HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast West Fire Protection Thil Agreement, made this first day o2 , ~al~! !~ ,~1, , between · e~i~ ~ t~ T~, ~ t~ ~l~ of Gre~, ~fo~ Ce~ty, N~ York he~fft~ de~t~ a; the ~S~. ~ the~ ~e ~e~ d~ esta~i~ ~ of ~hol~, N.Y.w, ~er ~esi~t~ t~ito~ ~ ~ ~m ~J~ent to the .~ Vil~ as .~ te~$o~ is mo~ ~y desc~ ~ the ~l~tion esta~li~h~ ~h Di.trict a~ A~ ~opt~ ~ t~ To~ ~ of the T~ en the l~th ~ of N~emher, 1~, ~t~riz~ a ~nt~t with the Vitae fer ft~ p~te~i~ to the ~strict ~ste~ ~ tBe ~r of the Vi~, t~ion ~ the ~er fo~, t~ ~t=- 1. ~ ~e ~~ of the Vi~e ~1 at all t~ far att~uce upon ~ fire oc~ in ~i~ Distr~t, ~ ~tm~t s~l rexona ~ att~d ~en the fire ~t~t ~e~ with one or more cg~es, a~e ~e~, ~ ~d hose ap~a of the ~l~e, as 1 ~0 gal. ~er with ~0 1 ~0 gal. p~er with ~ gal. ~er 1 ~ek ~d ~er 1 flood ~ht 1 ~1~ ~on Upon arriving at the scene ~f the fire the firemen of the Village attending shall ~roceed ~iligently an& in every w~7 reasonably suggested to the extinguishment of the fire and the saving of life and property conneetioa therewith. It is understood aud agreed 1~ the parties hereto tha$ the furnishing of Tee apparatus of the Village Fire Department and the response By the firema~ shall subject to the or~er of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment of the Village, or his subordimates in authority. Who, in their discretion in the event of a~ emergency as, fOX- ew~wple, another fire at the same time in the said District or in the Village. may designate luch and apparatus to any particular fire as they may deem necessary, ~urthermore, the said Chief, or his subor- dimates in authority, shall h~ve absolute~ discretion as to the sending in of additional alarms ~nd calling in re~ponse t.o a fire the department of other districts. In consideration of the f~nishing aid and the use of the apparatus as aforesaid, the Village shall receive the sum of ~,60~,0~ Dollars per year during the period of this Agreement. All monies to be paid under this Agreement shall be a charge u~on the said District, to ~e assessecl ~ml levie~ upon the taxable property in said District and collected with the Town Taxes, and shall be payable as follows.' ($5,$00. on the first day of February, 1952; $3,600. on the first d~y of February, 1953] $3,600. on the first ~7 of February, 1955; $3,600. on the first day February, 1955~ and $1,800. on the first day of Fe~,~ry, 1956. ) ~ts A~reeme=t s~_~ years f~om the date IN WITam$S W~F, th~ 1M~rtie. have ~ execute~ and Aelivered tills agreemat the da~ and year first &~ove moatione~t. T~ TOff ~OA~D OF TI~ TO~ ~' SOUTHOLD Attest: MAYOF~ OTIS M. BURT ROBERT C. MORR~S OSCAR gOLDIN W. RODMAN PELL JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ELLA L, PHILLIPS ~i[[ay'e o~ ~reenport, Suffolk &unt% ~. Y~ Nay 25, 1951 Mr. Noman E. Xlipp, Supervieor Town of Southold ~reenoort New York Dear Mr. Elipp: In reply to your letter of May 19th, to Mayor ~urt, this is to advi~e that the 8tare Insurance l~un~[ Policy No. A 219 8~1 t$ still in force and the name of the aseure~ is Village of Greenport anSI/or Ea~t-1~e~t Fire Protection Dietrict. Yours very truly Village Clerk