HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 Notice of Public HearingMeeting of ,March 20~ 1946 The Southold Town Bc~r~ met at the office of Supervisor S. Wentworth Horto~ at GrsenDort, on ~ednesday~ ~rch 20~ 1946. The ~ting was called to order at l:~0 P.~, with the following pressnt: SuDervisor Hor~en, ~uatice Te~y~ Hawkins and ~ipp; Town ~perin- tenden~ of Highways Price; To~ Attorney .Terry; and To~ Clerk Booth. The ~ies cT the previo~ mseting were read and duly approved ~s read. ~oved b~ ~ustice ~wkins, seconded by ~ustice Ter~; Resolved: T~t the necessary papers h~ving been si~ed ~he To~ Board ~coept the strip of land st ~ttituck, N.Y. which the Long Island ~od~e a~d ~er$~izer Go. dedicat, es to the ~own of Southold For the purpose of a h~hway. U~~ Iy adopted. Nove~ ~ Jus;,tioe' ~er~; seconded by ~uztice ~wkins~ Resolved: ~h~t ~he monthly-~udit meet~g of the Town Bo~d be held on ~esdsy, ~pril U~~ iy adopled. Adj~r~ent was R~lph P. Booth Town Cl~rk Meeting of April 2, t946 The Southold Town ~oard met at theoffice of Superv-~$or S. Wentworth Horton at Greenport, on Tuesday, April 2, 1946, The meeting was ca,lied to order at 1:30 P.M~ with the following p~esent: Supervisor Horror; Justices Terry, Hawkins and Klipp; Tow~ Superintendent of Highways Price; Town Attorney Terry, and Town Clerk EoOth~ L~ved by Justice Klipp; seconded by ~ustice Terry; Resolved: That a public hearing will be held in the Village Hall at Greenport on ~0nday ApriI 2B, i946, at 8 PoNo for- the purpose of con- sideri~g contract'ing wi~h the Village of Greenpor~ for fire protec~io~ to ~e furnished by said Village to the Easi--Wes~ Fire Protection District. ~' ~namimously adopted. Moved hy Justice Klipp, seconded by Justice Hawkins; Resolved: That the Supervisor be an~ he hereby is authorized to pur- chase from the Oreenport Auto Sales one Ford two-door sedan at the lowest price obtainable. - BE It Fttrther Resolved' That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to purchase from the Cutohogue .Yuto Sales one Fordtwo-door sedan a~ the lowest Drlce obtainable, these cars are to be used for Police patrol ~mt~y o Moved by Y~stice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Ktipp; Resolved: That each Police car be equipDed with Police Radios, same type as are being used througliout the County in the Sheriff's and Town Police autos, so that these ears may be i~ con~tan~ contact wi~h poli~e network of Suffolk County. Unanimous ly~ adopted; ~oved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice-Y~lipp; Resolved: That the Supervisor be empowered to make arrangen~n$:s to obtain fresh water at the Southold Town Beach. Unanimous ly adopted. Justice Elipp was appointed a committee of one to arrange to have the four fireDlaces ~hioh were destroyed by the hurricane replaced at the town Beach. Moved ~y Justice Klipp, seconded by J~stice Terry; Resolved: That the salaries of eon~lE~es Cheil ~t~o L. ~urig, Azztone ~hit~zk, Jam~.s P. Kelly,-~George G. ~etmore and Henry ¥. King be set at $8,0Q per day and Constable ~ohn Muir,. Desk Night ~n at Town Police Office be set at $5.00 per day to ~ake effect as of April 1st, 19&6. Lr~a ~mous ly adopted, The Town Board sat as a Committee on audi~ $o examine c]~,.ims egainst the Town. Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry; Resolved: That C~e~eral Bills in the amount of -$1,805.32, Re~bur~, able ~fetfare bills in the amount of $4.00 and Non-reimbursabZe ~etfare ~ilia in the amount of $2~.03 be and the same are here~y ordered pai~. Unanimously adopted. ~The minutes of th~ previous meeting were read and duly ~pproved as read. ~Ioved by Justice }fli~p, seconded by ~ustice Terry; Resolved: That the own furnish suitable uniforms for each of the Town Const~ables. Unanimously adopted. ~lW_o~e~-. ~b~:J~$~e~. tTer~:, ~o~ded by Justice ~wki~; Resolved: That the r~lar mont~y ~o~ Board ~et~g be held on Friday, April 19, 1948, at 1:30 P,E. - -~ '~. ~ .-~;~. Urea ni~ ly ad,ted. -~ Adjo~nt was at 3:45 P.M. RalPh P. Booth Town Glerk