HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 Water for Fire Protection20,4: JUNE,., COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Frank, I asked Jim to be added because the last resolutlor~ just stated Town Board and he and are definitely going and weql be leaving early that morning and just staying for the Monday session because we both cha:tted about the~second day session and both of us :feel it's not that worthy as the first day, so anyone else who~s interested in going along with us, weql be leaving ee, rly that morning and coming back the same night. But ] have to know because we have to call for registration. COUNCILWOMAN LARSEN: Okay, Iq! definitely ge. COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Anyone else? (No) Okay. 3q.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilm Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Justic~ LEdwards, Supervisor Murphy. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, Number 35, being that we had nobody speak in favor or ppposed to the proposed contract with East-West Greenport Fire Protection District that we had tonight.,_ I think we should have a resolution approving the agreement, 35.-Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to enter into an agreement with the Village of Greenport for furnishing of water for fire protection F~urposes in the Eest-=West Greenport Fire Protection District"; and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing at 8:00 P.M., June 1ti, 1~88, for the purpose of considering said agreement for a period of five years, at which time all inter- ested persons were g van an opporton ty to be heard thereon; now, therefore,, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Francis J. Murphy to execute a contract with the Village of Greenport, Suffolk County,' New York, for Lhe furnishing of water for fire protection purposes by said Village to'the Fire Protection Dlstr~ct estabhshed in said Town- and known as East-West Cree~tport F~re Protection District, Town of Southold, New York", upon the following general terms, to wit: [a] The contract shall be for a term of five years. (bi For such service the Town of Southoid shall pay the Village of Greenport :the following sums, to wit: Calender Year 1988 - $80.00/per hydrant Calendar Year 1989 - $85.00/per hydrant Calendar Year 1990 - $90.00/per hydrant Calendar Year-1991 - $95.00/per hydrant Calendar Year 1992 - $100.00/per hydrant lc) Such other incidental termas as may be necessary or proper in connection with such contract. 35.-Vote of Lhe Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Larsen, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Penny, CounciiwGman Cochran, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy. This reealutlon was declared duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We have now gone through the prepared and added-on- agenda, and at this time I would like to ask any Councilmen if they have anything further to comment on? Ray? JUSTICE EDWARDS: Nothing, thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ellan? COUNCILWOMAN LARSE.N: Yes, it was truly a proud moment to be a membet~ of the Southold Town Board when we dedicated our STOP Program today, Frank;~ The Landfill looks lovely. The signs were lovely. The children were great and tt was a proud moment for 'the Town. Thank you. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, i agree with you. Jean? COUNCILWOJ~AN COCHRAN: Nothing, thank you, sir. SUPER~/ISOR MURPHY: Okay. George? CouNCILmAN PENNY: Oh, noth~ng~ thank you, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ruth? COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: N~), nothing, Ch~ won't [et me. COUNCILMAN PENNY: Come around more often, Chris. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: ' Okay,'at this Ume I Would like to ask anybody in the audience, any of the throngs out there who would like to address the Town Boa~d on any matter that is of any concern. We're here to listen. Starting on my left? '