HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 5 yr Contract348 MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1970 The Southo~d Tow~ Board met at the office of Supervisor Atb~t~}4~r tocchia, t6 South Street, ~reenport, ~ew York, on Tuesday, Deceat~e~ 8, 1970, with the following present: Supervisor Martocchla; men ~alentine and Rich~ Justices Demarest and Suter; Tow~ttorney Tasker; Supt. of H~ghways Dean and Town Clerk Richmond. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice Suter; ~ESOLIrED: That the minutes of November 24. L970, be and the~hereby are approved~ Vote of Town Bo~d: Ayes-Superviso~Martocchia; CouncilmenVa~nti~e and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter, Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED= That the sex~ meeting of the Town Board will be he~d the office of the Supervisor, Albert-Martocchia, at 16 Greenport, N~w York, on Tuesday, December 22, 1970, at-3:00 Vote of Town Board= Ayes-Supervisor Martoechia; Councilma~ .Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by CounciLman Rich; P~ESOLVED= Tha~ the reports of the ~Building Inspectors, Board Appeals, Police, Justice Surer, Supervisor and Town Clerk for~the ~onth ~f November, 1970, be accepted by the Town Board and plac~d on file. Vote of Tow~ Board: Ayes-Superv~ser Martocchia; Councilmen Valenti~ and Rich~ Justices Demarest. an~S~ter. Moved by Justice~Suter; seconded by Councilman Valentine; ~RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albe~t Martocchia appoin~ ~erbert~o~ghtol/, Mattituck, New York, for the position on the Fire Advisory ~o~rd of Suffolk County, representing the To~n% of Southold, for the ~e~ 1971, a position which he p~esently holds. Vote of Tow~ Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martoechia; Councilmen Va.l~t~ne and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Justice S~ter; seconded by-Justice Demarest; RESOLVED: That the following proclamation be adopted by the S~u~ho~ Town Board: WHEREAS, 600 people, were killed or injured in h~lid~y traffic accidents in Suffolk Coanty last year, and WHEP,~AS, alcohol is the greatest contributing factor in ~atalities, particularly during holiday periods, an~ WHEREAS, the Suffolk Ce~nty C~mmittee of ~raf~ic~ Safety ~ards,~is conducting a campaign during the holiday period of Dec. Jan. 3rd, 1971 aimed at the problem o~ excassive use of ~lc~ho~, NOW, THEP,~FOP, E, I, Albert MartOcchia, Supervisor of ~he Town of Southold, do hereby urge all of our citizens to drive and walk safely durin~ the h~liday season so they may~ive to'~n3~y tt~e~New~ Year. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martooehi~; Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest a~d S~ter. Moved by Justice Suter; seconde~ by Councilman Rich; ~HBREAS, Mabel Miles has applied to ~the Town Board fora single trailer renewal permit dated Dec. 7, 1970, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the application of Mable Miles to locate a single trailer on her property, Private Road, Mattituck, New York, he and hereby ~s granted for a period of six months. Vote of Tow~ Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Justice Demarest; seconded by Councilman Valentine; WHEREAS, a petition was received from Matthew Mullen, Cutchogue, N.Y. requesting a change of zone of certain proper=y inmCutchogue, N.Y. said petition for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agric- ultural District to "B-2" Business District, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOL~F~D: That the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is directed =o transmit this application to the Planning Board in accordance with Section 901, Subdivision C of Article I~ of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Vote of Town Board: Ayes- ALL Moved by Justice Demarest; seconded by Justice Suter; WHEREAS,~ Section 105 of the Town 5aw provides that .Town Officer~ and Bmp~o~ who receive and disburse monies ~ ~he Town shall account the town Board for all monies received and disbursed by them on or a~U~_¥h~'2~th day of December, ~t not hater than the 31st day D~em~"i~~ each year, and · - .- WH~P~ ti~ Town Board deems it necessary to engage a public accountant t~ Officers and employees, Town Board engage the services of accounsant, ~o make ~he~ ann~al audi~ of the employees of the Tow~ of SouthoLd, for the Mar~occhia; Counctlmen Valentine New~ NOW, authori~ Vote~ seconded by Councilman Rich; ; ~reenport, NeW Yonk~ Southold American Legion Auxiliary ~803, Southold, ed to the Town Clerk'for Bing~ Licenses, and examined the applications and after invest- ~s and determinations as required by law, the Supervisor be and he hereby is ~ execute on behalf of:~he Town Board the b$ law, and it.