE ONLY ~ I ,..wr' / PROPERTY INFORMATION ~ L~¢atio. r 3345 I Bayshore Road I Southold REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 [ Greenport [ 11944 [ 2. Buyer Name HAYDNons,,,M~/CO.,^N~Gloria R. a~d %LAYD~. R~n~ ~ln~ra. a~ ~AYD~_ ~-~n_ ~= q~s Of I Gloria R. Hayden Greenport Qualified ~ersonal Residence Trust, as tenants-in-~on I 22 Bunkerhill Drive J Huntinqton I N .Y I 11743 Deed Property I I x L ,s.,.,I Harden IoRI 0 · 7 r .. Subdivision ApprovaJ was Required for Transfer [] Gloria R., as survivino tenant bv I the entirety SALE INFORMATION I '1'1. ~ale Cot, tract Date L/° /7 / O ~.-.T'- ,~.D.,.,~s.,./~,..,~., I/° / 7 /0~" I ,S. Fu, S,,epr~e [ , ~ ~ , ~ ,0 ;0, 0 I (Full SaJe Price is the t0taJ amount paid for the prope~W including personal properW. This payment may be in the 10tm Of cash, Other proDercy or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other ot31]~ations.) P/ease round to the n~arest whole dollsr amount. A B C D E F G H L ~ti~ 053.00 Bi~ 06.00 3 I j I ~t 009.000 I I I SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY