HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 Notice of Public Hearing Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Cound~lman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: In case you boys don't know what we're talking
about, Fishers Island is an island off of Orient Point. It is under
Southold Town. It is part of your Township. They have a ferry boat
that takes the people from the island to New London, Conne¢%ieu~ and
they run the ferry boat themselves and any cos~ co that ferry boat
is billed to the residents of Fishers Island, but we as Town officers
control the funds for that district so all that we read jusn now
concerns Fishers Island and the ferry boat that is going into dry-
dock for repair.
ll%~.~n motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, it was
RESOLVED that a-~ublic hearing will be held by the Town Board of the
Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Southold Town Hall,
~ain Road, Southold, New York~ on the 2nd day df December, 1980 at
8:10 o'clock P.M. of said day,,for the purpose of considering a
contrac~ with the Villageof Greenporn, Suffolk County. New York, for
fire protection to be furnished by said Village to the Fire Protection
District established in said Town and known as "East-West Grsenpor~
Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York - upon the follow-
ing general 5erms, no wit:
(a) The Fire Departmenn of said Village shall be subjec~ to call
for attendance upon any fire occurring in said District with a minimum
of three pi~css of apparanus and suitable men and equipment when notified
by alarm or by telephone call from any person within said District.
(b) When notified by silent alarm or alarm other than a general
alzrm, said Department shall respond with such men and apparatus as
shall be deemed suitable by tho Chief of said Department.
(c) The emergency rescue and first-aid squad of the Village
Fire DeparSmen~ shall render services within said District in cases
of aecidenns0 calamities or other emergencies,
(d) Thaccontract shall be for a term of five years con~nenaing on
January 1 1981.
(e) For such service the Village of Greenport shall receive the
following sums annually, Do wit'~ 1 - $ 6 000 · $d2,000;
(%) Such other indicsntial tsrm~ as may be nscessary or proper in
~onneotlon with such contract.
All persons interested in this matter should appear an t~e time
and place mbove stated.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman Murdock,
Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pelt.
This resolution was declared duly ~dopted.
SUPERVISOR PELL: What we just did was ssi a time ~nd a date for
a hearing, jusn like the five we jsut held here~ so people will
know when it is going to be. That will be published in the paper
next week.
Number 12, we are going to wait on that one, we wan~ more
information. (Accept bid for computerization of tax rolls.)
Number 18, we have to w~it on that one also and get more
information. ( Enter into ~greement with Wiedersum Associates for
plans and specifications to correct Town Hall sprinkler system.)
Number 14. The Town has applied for a $50,000 gran~ and was
a~arded it. Mr. Dean, Saperintenden~ of Highways applied for federml
funds in the nuns of $37,500.00 and Southold Town will pat up $1B,500.00
bucks no go into, throughout the Town, a street s~gn project, patting
the signs in the proper place, sJgas ~hat need to be replaced, replace
~he~ and along these roads. This survey Was done by the County~of
~uffolk and he has a report from them that he applied for his grann
and was awarded the grant. ~ aeed authorization no sign it.
l~9n motion of Councilman NIckles, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southodl hereby authorizes
and designates Supervisor Willia~ R. Pell ~ll no sign an agreement
with the New York State Deparzmenn of Transportation for a Regulatory
and Warning Sign Projec~ in the Town of Mo~thold as follows:
Regulator~ cad ~arning Sign Project: Total Casa = $50,000.00
Federal Share +75% = $37,500.00
Town Share +25% = S12,500.00
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Poll, III be
and he hereby is authorized and designated ~o sign all necessary
documents in connection with the Safer Off System Roads Program in