HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 5 yr Contract482. DgC M E 16, 196o
by adding thereto the following:
Name of Street Side Location
Crescent Avenue South At Fishers Island from the southeasterly
corner of the intersection of Creseen~
Avenue with Fox Avenue easterly for a
distance of 250 feet.
2. This Local Law shall take effec~ immediately.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles Councilman Drum, Supervisor Fell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPERVISOR PULL: Number 3, East-West Fire District in Greeaport,
3. Moved by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Nickles,
WHEREAS, the Town of Mouthold desires to enter into an agreement
with the Village of Greenport for fire protection and emergency
service ~o be furnished by said Village ~o the Fire Protection
District established in said Town and known as "Hast-West Greenport
Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New Tork", and
WHEREAS a public hearing was held by the Town Board of nhe Town
of Southold on said proposed agreement on the 2nd day of December,
198Q at which time all interested persons were Riven an opportunity
to be heard thereon,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Supervisor Williram R. Pell, III
be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreemgnt
between the Town Board of the Town of Southold and the Villageof
Greenport whereby the Town does engage the Village to furnish fire
protection and emergency service in case of accidents, calamities
or other emergencies to said District and the Village agrees to
furnish such protection in manner following, to wit:
1. The Fire Department of the Vilalge shall au all times dumzng
the period of this agreement be subject to call for attendance upon
any fire occurring in such district, and all calls uo furnish emergency
service and when notified by alarm or telephone from any person within
the District of a fire within the District such Department shall
respond and attend upon the fire without delay with a minimum of three
pi~ces of apparanus and suitable men, ladders, pumping and hose
apparatus of the Village and upon a silent alarm rD some other alarm
rather than a general alarm, with such men and apparatus as shall be
deemed suitable by the Chief of nhe Fire Department of the Village or
his subordinates in authority.
It~is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that she
furnishing of the apparatus of the ?illage Fire Department and the
response by the firemen shall be subjec~ to the order of the Chief
of the Fire Department of the Village of his subordinates in authority,
who. in their discretion in the event of any emergency, 'as for
example, another fire at the same time. in the said District or
in the Yill~ge, m~y designane such men and apparanus ~o any particular
fire as they may deem necessary. Furthermore~ the said Chief, or
his subordinates in authority, shall have absolute discretion as to
the sending in of additional alarms and eallin zn responses to a
fire the department of other districts.
S. In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its
apparatus as aforesaid the Village shall receive the following
sums for the years so indicated:
1981 $36,000.00
1982 42,000.00
1983 46,000.00
1984 54,000.00
1985 60,000.00
Such sums shall be payable by the Town each year during the
term of this contract, and shall be payable on or before the let
day of February of each year.
S. All moneys no be paid under this agreement shall be a charge
upon the said District, ~o be assessed and l&vfed upon the taxable
property in said District and collected with the Town naxes: Do be
listed separately on tau bills and no~ combined with charges for
Mydrant Rental.
4. Members of the Fire Department of the Village, while
engaged in the performance of their duties in answering, attending,
upon or returning from any call provided for by this con~raet
shall have the same rights, privileges and immunities as if perform-
ing the same duty in said Village.
5. This agreemen~ shall continue for a period of five (5)
years commencing January 1, 1981 and ending December 31, 1985
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Sullivan, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.