HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport Village-East/West ELIZABETH A. NEVH J.E TOWN CLERK REC-,ISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEIVIENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nor thfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 829 OF 2003 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 16, 2003: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby aerees to a sixty (60) day extension, to February 29, 2004, of the existine aereement between the Villaee of Greenport and the Town of Southold, which is set to expire on December 31, 2003, and pursuant to which the Greenport Fire Depamnent provides fire and emergency services to the East-West Fire Protection District, and be it further RESOLVED that the Village of Greenport shall be compensated for services rendered during the term of this extension according to the terms to be negotiated for renewal of the expiring agreement applied retroactively to January 1, 2004, but not less than $26,384.31 per month (1/12th of the current annual fee of $316,611.68). Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk JOSHUA Y. HORTON SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 l~oute 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 11, 2003 Honorable David E. Kapell Mayor, Village of Greenport 236 Third Street Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Mayor Kapelh Please be advised that the Town Board of the Town of Southold has agreed to pass a resolution on Tuesday December 16, 2003 to extend the contract between the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport dated June 29, 1999, concerning the fire protection and emergency services provided by the Village to the "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District". The Town agrees to extend the existing-contract to February 29, 2004. The Town agrees to compensate the Village for services rendered during the term of the extension according to the terms to be negotiated for renewal of the expiring agreement to be applied retroactively to January 1, 2004, but in no case shall the compensation for the services provided during the extension period be less than $26, 384.31 per month (1/12 of the current annual fee of $316,611.68). Kindly place your signature on the line indicated below, representing the Village of Greenport's agreement to extend the contract as aforementioned. Please return one original to my office and retain the other for your records. A certified copy of the resolution will be foR'carded to your office on Wednesday December 17, 2003. Thank you for your continuing courtesies in this matter. Sincerely, ,/ JoshuaY. Horton Supervisor Accepted~-.~ ~ ~-~ AGREEMENT 29th day of June 1999 between the TOWN BOARD OF ~THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter designatedas the .Town, and the VILLAGE OF GREE~PO~. ~r,~!Jff~olk.COUnty, New York, hereinafte[ designated as the Village. ~.,~ ~ WtTNESSETH, whereas, there has been duly established in the said~ Town a fire protection district known as "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, ToWn of Southold, NewYork", hereinafter designated , as the District, embracing territory in the Town adjacent to the Village as such territory is more fUlly described in the resolution establishing the District and duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 14th day of November, 1945; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing duly called, the Town Board duly authorized the Supervisor of the Town to execute a contract with the Village for fire protection and emergency service, including but not limited to ambulance service, to the District upon the terms and provisions her~ein set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the ~Village~.duly authorized the Village Mayor to execute a contract with the Town to provide fire protection andemergency Service; including but not |imited to ambulance service, to the District under the terms and conditions set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Wardens for the Village of Greenport and other entities identified in General Municipal Law Section 209-b have consented to this Agreement prior to the Town and Village agreeing to the terms and condftionS hereof; N.OW, THEREFORE, the Town does engage the Village to furnish fire protection and emergency service, including but netJimited.-to~amb=lance~ Service, in case of accidents, calamities or other emergencies to said District and the Village agrees to furnish such protection in the following manner, to wit: 1. The Fire Department of the Village shall at all times during the period of this agreement be subject to call for attendanceupon any'fire occurring in such district and all calls to furnish emergency service, including but not limited to ambulance service, and when notified by alarm or telephone call from any person within the District of a fire within the District. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the furnishing of the apparatus of the Village Fire Department and the response by the firemen shall be subject to the orders,of tl~e~Chief of the Fire Department of the Village or his subordinates in authority, who, in their discretion in the event of any emergency as, for example, another fire at the same time, in the said District or in the Village, may designate such men and apparatus to. any particular fire as they may deem necessary. Furthermore, the said Chief, or his subordinates in authority, shall have absolute discretion as to the sending in of additional alarms and calling in responses to a fire by the departme~ of other districts. 2. In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its apparatus as aforesaid, the Town shall pay to the Village annual payments that include the cost of Service Awards Benefits to the District Firemen and the Village will assume responsibility for management and expense of the program. (See Informational Exhibit "A") In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its apparatus asaforesaid, the Town shall pay to the Village the following sums for the years so indicated. 1999 $254,935.00 2000 $267,226.00 2001 $279,517.00 2002 $291,808.00 2003 $316,611.00 The sums set forth above shall be payable by the Town each year during the term of this contract, and shall be payable in part by the 15th of March of each year representing §0% of the total sum due for the year and the balance will be due by the 1st of May of each year. 3. An increase in payment for the fifth year of the contract of $24,803.68 represents 8 1/2% of the payment for the fourth year of the contract ($291,808.00). This increase is intended to compensate tl3e Village for the anticipated inflation over the five-year term of the contract calculated at 1.7% per year. 4. Ail moneys to be paid under this agreement shal.