~s further ~ereby is directed'to issue 2Ol~mbua, Oreenpor~, N.Y., Southold ~03 and;SOuthoid American~Legion Auxiliary Post ~803. ; Councilmen Valentine; and Surer. is ( Vote ana'~ Sute~ seconded by COuncilman ~ieh; the Tax~,~Bill for 197071for the former Telephone Build* Southold, be and hereby to,the sum of $21.65. ~-Supervisor ~4artocchia~ Councilmen Valentine and Suter. Move8 Rules woul~i daFs for all: ! th~ and ~ s~Conded by Councilman Valentine; P~trotman in the Southold Town Police Depart- ils accident while operating a SoUthold damage to s~id vehicle and disobeyed<certain )lice caused an investigation to be made ~ith ~as made a report thereof' to the Town Board and ~ has advised this Board that at the conclus- he informed Patrolman. Fitzpatrick that he Board that Patrolman Fitzpatrick forfeit two %les and Regulations and one day compensation advised this Board that PatrolmanFitz- where{n hehasw-aived any and tea hearing before ~he Town Board concerning to accept the forfeiture of two dayscompen- an~ o~e day for the accident if the of Polic~ is accepted by the Board, OLVED: That this Board does hereby accepn Chief of Pol~e concerning the aforesaid )lman Fitzpatrick and it fs furt~her forfeit three day compensation. Ayes-Supervisor Marto cchia; Councilmen Valentine Dem~rest and Surer. Moved b~ J~lce Demarest; seconded ~y Councilman Valentine; RESOL~DI.~ ~ha~ Police Chief Carl Cataldo be and he hereby is authorized to ad~is~, for bids for five (5) marked police cars and one (1) un- marke~ 'uOllsa car for use by the Southold Tow~ Polece. Vote ~ ~ Board: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchla; Counczlmen Valentzne and R~h; ~sttces Demarest and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Councilman ~ich; P~ESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchi~ be and he hereby is authorized ~o sign the following contract with the Village of ~reenport ~o~ ~e~ West Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York: WHEREAS, there has been duly established iD the said Town e fir~:pr0~ee~- ion district known as "East-West Greenpor~ Fire Proteehion Distr~c~, of Southold, New York", hereinafter designated as the District, territory in said Town adjacenu ~o the said Village am suqh terri~o~y more fully described in the resolution establishing such D~stric~ ~n~ duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of $outhold on the 14~t~. of November, 1945, and : WHEREAS, following s public hearin~ duly called, the said Boa~,. ~l~s:~ authorized a ~ontract with the Village for~fire protection to~t~ D%~i$~ict upon the ~erms and provisions h~ein se~ forth, and WHEREAS, this contract has also been duly authorized by the ~dBoard of Trustees and the Mayor of the Village, ~ NOW, T~EREFOi{E, the Town does engage the village ~o furnish f~e ~pro- tectzon to said District and the Village agrees to furnish suqh tection in manner following, to wit:- , ~. The fire department of the Village shall a~ all times du~i~g~t~.~ period of this ~reement be subject to call for attendance upon ~ny ~ire oceur~ng in su~district, and whn notified by at~rm~or tel~phg~eDe~l from any person within the District of a fire within the District such department shall respond and attend upon the fzre wzthout delay minumum of three pieces of apparatus and suitable men, ladder~, and hose apparatus.o~ the ¥illage and upon a silent alarm ersome, other.- alarm rather than $ general alarm, with such men and apparatus as ~s~a~l be deemed suitable by the Chief of the Fire D~partment of the V~llage or his subordinaAes in authority. It zs understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the furnishing of the apparatus of the Village Fire Department and the response eye,he firemen shall be subject to the order of the Chief of the Fire of the Village, or his subordinates in authority who,. in their discretion in the event of any emergency as, for example, another fire at ~he same tzme~ in ~he said District or zn the Village, may desagnate s~ch ~en and apparatus ~o any particular fire as may deem necessary. the said Chief, or his subordinates, in authority, shall have absolute discretion as to the sending in of additional alarms and calling in responses to a fire department of other districts. ~ 2. In consideration of furnishing aid and the use of its appa~tue~ as afonesaid, the Village shall receive the following sums ~for~ thel.years so indicated 1971 ................. ~ll,100.00 ~ 1972 .................. 11,900.00 1973 ................. 12,700.00 1974 ...... ~ .......... 13,500.00 ~97§ ................. 14,300.00 Such sums sha~l be ~able by the. Town ~ach year during the term of this contract, and shall be ~ayable on. or before the 1st. day of February each.~year. 3~.