HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/1945 Notice of Public Hearing~oved by Justice ua e, seconded by Justice Klipp. Resolved: That the monthly Audit _m~eting of the .Tot~ Board will be held en ~ov. 7~. 1545, at 1:50 P.M. and the ~~ budget meeting be held at 2 A.M. Unanimously adopted.- Adjournment was ~i 4 P.M, ToE Olmrk ]Eeet2.a~ ~ N0vem~er .~, 1945 The Southold Town Bo~r$~'~t at the office of Supervisor S. Wentworth Herren, at Greenport, o~ ~ednesday, Nov. ?, 1945, T~e meeting was called to order to 1:30 PJ~. ~i~hthe followimg present: Supervisor HorZon; Justices Terry, EarWigs and ~se; To~ Su~in~endent of H~ways ~ice; ~o~ A~er~ey Terry To~ Clerk The Board sat a~ once as a committee oa audit t.o examine Claims against the Town concluding the audit at This Town Board has met at the time and place specified in_ the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and as~ there were no interested persons havin~ appeared before the Board to speak either f~or or against any o~ the items in the proposed budget, the hearing onZhe budget was formally closed at 2:i0 P.M. Moved by Justice Hawkins; seconde~ by ~ustice Case: On roll call u~animously adopted. Resolved: That this Town Bosrd does hereby adopt such pre- ll~y b~get as originally camDiled, as the an~uat budget of this Tow~ for ~he fiscal year beginning on ~he First day efjanuary, 1946, and that such ~mdget as sc ad~p~ed be entered i~ detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this ToE Boar~ as Yellows: Highway Fun~ . Machinery Fum~ 60,.000, t8,000, Fer Sno~ Removal For ~eeds, Brush ete~ F~rsalary, T~ Sup~ H!~ghways For other Misc. Purposes 4,000., 4,000. 3 ~500~ 6,000. 500. t8,000, P~bllc Libraries Memorial Day Observance P~blic Welfare General Fund 7,500. 200, t0,000~ Ffxe~ Salaries: Supervisor Town Glerk Registrar Tew~ Counsel Justi, e of Peace Assessors (6) Receiver of Taxes A~tendance Officer Go,stables Gte~k for Supervisor,Sr. Stene. ~lerk for Supervisor, Jr. Stone. Clerk for Tax Bo~k General ~lerk ~onatabtes & Special Officers 4,000. 2,000. 1,200, 6,000. 7,300. 1,500. 750. 15,000, 1', 500, 1, OOO. 1,500, 1,200. 3,000~ 46,250.- Rent for supervisors Office 4~0. Rent for other Town Offices 1,200. Advertising & Notices 0~fic~ -Expenses, Telephone,Postage Stationery Eta; Premiums on Bonds,Supervisor, Beeeiver of ~Taxes, Highway Sup 't. 1,500. Clerk on Assessment Rolls 508. E~pensea - AsS essors ZOO. Assessment Rotlm 300. ~ml~enses - Justices of Peace 300. Salaries - Clerks for Receiver of Taxes 800. 1,500. 1,000,. E'~enses- Receiver of Taxes 500. tUsurance - GomDensation, ~raffic Lights, To~2 Beach t,000, Supplies Fees to Physicians Beach TeE. Dum! - Operation ;ireme~t System ~tiom of.Towns, Nembership Fees ~e Fttu~. Light, Water, To~m Clerks Office A~vertisimg FUnd 5,000. ~00. 5,000. 50, t,000, 300. 25, 500, 1,000. 3,000. 200. 2,000. ~00. ~00. 500. 5,000, ESTIM&TED RECEIPTS MOrtgage'Tax Income Tax Franchise Tax ~verage Tax Tax P~atties L~enses (dog} ~icenses I~ines & Fees G~cessien at Town Beach Re~ Unexpended ~alance Orient Fire ; Light Mosquito EastMarion Fire Light ~and Light Flashers Island Fire ~thGld Fire ~ S!~thol~ Light SoftWoOd Park PeO0nic Light ~ch~gue Fire ~u~ehogue Light Ma~titUck Fire ~a~ti~Uck Light ~ Ma~ti~uck Light 1,500. 10,000. 12,000. 16,000. 800. 600. 10. 600. 150~ 10. 2~,000. 3,000. ' 1,t~?.48 2,000.00 t,000.00 1,i02.4~ 1,600.00 8,783.00 14,770,00 2,010.96 2,500.00 1,487.52 8,575.00 2,499.96 7,500.00 3,020.04 507,48 SOHOOA DISTRICTS 2 ~ient 3 East Marion 4 Fishers Island 6 Southold ? Peconic 8 Cutchogue ~ Mattituck l0 Greenpor t ll Laurel t2 CUtchogue i4 Nattituck 15 New Suffolk 14,250,00 6!,735.00 4,198,20 1t,970~00 40,7~0.00 i02,~65~35 Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: .That The Superintendent of Highways be and hereby is authorized to contact Louis Baker and have the lights on Jockey ~reek Bridge at Southold connected with ~he regular 1~ c~ren~. Un~~ly ad~pted. ~ve~ by Justice ~w~ns, seconded by Justice T - Resolved: That ~neral Bills in the amo~$ of $,V43,41, E~ ~sable Welfare Bills in the a~ ef 45~, Non-reim~sable ~lfare Bills in the amo~t of $0~98, be and the same is here~ &rdered paid. Unanimously adopted ~ Moved by Justice Hawkins, seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: That a meeting of the ~o~ Board will be held a~ the office of the Supervisor at Greenport, on Wednesday, November 14, 1~45, at 1:30 P.M. A Public Hearing on the proposed Fire Protection District be held in Village Hall, Greenport at 2 Unan~o~z~Iy adopted. 'Adjomrmm~en~ was at 45L0 Ralph P. Booth Town Glerk ~The Board canvassed the ballot caEt on the Library appropriation in the General Election of November~ 1955. The vote was as follows: Yes- ~37 ~ No- 125 ; Blank- 969 ;. The~proposition to appropriate $7500 annually for the fiscal years 1956 and 1957, for the support of public libraries in the Town of Sou%hold was duly declared passed. ~ThelBoard canvassed the ballot cast on the Incinerator Plant ~appropriation in the General Election'of.November~ 175~. The vote was as follows: Yes- ~68 tNo- 299 ,Blank- 761 ;,