HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 Notice of Public HearingJUN 8 978 3:1.
Woods,q~stioned~the pollution in the creek and the Bo~d asked
the DEC to make a study of it, which they did, and their report
showed that the pol~ntion is not affected on the weekends when
the h~ats are ~n, in July and AUgUSt, particularly, hut is affected
very.strong.~y by the run off of sewage and rainwater after a storm
from the roads 'and~pre~erties.r--~hief ~at~!~o ~as brought into
'this aiscuss~oh esr'ilar in the d~y a~ i~ was p6inted out t~at
w~ere the residents ~nd~cate the Mattltuck Park District provided
the patrols, they were wrong, it was the Town of Sou~hold that
provided the pat$ols. In the chie~ s opinion, ~he p~trols were
noD~warr~n~eB, excep~ occasionally. The Town works along the
lines of hav~ng the residents call the pol~c~ 9nd they will respond.
However, as far as patrols ~n the s~mmer,' than is no problem, they
do'hire seasohal ba~ constables for that purpose.--~Ther~ will be
a full repot= for Mr. Pell to take back to the Mattituck residents
by the nex~ Board meeting.
On ~otion of Councilman Homan, seconded ~y Councilman Pell, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold set July 1!~
1978~ 3~30 o'clock P.M., Town Hall, Main Road, Southold,New York
a~, time and~ place for a ~ublic hearing for the purpose of co~
sidering a.p~opesed. ~ contract with the~.,Village of G~eenpor~,
Suffolk County .Ne~ York, fo~ the furnishing, of water for fire
protection p~rpos~s, by, said Vil!aqe to th~ Fire Protection
District esta~lisked:.. , in said Town and kDQwn as "East-west
Greenbelt Fire Protection District, Town of S~uthold, N.Y.|~
upon the following teneral terms, to wit:
(a) The contract shall be for a term of fi~e years.
(~) For such service the Town of Sonthold shall pay
village of Greenport the annual sum of $70.00 for each fire
(c) Such otbe~ incidental .terms ~s ~ay he necessary or
proper in connection with such conuracr.
All person~ interested in ~hie matter should appear at
the time and place.above stated.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Pell,'Councilman
Drum, ~9~ncilma~ Homan, Justice surer, Supervisor Martocchia.
Absent: Justice Doyen.
This resolution was declared adopte~.
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Homart, it .was
RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be' an~ he hereby
is authorize~ to enter into an aqreemen= with~the New york ~tate
Division of Stat~ Police,.a Use and Dissemination Agreement f6r
National'Crime Information Center (NCIC/CCH), National Law' Enforee-
merit Telecon~nications System (NLETS/CHRI) and Dillon of Criminal
Justice Services~ State-wide. Sum~ary Case History (D~JS for the
Exchange of drfminal History Data Through~NYSPIN Terminal Access.
Vote of~the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Pelt, Councilman Drum,
Cou~ci!man Homan, Justice Suter, Supervisor M~rtocchia. Absent:
Justice Doyen.
T~is resolution was declared adopted. ·
s~perv~sor ~artocchia explained ~hat the prior r~solution is
~ecessar¥ =o obtain data from the ~heriff's Office or State Police.
There ~s no cos~. It ~s something that bas always been available,
however, now the federal and New York State rules have changed
which now require that there be a written contract with them before
they will gf~e~out the information they have always given them.
Superviso~ MaFtocchia:
%' 18. T~is is the last day for receiving ~esumes for the
Board qf APpeals' vacancy. Hopefully ~there will be an appointment
at the next Board meeting.
and the beaches are pretty well shaped up and should be in good
condibion when they are opened for the season.
Councilman Drum reported tha~, he bas had s~x or seven vohn-
tears us serve on the air~ort committee and hopes to hold a first
m~eting within the next two weeks.
Supervisor ~artocehia:
1. Notice has been received there will be two public hearings
bald on the ~aatter of the Leu9 Island Lighting Compan~ele~tr±c-rate
increase and gas rate increase. A meeting at the Suffolk County
Cooperative Extension Services Building., Riverhead, en Tuesday~
July 18, 1978 ag 1:08 P.M. an~ at 7~00 P.M., and at the S~ate ,Office
Building, Veterans~ Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, New york, on wed-
nesday, Ju:ly 19, 1978 at 1:00 P.M.~ and at 7:00
O~mOtiou of Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman P~ll, it~ was
RE~OLVED-~h~ the To~m Board of the Town of Southold se~ 3:30 ~¢lock
P..M~, -Jut~ 11,, ~1978, Southotd Town ~all, 53095 Main Street, ~uthold,
New york as tim~ land place for a ~ublic hearing for the purpose of
considering a proposed co~tract with tAe~il%age.of Gre~nport,
S~ffolk County,i_New Yor~ for the furnishing of w~ter ~or fire
protection purposes, by sa~d village to the F~re Prsuectio~~ Distr~ct
established insaid Town and known as j'East-west ~r~gnpo~t Fire-
-Pro~ection District, Town of Southold, N. ~." upon uha fellowin~
general ter~s, to wit:
(a) The contract shall be for a uerm of five years.
[~) For such service the Town. of Southold shall pay the-
Village of Greenport the annual sum of $70.00 for each fire hydrant.
(c) Such other incidental terms~as may be necessary or proper
in connection with such contract.
~h~te of {he Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Pall, Councilm~n Dr~m,
Couneilma~ Homa~, O~/stice Surer, Supervisor Marto~hia. Abse~t:~
Justice Doyen.
This resolution was declared adopted.
Supervisor ~artocchia:
2. There will be a Runaway Foru~ t~td ar the end of
September 1978, sponsored by the Suffolk County conference on
Juvenile and criminal ~stice, withthe ~o-sponsorship ~f the
Suffo~County y0mt~ Bureau and the New York state Division ~r
Youth. A representative of~ the Town Boazd will atkend this meeting
when a~finat date is seu.
3. A request for ~ representative of the Town Board to be
present at a meeting of the Steermng Co~ltte9 on June 2lst, 2:00
P.M. at Eanppange, with relation re the aforesaid-sR~ffo'lk Runawav
Forum,---Justice Suter will attend if he can fit it into his schedule,
he has civil work in court on the 21st.
~. Letter from ~atholic Chmrities, Community Life Center
stating they are establishing an AdvisoryBoard us facilitate
co~municatlon between'the ag~y and the cormaunity. They would like
a representative of Southold Town to serve on this board~ Thal~
initial meeting will be held on Septe~mber 12, 1978, at 10:00 A~.
at their Laurel office.
5. Letter from Susan L. Rosenstreioh~ ~econic Soccer League,
re~uestingfundg for their summer program for 9-12 year olds.---All
recreation, funds have been spoken,for for 1978, ~ut 'they will be
sent a letter stating they will be considered for 1979~
On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Surer, it was
RESOLVED that g385,00 be paid to Boatmen's HarDer Marina,.as a reim-
bursement for %one-half of the cost of their dredging project in
Vote of the Town Board= Ayes: CoUncilman pell, councilman Dru~,
Coun=ilman Homan, Justice Surer, Supervisor Martocchia. Absent:
Justice. Doyen.
This resolution was declared adopted.