HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 5 yr ContractJANUARY 7, 1.986 ~' ~ ~t_
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: There is a public hearing scheduled at 8;08 o'clock tonight
and we'll wait and move on to item V on Resolutions.
advertise for bids.
The first resolution is to authorize the Town Clerk to
I. Moved by Justice Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Cechran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of SOuthold hereby authorizes and
'~ , dlr~cts the Town Clerk to advertis~ for bids for the purchase of two (2) 1986
150HP outboard motors for the Privateer Police Boat, ail in accordance with th~
specifications for bid. Bid shall include trade-in of two (2) 198,2 Mercury Out-
- board Motors with Power Trim and Tilt~
1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-
man 5chondebare, Councilman Stoutenbur~h, Justic~ Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 2 is'appointments to the Council on Veterans Affairs.
2. Moved b~ Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Soutbold hereby appoints Anthony
W. Pacholk, Burton Potter Post No. I85, American Legion, Greenport, a member of
the Council on Veteran's Affairs for the Town of Southold for the term January 1,
1986 through December 31, 1986; he to serve in'said position without compensation,
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby appoints Bernard A.
Heane¥ Catholic War Veterans, St. A.qnes Post No. 730, Greenport, s member of
the Council on Veteran's Affairs for the Town of Southold for the term January 1,
1986 through December 31, 1986; he to serve in said position without compensation.
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-'
man Schondebare, Councilman Stoutenburgh, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 3 is to amend a previous resolution.
3. Moved by Councilman Stoutenburgh, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby amends their Resolution No. 13, adopted
on December 17, 1985, with respec[ to the public 'hearth9 on the "East-West
Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York", by addin,q:
Contract for a term of five years, commencing on January 1, 1986:
1986 - ~ 70.000.00
1987 - $ 80,000.00
1988 ~, 90,000.00
1989- $100,000.00
1990 - $110,000.00
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-
man Schondeba~e, Councilman Stoutenburgh, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 4 is to amend another resolution.
q. Moved by Councilman Schondebare, seconded by Councilwoman Cochran, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends their'
Resolution No. 18, adopted on December 27, 1988, declaring that an emergency
exists in the need to immediately repair the Hg0E payloader: transmission for th~
Southold Town Department of Public Works, to increase the authorized repair to
a cost not to exceed $20,300.00. (12/27/88 resolution stated ~13,000.00.)
~. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-'
man Schondebare, Councilman Stoutenburgh, Justice Edwards, Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Number 5 [s to adopt the budget for Year XI[ of the
- Community Development Program.
5. Moved by Councilman Penny, seconded by Justice Edwards, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the
following bud.get for the Year Xll Community Development Program:
Housing Programs. ............................. $107,700.00
Administration ................................... 21,840.00
East End Community Services, Inc ............... 12,500.00
Crime, Drug, Alcohol Prevention Program ......... 6,000,00
Clar~/Scallop Program ............................. 8, 000.00
Contingencies .................................... 11; 960.00
Total ....... ~-~-~, 000.00
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-
man Schondebare, Councilman Stoutenburgh, Justice Edwards. Supervisor Murphy.
This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
JANUARY 21~ 1986 .~ 2 6 ?
or trying to make happen, is the State Legislature to pass legislation for the creation
of a Long Island Pow~ei~ Auth0r~,,~¢,,z!.~h~!%~other~,uis to put a stop to Shoreham. But
it was interesting tha~ to date there ~'~r~ sixty two public officials--some from State,
many from Suffolk, and a limited amount from Nassau, and they were going to try
to encourage more Nassau officials to add their support to this group. It was his
feeling that the legislation had a good chance of passing the Assembly this coming
year. So it's going to be an interesting issue to keep our eyes on. That's it.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Judge Edwards?
JUSTICE EDWARDS: The only thing I'd like to mention, Frank, is the people on
Fishers island are looking forward to the appearance of some of the Town Board
over there next Saturday for, I guess you can cai it, the beginning of the hamlet
meetings on the Master Plan. That's it, Frank. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. At this :time I would like a resolution to recess
to have the public hearing that's .scheduled at 3:30 today (East-West Fire Protection
District contract).
Moved by Councilwoman Cochran, seconded by Councilma~ Stoutenburgh, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at thls :time, 3:30 P.M.· for the purpose of holding
a public hearing on the proposed East-West Fire Protection District'contract with the
Village of Greenport.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Cochran, Council-
man Schondebare, Councilman Stoutenburgh, Justice Edwards, Sqpervisbr Murphy.
This'reaolution was declared duly ADOPTED.
Meeting reconvened at 3:35 P.M.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, I would just like to comment on [he SupervisOr that
there wi[[ De a presentatlo~ to the Town Board and to any interested c|ti~ens and
Town Board members, any public officials from around here, on the new type of
digester system that has great potential for our Landfill; We are going to invite
many people to listen to the presentation and hopefully thls might be one of our
answers to solving many problems with the future.
COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Prank, have you suggested this meeting to the
State so incase there was someone who missed that presentation they r~ight want
to send someone down.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Harold Berger knows about it and he will be told. PII.ask
him to come, as well as the Farm Bureau, the Extension Service.
RUTH OLIVA: Frank, you didn't give a date.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: It will'be Tuesday, a week from today, at 9:30 - January
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: The second item on your agenda, Public Notices.
I. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, N~w York District, Public Informatloh
Announcement. The Department of the Army has reallqned the regulatory boundaries
of the Corps of Engineers Districts within the State of' New York. Transfer of
regulatory powers is immediate.
2. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Herbert Greenfield to construct approximately 208 linear
feet of new timber bulkhead; add 6 ft. return and dredge along new 'bulkhead.
Little Peconic Bay Sou[hold. Written comments to the DEC by January 31s[, 198~.
3. New York State Department of EnvironmentaJ Conservation, Notice of
Complete Appllcation~ of Beixedon Estate Property Owners, cio John NicklP% to
dredge inlet and pl~ce spolJs in area of shoals and mudflats and area of adjacent
area to create a beach area. Pettys Pond, Sou[hold. Written comments to [he DEC
by January 31st, 1906.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Moving on to Item No. III on your agenda is Communications.
1.' From the Matti[uck Chamber of Commerce asking all public officiaJs and
any members of the public who would [ike to attend a dedication of the parkinq
lot [n'Mattituck for Ray Dean. It will be held Wednes~t~y, January 22nd, 12 Noon
in Mattituck.
2..a~Letter from Senator Michael J, Tully, Jr. concer~ lng approval of a comp-
re.he, ns~ve measur,e..to address the municipal and school dlstr ct nsurance I ab tv
cr~s~s facing Iocaht[es. This Town, as well as the Supervisors Association, hay'~
already commented o~ this and have worked along with him, and we will'support
it again.
JANU.~RY 21~ 1986
RUTH OLIVA: Jean and I the I~t~me~i~i~eni:~he=~eillmlnary map came out, we asked
the papers if they would run i,t. ~n~l i0 n with J~an, I think it would be a good idea
if the Board would ask the papers to run it se that the people really would have a little
story with it, because you're going to get more input that way. They don't read the
back pages, unfortunately, or they don't go to the library. So if they see a copy of
that map you're going to get more responses I think,
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: We have representatlv~s from all the papers in the Town,
maybe they would be happy to bring it back to their bosses.
MRS. TIEDKE: I want to invite ali of you to our next League meeting--our next
League of Women Voters meeting is'February 5th in the Presbyterian Church n
Cutchogue. Jim' Pimm, who is Hazardous Waste Manager for the County of Suffolk,
Department of Health, and our own Ray Jacobs are going to be our speakers, and
we'd be very happy to have you attend.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you, Jean. Anyone else? Ruth?
MRS. OLIVA: Again I just wanted to emphasize what Jean said about trying to get
these maps, if you could, into the papers, because I think it would just be a big
help to the people and you'll get a better input from them because it will'be before
them. That's how we got it last time, otherwise I don't think we would have gotten
as many people out as we did. Number two, Paul brought up at Work Session about
the Orient Point property, that it is in Coha]an's Capital Budget, and I know the
Board has passed a resolution twice and sending ~t, I believe, to the County or to
Greg Blass, supporting the preservation of Orient Point, and 1 was just wondering
now if that it is in the Capital Budget, if the Board would authorize the Supervisor
to write a stock letter and send copies to each of the west end legislators. I think
it would be a big help that they know that the Southold Town Board is in favor of
it, not just the Orient Association or what have you. I think it would be very effective.
Thank you.
MR. DAVID SPOHN: Supervisor Murphy, members of the Town Board. My name
is Davld Spohn. I speak to you as the Town Contact on the Airport Site Selection
Master Plan Study. I have a brief memo to read and it has supporting documents
and material. "The Consolidated Report of the Airport Site Selection Study for the
Town of Southold, New York has been approved by the FAA and the ~ew York
State Department of Transportation. Site Number 5 has been selected by the report
and the FAA. Since this is necessary to identify a site to be used as a model for
planning purposes, it 'is recommended that Site Number 5 be approved by the Town
Board as well. If' it is deemed necessary, schedule an additional infor~atiohal meeting
on Phases I and I[ for interested parties." Thank you very much. And I have thls
document which I'll give to Judy and she can make copies for everyone.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Wi]] you repeat that last statement. What did you say?
MR. SPOHN: The last sentence: "if it 'is'deemed necessary, schedule an addltiohal
informational meeting on Phases I and II for interested parties." That was the last
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. We hope to very shortly. Okay, anyone else
in'the middle? Chief?
GREENPORT FIRE CHIEF QUARTY: I'd like to know what the Town Board's going
to approve or disapprove the East~West contract? When that's goin~J to come up.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: The Town Board will have to adopt a resolution to authorize
the Supervisor to execute the contract.
COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Well, pass the resolution.
SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, we'll do that right now. First---anyone else on the
~ight? Any other comments? (No response.) If not I'd like to go back to resolutions
and add one more which is-to authorize the Supervisbr to execute the East-West Fire
District contract with the Vigage of Creenport.
Moved by Councilman Schondebare, seconded by Councilman Penny,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to engage the Village
of Greenport to furnish fire protection and emergency services in case of accidents,
calamities or other emergencies to the Town fire protection dlstrlc~ known as "East
West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York," and the
Village of Greenport agrees to furnish such protection, and
WHEREAE, a public hearing with respect to said prooosed contract between the
Town of Southold and Village of Greenport was held at 3:30 P.M., Tuesday,
January 21, 1986, at which time all persons were given an opportunity to be heard,
now, therefore, be it