HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast-West Fire Hydrant This Agreement, made this first day of July
1946~ between the Town Board of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter designated as the
Town, and the Village of Greenport~ Suffolk County, New
York~ hereinafter designated as the Village,
WITNESSETH~ WI~EREAS there has been duly established
in the said Town a fire protection district known as
"East-West Greenport Fire Protection District~ Town of
Southold, N.Y.", hereinafter designated as the District,
embracing territory in said Town adjacent to the said
Village as such territory is more fully described in the
resolution establishing such District and duly adopted by
the Town Board of the Town on the 14th day of November~
194~, and
~EREAS~ following a p~bllc hearing duly called
of the said Board duly authorizing a contract with the
Village for the furnishing of water for fire protection
purposes through the said District, upon the terms and
provisions herein set forth, and
WHEREAS, this contract has also been duly authorize~
by the Board of Trustees and the Na¥or of the V~llage,
NOW, THEREFORE~ in consideration of the amount
to be paid and of the mutual covenants and agreements
as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto Agree as follow~
1. The Village agrees, throughout that portion of
the District where its water mains are now installe¢
to install hydrants for fire protection purposes,
to the end that maximum protection for fire
insurance purposes
to the said mains.
The Village agrees,
is afforded to property adjacent
from time to time, as cond~ipns
warrant, to extend its mains throughout the~
roads of the District, and to install hydrants
therein at the ra~of not less than ten (10)
hydrants per mile.
In the event that to afford a maximum of protectio
for fire insurance purposes the installation of
hydrants at a rate of exceeding ten hydrants per
mile is indicated in any portion of the district,
the parties will agree upon the location of such
hydrants, and~ should they be unable to agree as
between themselves as to the proper location of
such hydrants, such hydrants will be installed
in accordance with the recommendations made by
the engineers or other representatives of the
Board of Suburban Insurance Underwriters or other
appropriate Board having authority to fix rates
and establish rules for fire insurance purposes.
In consideration for the installation of the
hydrants and the furnishing of water for fire
protection purposes, the Town shall pay to the
Village the sum of Forty (840.) Dollars per
hydrant per year for a term of five (~) years.
The Village undertakes to furnish and maintain
sufficient water pressure to meet the requirements
of Board of Suburban Insurance Underwriters, or sue
other Board as has authority to establish
specifications as to required pressure, for
warranting reduced fire insurance premiums, and
the payments indicated above shall be paid for
those hydrants which meet such specifications and
The liability of the Town for such payments
shall commence when notice to the effect that
such hydrants ~ve been installed and approved
has been given to the Town Clerk or Town
Supervisor by the Village. All payments due to
the Village by the Town pursuant to this agreement
shall be made on the first day of February of
every year during the term of this agreement~ at
which time the Town shall pay to the Village the
amounts owing to and including the thirty-first
day of December of the preceeding year. In the
event that this contract is not renewed at the
expiration thereof~ the Town shall pay to the
Village such amount as may be due at the termina-
tion of this agreement withi~ sixty (60) days
after ~uch expiration.
All moneys to be paid under this agreement shall
be a charge upon the district to be assessed and
levied upon the taxable property therein and
collected with the town taxes.
6. This agreement shall continue for a period of
five (5) y~ars from the date hereof.
IN ~ITNESS YfIEREOF~ the parties have duly executed
and delivered this Agreement the day and year first above
-V%Ma~or -
Village Clerk