~be.a cbarg~e upon the said District, to be assessed and levied upon the taxable property in said District and collected with the Town taxes; te be listed separately~ ontax bills and not combined with charges for hydrant rental. 5. Members of the Fire Department of the Village while engaged in the performance of their duties in answering, attending, upon or returning from any call provided for by this contract, shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities as if performing the same duty in said Village. 6. This agreement shall continue for a period of five (5) years commencing January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 2003. IN. WITNE~ T[~EREO F, the parties have dUly ~x~uted,. and del~ered .this, agreement the day and year first above mentioned. SEAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD b~Ch?an,~u~r SEAL VILLAGE OF GREENPORT David E. Kapell, Mayor STATE OF NEW YORK) SS.' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On this 7qth day of ' J~zn~ 1999, before me came Jean W. Cochran to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that (s)he resides at Boisseau Avenue .~di,fhnld= , New York; that (s)he is.the Supervisor of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, the municipal EL)7~4, STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) . On this ///z:~ . day of '4~.¢~-- 1999, before me came ~ ~/,~.~ to me p~rsonally known, who b/e!ng by me duly sworn did de~3o~e and say that (s~)resides at ~ , New York; that (s}~__~is the I~ayo~r of t~'he VILLAGE /OF GR'EENPORT, the municipal corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that (s]~ knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Trustees of said Village, and that (s~ signed~,~her' name thereto by like order. NOTARY PUBLIC CHRISTIE HALLOCK Notary Public, State of NewY0d[ Outline of Agreement East-West Fire Protection District Contract Renewal I. ' Preamble to the Agreement: The 1;own and Village Negotiating Committees want language added to the form of the contract that discusses the methodology used to reyiewthe economics of,the relationship between the Village ~nd the ~ review to I1. The, new. language will, in sum & substance, be as follows: 'a. The Town and the Village intend that the cost of fire pro~tecfion tp the combined areas served by the Greenport Fire Dept, (East-West, District an~d Incorporated Vi lage) be borne equitably by taxpayers in both jurisdictions. b. The Town and the Village intend that the (impact of inflation on t~he coSt of delivery of fire protection services) should be anticipated ir~ the schedule of payments to the Village for such services. c~ The impact of growth within the District should be considered in calculating the value of fire protection services provided to the District by the Village. Substance of the Agreement: 1. The committees have analyzed the relative burden on taxpayersi of the DiStrict and the Village for the cost of fire protection services provided by the Greenport Fire Department and that an imbalance exists. District taxpayers are currently taxed at the rate of $34.29 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation while Village taxpayers are taxed at an effective rate of $49.58 per $1,000.00. The committees have agreed to eliminate this imbalance over the first four years of the new contract through annual increases of $12,291.00 to the contract payments. Outline of A.qreement After the fourth year all taxpayers will be paying at an effective rate of $39.10 'per $t,000.00. This effective rate was arrived at by combining the appropriations for ali fire-related expenses of the District and the Villageand dividing the total by the combined gross assessed valuations of the; Distdct and the Village. the new contract will provide for annual payments to the Village that include the cost of ~ the District Firemen and that the Vi[iage. wil[ assume responsibility for the management and expense of the program. The new contract will provide for an increase in the payment for the fi~th year of the contract of $24,803.68. This represents 8 1/2% of thepayment for the fourth year of the contract ($291,808.00).. This increase is intended to compensate the Village for the an~ticipated inflation over the five year term of Contract calculated at 1.7% per year. 4. Following is the proposed schedule of payments: 1999 $173,644.00 (1998 amount)) +$69,000 00 (cost of E-W Service Awards) +$12,291.00 (1st year increase) $254,935.00 2000 $254,935.00 +$12,291.00(2nd yearincrease) $267,226.00 2001 $267,226.00 +$12,291.00 (3rd yearincrease) $279,517,00 2002 $279,517.00 +$12,291.00(4th yearincrease) $291,808.00 2OO3 $291,808.00 +$24,803.68 (5th year increase for inflation). (8 1/2 %) $316,611.68 Out ine of A.qreement - East-West Fire D Strict - Pa.qe Three SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS Combined expenses of Village and East-West District fire protection: 1999-2000 projected Village FD appropriations $380,000.00 $69,000.00 $24,030.00 Total $473.030.00 Combined assessed valuations of Village and East-West District: East-West District $8,077,322.00 Village $4,021,750.00 Total $12,099,072.00 Effective tax rate if total area protected by Greenport FD were treated as district: $473,030.'00 div. by $12,099,072 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation Calculation of equitable contribution from East-West District to Village: East-West assessment roll Less East-West hydrant rental expenses Equitable contribution to Village 1997-98 East-West Contributions: Contribution to Village Service Awards contribution $8,077,732.00 X .03910 $315,839.00 ($24,030.00) $291,809.00 $173,644.00 $69,0OO.OO Total $242,644.00 I to realiz~ equitable ~ontdbution to Village including pread over 4 years: Equitable contribution Less 1997-98 contributions div. by Annual increase for four years $291,809.00 ($242,644.00) $49,165,00 .4 $12,291.00 Fifth year increase to accommodate 1.7% inflation per annum: $291,809.00 X 8.5 Fifth year increase $24,803.68 AGREEMENT 29th day of June 1999 between the TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, New York~ hereinafter designated as the Town, and the VILLAGE OF GREENPORT, :SuffoJk County, New York, hereinafter designated as the