-AlI moneys to be paid under this agreement shall be a charge the s~id Distrimt, to be assessed and levied upon the t~xable p~o~e~y~ in said Distrlctand collected with the Town taxes~ to be liste~.S~sra~e- ly on tax bills and not ~ombined with charges for Hydrant RentaI~ 4. Members of the fire department of the.Village, while engage~ i~ ~he performance of thei~ duties in answering, attending upoD o~$u~ing from any call proveded for by this contract shall have the same rig~s~ privileges and immunities as if performing the same duty in sai~ Vi~tage. 5. Th~s agreement shall continue for a period of five (5) yea~..s commencing Febrnary 1; 1971. . .... · - Vote of Town Board:Ayes-Supervisor ~{artocchia; Councilmen Valen~ine] and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Justice Demarest; seconded by Councilman Ualent~ne; ,BOND RESOLUTION OF T~E TOWN OF SOUT~OLD, i~EW YORK, ADOPTED ~.~:.~E~F/~BER 8, 1970, AUTHORIZING THE TO~ TO PARTICIPATE WITH THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, IN T~E JOINT. PROJECT OF CONSTRUCT- ~IN~ THE GRAND AVENUE BRIDGE, IN SAID TOW~, AT AN ESTIMATED ~4AXI~EUM COST OF $~1,000, APPROPRIATING $50,000 TO PROVIDE THE OF $50,000 SERIAL BONDS OF TPLE TOW~ TO FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATIOn. Recital W~REAS, athe To~n Board of the To~ of Seuthold (herein called "To~n"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, and the County of Suffolk have heretofere duly agreed to jointly construct th9 Grand Avenue Bridge, in the TOWn, and =o share in the cost thereOf, and WNEKEAS, it is now necessary to provide for financing the sh~e of the cost o~ said specific objec~ or purpose; now, SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW ~OP~K, (by a favorable vo=e of non Less than two-thirds of all the members of s&id Board) as follows: Section 1. The Town of Southold is hereby auth~zeddto participane with the County>o~.Suffolk Ln the jo,int pro]ecu of constructing.~he Grand Avenue ~r~dge, in the Tow~, including constructing of retaihing walls and apprgaches,, thereto, and acquisition of land and rights in land. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose~ including pre- limina~y~costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing ~h~reof, is $410,000. The amount of $50,000 is here~y appropriated to provide the Town's share of said cost, The plan of financing includes the expendit- ure of $360,000 by the County and $50,000 by the To~, and with respect to said appropriation, the issuance of $50,000 serial bonds of the Town and ~;i~ of a tax upon al~ the taxable real property in the To~ to ~.~' ~ncipal of said bonds and the interest thereon. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town are hereby authorized to be ~ssued in the principal amount of $50,000, pursuant re the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein cal~led "Law"), to finance said approp- riation. Section 3~Ths following additional matters are hereby determined and stated: (a) T~e period of the probable usefulness of the specific object or p~rpose for which the bonds authorized by this resolution are to be issued within the limitations of Section ll.00 a. ~ ~ethe Law, is twenty (20) yearS, b~t the ~turity of said bonds shall not exceed Eive (5) years. (b) Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided as a down payment prior ~o the issuance of the bonds herein authorized or any notes in anticipation of the sale of such bonds, pursuant to Section 107.00 d. 4. of the Law. Ssct~on~4. E~ch of the bonds authorized by this resolution and any bond anticipation notes ~ssued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds shall contain the recital of ~alidity prescribed by S.52.00 of the Law, and said ~onds and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds shall be general obligations of the Town, and shall be payable as to both principal and interest by general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation or rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocabl~ pledged to the punctual payment of the pr~ncLpal of and interest on said bonds and provisions shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) tbs ~ortization and redemption of the bonds to mature in such year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable ~n such year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and pursuant to Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the ~ssuance of bond antic- ipation notes aad~of Section 50.00 and Sections 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the pawers and duties of the Town Board relative to prescribing the terms, form and content and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any notes issued in anticipated of said bonds, are here~ delegated no the Supervisor as chief ~iscal officer of the To~rn. