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29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Flussie, Councilman Lizewskl,
Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Hanris. No: Councilman Wickham.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM; I think the current legislation is quite adequate. There
has been no confusion on it. t has worked quite well. The impact of this
change is basically to sideline the Planning Board, and I don't support it for that
COUNCILMAN PENNY: I don't know where this sidelining, and this impact s.
It is no change, it is a clarification of the Code, as i've already read. I think
that there are a lot of m~sconceptions going on, that are being fostered by those,
that lead committees that are supposed to be clarifying, and develop working
relationships between Boards. Well, to throw the Boards on top of each other.
especially in Town Code, and support that sort of thing, doesn't give any sense
of direction to this community, ancJ I can't believe that this is still going on.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: Does the Board wish to enact the agreement with the
Village of Greenport for the fire hydrants contract for five years?
30.-Moved by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Justice Edwards,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to enter into an
agreement with the Villa.ge of Greenport for furnishing water for fire protection
purposes in the "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District"; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing at 4:30 P.M., on lhe 15th day
of June, 1993, for the purpose of considering said agreement [or a period of
five (5) years, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to
be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott
L. Harris to execute a contract with the Village of Greenport, Suffolk County,
New York, for the furnishing of water [or fire protection purposes by said
Village to the Fire Protection District established in said Town and known as
"East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York",
upon the following general terms, to wit: (1) The contract shall be for a term
of five [5) years. (b) For such service the Town shall pay the Village of
Greenport the following sums:
Calendar Year 1993 - $110.00 per hydrant
Calendar Year 1994 - $118.00 per hydrant
Calendar Year 1995 - $126.00 per hydrant
Calendar Year 1996 - $131.00 per hydrant
Calendar Year 1997 - $137.00 per hydrant
(c) Such other incidental terms as may be necessary or proper in connection with
such contract.
30.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes; Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Councilman Wickham, Councilman Penny, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Harris.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED,
SUPERVISOR HARRIS: I~d like to acknowledge the work that Councilwoman Hussie
did on behalf of the Town of Southold in reference to this hydrant contract. There
were a lot of hours put in, and Alice, you did ~ good job. At this time, that ends
the regular portion of our agenda in r~ference to resolutions. Before I go out
to the public to hear of anything you m. ay feel may be of importance to this BoarcJ,
that we should have a thorough knowledge of, I would like to, at this time, address
a gentleman, Gerry Dennehy, who was member of the Land Preservation Committee
for a number of years. Before that he was a member of the Farmland Agricultural
Committee. rvlr. Qa-aJehy deserves the gratitude of the people of this town. He
certainly will deserve and does deserve the gratitude of the Board of Southold
Town in reference all the people, that we represent. ~Ir. Dennehy has been, ]
think, a quiding light on many issues, because of his wisdom, which .he has over
the years garnished, and certainly I have to say, that I'm proud that he was a
member of our Lanc~ Preservation Committee, disappointed that he wi] not continue
in that capacity, and certainly will make sure that this is permanent part of the
record, and that his recognition, obviously, will take place for many decades to
come of those who will read these m~nutes in the future. So, know you're here,
Mr. Dennehy, in the audience, and I'just want to thank you. He's not here. I
thought he was n the back. I iust want to take this time to thank him for his ~'
dedication, and time. This is a volunteer basis position, and it does not get,
obviously, paid, and these people do donate a tremendous amount of sacrifice,
there's a tremendous amount of sacrifice, in relation to they're doing the job
one hundred percent of the time, so I want to thank him for that. Also, I'd like
to at this time, §o out to the audience. I know that there are a few individuals
that want to address this Board. We have the future of our Township, our young