Village. WITNESSETH, whereas, there has been duly established in the said Town a fire protection district known as "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York", hereinafter designated as the District, embracing territory in the Town adjacent to the Village as such territory is more fully described in the resolution establishing the District and duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 14th day of November, 1945; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing duly called, the Town Board duly authorized the Supervisor of the Town to execute a contract with the Village for fire protection and emergency service, including but not limited to ambulance service, to the District upon the terms and provisions herein set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Village duly authorized the Village Mayor to execute a contract with the Town to provide fire protection and emergency service, including but nol~ 'imited to ambulance serv ce, to the District under the terms and conditions set forth; and WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Wardens for the Village of Greenport and'other entities identified in General Municipal Law Section 209-b have consented to this Agreement prior to the Town and Village agreeing to the terms and conditions hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, the Town does engage the Village to furnish fire protection and emergency service, including but not limited to ambulance Service, in case of accidents, calamities or other emergencies to said District and the Village agrees to furnish such protection in the following l manner, to wit: 1. The Fire Department of the Village shall at all times during the period of this agreement be subject to call for attendance upon any fire occurring in such district and all calls to furnish emergency service, including but not limited to ambulance service, and when notified by alarm or telephone call from any person within the District of a fire within the District. It is understood and agreed bythe parties hereto that the furnishing of the apparatus of the Village Fire Department and the response by the firemen shall be subject to the order of the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village or his subordinates in authority, who, in their discretion in the event of any emergency as, for example, another fire at the same time, in the said District or in the Village, may designate such men and apparatus to any particular fire as they may deem necessary. Furthermore, the said Chief, or his subordinates in authority, shall have absolute discretion aS to the sending in of additional alarms and calling in responses to a fire by the department of other districts. 2. In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its apparatus as aforesaid, the Town shall pay to the Village annual payments that include the cost of Service Awards Benefits to the District Firemen and the Village will assume responsibility for management and expense of the program. (See Informational Exhibit "A") In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its apparatus as aforesaid, the Town shall pay to the Village the following sums for the years so indicated. 1999 $254,935.00 2000 $267,226.00 2001 $279,517.00 2002 $291,808.00 2003' $316,611.00 The sums set forth above shall be payable by the Town each year during the term of this contract, and shall be payable in part by the 15th of March of each year representing 50% Of. the total sum due for the year and the balance will be due by the 1st of May of each year. 3. An increase in payment for the fifth year of the contract of $24,803.68 represents 8 1/2% of the payment for the fourth year of the contract ($291,808.00). This increase is intended to compensate the Village for the anticipated inflation over the five-year term of the contract calculated at 1.7% per year. 4. All moneys to be paid under this agreement shall be a charge. upon the said District, to be assessed and levied upon the taxable property in said District and collected with the Town taxes; to be listed separately on tax bills and not combined with charges for hydrant rental. 5. Members of the Fire Department of the Village while engaged in the performance of their duties in answering, attending, upon or returning from any call provided for by this contract, shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities as if performing the same duty in said Village. 6. This agreement shall continue for a period of five (5) years commencing January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 2003. ~IN ~WJTFJESS THEREOF, the partie~h=ve duly executed:anddeli~'ered thiS~ agreement the day and year first above mentioned. SEAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bY~~W. Coch~ra~r · SEAL VILLAGE OF GREENPORT / David E. Kapell, Mayor STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.' COUNIY OF SUFFOLK) On this 7{Ifh day Of Jm~n~ 1999, before me came Jean W. Cochran to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did depose and say that (s)he resides at Boisseau Avenue : Soathnlld , New York; that (s)he is the Supervisor of the TOWN STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ~.~,On this //z~ day of ~ 1999, before me came ~.~ ~'~.~ to me I~rsonally known, who be. Jng by me duly sworn did depo~se and say that (s~)resides at /F,Z~ .~: ~c ~ , New York; that (s)~e)is the Mayor of~he VILLAGE /OF GREENPORT, the municipal corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that (s)~ knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Trustees of said Villa.qe, and that (s)~ signed~/her name thereto by like order. NOTARY PUBLIC 6 ELIZABETH A. NEVII TOWN CLERK REGISTRAI~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER 'RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER F~EEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax 516~ 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOVv-N OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BO~iRD HELD ON FEBRUARY 18. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board the payment of $14.[t70.33 per of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes month, effective January 1, 1999, to the Village of Greenport for services provided in protecting the East-Wes~ Fire with the Village for East-West Greenport account number Protection District. pending settlement of a contract said services; said payments to be a legal charge to Fire Protection District budget appropriation SF.3~I O.~.u~O0. 100. Southold Town Clerk February 18, 1999