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution, and of any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are .authorized for an object or purpose fo= which the town ~s not authorized to expend money, or (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such ~esolutiOn are not substantially complied wit/~', and an action, suit"or ~rocesding contesting such validity is commenced'~ithin twenty days after the date of such publication~ or (c) s~ch obligations ar~ a~thorized in violation of the provis~nS~6f the constitution. Section 7. This resolution shall ~ake effect Lmmediately. Vote Of Town Beard: Ayes-Supervisor Martocchis; Councilmen ~alenti~ and Rich; Justices Demarest and Surer. Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Valentine; KESOLV~D= That the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to request the Lon~ Island Lighting Company to install o~e 175 MVOH stmeet Tight Ion NYTCO pole 915 Breakwater' Road, M~ttituck, N.Y. Vote of Town Board: .%yes-SupervisorMartocchis; Councilmen Valen~in~ and Rich; Justices Demarest and Surer. - Recess was called at 3:30 ~.M. and reconvened at 4:15 P.M. Moved by Justice Surer; seconded by Councilman Rich; R~SOL%r~D: That ~000.00 be and hereby is transferred from Surpl~s~t0~-' Building and Co~ruction Account% which includes Highway Buildlnq]~T~- phone Building recently purchased by the Town and work on TraveleraStk~et, Southold, N.Y. 3 Vote of Town Board: Ayes-~upervisorMartocchia; Councilme~Valentine and Rich; Justic6s Demarest and Suter. Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Justice ~uter; RESOLVED: That Raymond Dean, Supt. of Highways, Town of Southold, be he is hereby a~thoriz'ed to advertise for bids and purchase from t~LOwest responsible bidder one Second ha~d 1~ ton Dumg truck, the sum not ~o $3800.00. : :"' Vote of Town Board: Ayes-~upervisor Marto~¢hia; Councilmen Valentine and Rich; Justices Demarest and Surer. Moved by Councilman Rich; seconded by Councilman Valentine; - RESOLVED: Tha~ Supervisor Albert Martecehia be and he hereby is authorized to szgn the wage contract between the Police Benevolent Associationla6d the Town of Southold as prepared by Town Attorney Tasker and agreed by the Police Benevolent Association and the Sou~hold Town Board. - Vote of Town Board: Ayes-supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen ValentihW~ and Rich; Justices Demarest and Suter. Moved by Justice Buter; ~econded by Councilman Valentine; RESOLVED: That General Bills in the amount of $18,817.29; Lighting District Bills in the amount of $2,2~3.23: Fishers Island Ferry District Bills'in the amount of $13,385.87 and Highway Bills in the amount ©f'$7,290,4t and the same are hereby ordered paid. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-supervisor Martocchia; Councilmen Valentine~ and Rich; Justices Demarest and Surer. Moved by Justice Sutef; seconded by COuncilman Rich; RESOLVED: That the following transfer of monies be made: To ~ersonal services-Supervisor From Bupervismr-other expense To Town Clerk-personal services Fr~m Tow~ Clerk-equipment F~om'Contingenu $288.91 from $ 288~9T~ $ 288.~1 444191 200.00 2~5.9t From ~ontingenn 116.96 - 116f-96'%~~ 25.00 25.00 ~ Tp~ Dog,Warden-other expense From~ Dog ~%arden-equipment From Contingent · o Reserve for Buildings & Construction To Car for Supervisor To Airport-other expense To Public Refuse dispossl-other expense From Public Refuse disposal-equipment $377.74 20,000.00 3,374.86 145.32 5,448.92 $100.00 277.74 1,O00.O0 To Parks & Beaches-personal services From Parks & Beaches-other expense 1,253.25 1,253.25 TO Libraries From~Unexpended surplus To Welfare Burials From Unexpended surplus 6~ 000.00 245.00 7,969.10 6,000.00 245.00 To D~bt Redemption From Unexpended surplus To Conservation-shade trees From~unexpended surplus 700;00 1,560.00 700.00 1,560.00 To Legit.&-Engineering fees From Unexpended surplus TO Other Insurance & ~nds From Unexpended surplus 1,429.66 3,526.03 1,429.66 3,:526.03 To Options, auilding & Land To Audits~ To Parking Lots To Sales Tax -%. To Park Dist~"icts . _:: :~ : To~ra~eZer Street extension To Bulkheadlng To }louse Numbering TO Wa~Dietrict Prom~n~xp~ded surplus 9,9~2.00 500.00 5.00 ~57.1'3 197. ~S 12.92 5,850.00 350.00 197.75 39,442.55 $64.280.~1 $64~,~8~.1t- TO Board of Planning--personal services ToI~lan~ing Board -other expense To Building Depn.-personal expense~ F~o~B~ilding Dept.-other expense To ~P~eg~s~-~r 0~- ~ital Statistics-personal To Employees Retirement Fund To Legal'& Engineering fees TO Insurance-Workmen's Compensation To Other Insurance & Bonds To Burning Permits To Rail-road Brid~e _ ~ 1,00S.-33 3,668~94' 11.00 1t/00 4-50~00 1,708.00 1~247.00 384~94 7~155.00 112J80 5,6~9-~S8 21,35~59 $21,362.59 $21,362.57 Vote ~c6~r~ ~oa~cd3: ~ye~,:-Superviser MartocchiaF Couheilmen V~,tentine- and Rich; Justices Demarest and Surer. - . , - Adjournment. .- Albert W. Richmohd~