HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 Notice of Pubic HearingThe sc~thold T~w~ Board met at the office=of the supervisor, Leeter
Albe~t~on', at Graen~c~t, N~W Y'~.~ on December ~; 196~, 6~th the follow-
/_rig i~.~S~: Su~ervis_or _A~er~son~. Ce~nci]~aa~ ~e~aarest ~nd Valentin~
J~$ti=es T~thil~ and Cl~rk~ s~erintendemt of Highways Price a~ Town
Moved by ~u~&ice clark~ seconded by J~ti~e T~thlii:
· ESOLVED: That the minutes~ of November 9. 1965-'~_~R N~vea~er 23,
Move~ by CO~Cl~ ~est% ~c~ed by' d~c~l~ Val~e~
RESOL~ T~at t~ me~ ~etim~ of ~e T~ BO~ will ~ hel~ at the
or.ne.of ~e S~p~v~s~, ~st~ ~ Alb~{s~n. ~ 16 S~ ~reet,
~e&np~. NiF. om ~e~ay, Dece~ 21. 1965. at ~:0~
~s ~e, o~n~ for-the p~ase ~f a used 1965 Old~obile Delta
was :~tte~l by Koke Bros., S~athold, N.Y.
RES~VED~ That Lester
directe~ to enter into a con~r~6~ with Kok~ Bros~ '~or the ~cha~n of
the 196~, O/~s~obile ~n accordance with the bid submitte~.
Vote of '~ ~s-~vis~ Aib~so~l- _. .
~ ~a~ Bo~ ~o. 73~514~,
~2 C~pany ~
$~, ~.Y. ~ the s~ o~ $1~0,8~ be ~d ~ s~e i~"here~ 'ap~r~
VOt~ O~ T~ ~Bo~d~ AYes-~p~lsor Mh~tSon~ ~ou~cil~ Dem~est
~ V~entfne~ ~stices
M~e~ ~ ,Co~c[~
~, ~o~ Pott~ P~s~ ~18~ ~ican Leg~~ Gre~p~t, N.~. a~lie~
to the ~ cl~k
~S.. ~e ~, BO~ has e~ined the ap~li=atio~ a~ "~f2~ invest-
lgatioa ~1~ 'ma~e fi~d~s ~ ~et~mi~ioas as re~&re~ by law.
~. ~E. BE IT ~S~V~=~'~at t~' ~vis~ ~ ~ he hereby is
au~i~ ~ ~ected to e~te on ~alf of the
~d ~e2~ations re~ed
~S~V~= ~at ~e .~ C~erk ~ ~ ~e here~y is d~e~ to issue
Vote off T~ Bo~d~ ~s-~V~s~
~ by J~txce C~rk~ sec n~ b~ Counc~n valentine~
~AS, ~i~ Co.oil
applied to ~e ~ Cl~k
~S, ~e ~ BO~ has ex--ed th~ ap~licat~on an~ after investig-
atiom d~y mad~ fi~i~s ~ ~et~i~tions as re~e~ b~ law,
E~, ~ORE-. ~ ~T ~S~V~: ~t ~e. S=~vis~ Be, ~ he hereby is
a~r~=ed, a'~ d~ecte'~ ~o exe~%e o~ ~half ~ the ~ Bo~ the find-
~ngs ~ det~mati~s as re~e~ by 1~, ~' it ~ ~er'
~BOL~ ~a2 ~e T~n Clerk be ~d he.h~eby Is dire~ to ~is~e a
Bi~go License'tO ~e
v~e of ~ B~d= Ayes--Su~%is~ Al~n~
Valent~e; ~stices ~ilt and Cl~k.
N~, THerEFOrE, BE IT P~ES~VED: That ~he Superv/s~c be a~d he ~here~y-
is auth~lze~ an~ directe~ to execute o~ behalf of the B~ard the
findings a~d determent[ohs 'r~q~ed by law, a~d it is' f~t~er
Vote of TOWn Board, Ayes-Sup~rv'~c~ Aiber%s~n~
and Vale~t~ne . Justices Tuthlll an~ clark.
M~ved by Com~c~Ima~
~d ~plo~s~ wh~o rec~iv~ ~ ais~s~ m~ie~ ~f ~e ~n' ~1~ ;' -
acc~t tO ~e
~ on ~ ~t ~e
31st day of DeCOr
a~t ~o prep~e
salary of $ 350~00
vote of TOW~ Board: A~us-sm~ervi~or Hlbert~Dn; C~en ~ '
~S; ~. ~i~i~ S~lev~ o~ ~ient; ~ew Y~k, ~s of~ea a
~ysl~ ~ort Station Wa~on to ~e ~ of So.thole, ~ld~' ~.~.
wi~ r~' 1~t ~ s~em,- .....
M~ ~f ~i~n Val~t~e~ seco~e~ by ~stice Cl~k;
~oved by Jestice clark~ seconded by Cou~cilm~ valentl~e~
RES~VE~ T~at t~e report of LeSter M. Albertso~' 'Supervisor, f~ the
vote ~f=T~ Bo~ - AFe~c~ul~ ~e~t
~S~V~ ~at ~e Police Re~t f~ ~e ~ of N~e~ 1965
accepted by ~e ~ Bo~d ~d plac~ ~n file.
Vote of T~ B~:' A~e~-S~vis~ A~son~ Co~cil~ ~e~est
ls~am~o~Ized ~o ~tlse for bids f~ one (1}'
~ck f~ ~e ~se by ~e ~g W~. ~ of. suu~hol~.
Vote 0f T~ Bo~d= ~es-Sm~ls~-Al~son; Co~ci~em D~est
Moved b~ Com~cilm~a Vale~tiee! seco~e~ by cou~c~lma~ Demarest!
RES0~V~D= The2 the ~s~, Lest~ K. Al~tson, 'be-~d.he h~eb~
is au2hori~ to sigm a'c~act f~ ~e winter st~age- of ~e ~ce
Boat w[2h S~erl~g M~a Boat Y~d, ~eenport, ~;y.
vo~ of T~ BO~ 'A~pervis~ ~tson~~ Cu~cl~en ~est - --
and vale~e~ J~lces ~ill,~ Cl~k~ - --
MOVed'~bF J~stice 'Tu~lll; sec~nde~ b~ co~ncilma~ Vale~l~e;
RES~D: ~at Cl~ence Bereft, of ~tt~ck. E~Yw~ an4 Jay ~, of
S~old, N.Y. ~ ~ ~e~ h~eb~ ~e a~lnted D~ E~-~at~s f~ t~e
~e~ 1966, T~ of ~oi~'
~e of-~ BO~= Ayes-~pervisor Al~rts6n; C0~ci~ D~est
~ed ~b~' J~stice C~k~ Sec~de~ by Justice Tu~ll:
appoiute~ ~cial ~nst~le~'T~ of S0uth0i~, he
rate of' $2.00 p~ ho~ ~d ~at he s~ve at ~--p~ea~e
V~e of ~ B~d= Ayes-~vis~ Al~ts~ aouncilmen'~est
Mo~d ~ Co~cl~ Vale~2lne~ seconded by ~stice Clark~
RES~ED~ ~at'~ce ~ipp of ~eemport, ~Y~k, ~ ~d she h~eby
sal~ o~ $8.5~ ~ day f~ ea~ s~ol ~a~ Wor~, effect~ve'-as of
N~e~r 15, 1965, she to ~e a2-~e,pk~as~e
Move~ b2 CO~acilma~ Valentine~ seco~ed by ~stice
P~SOLVSD':?'T~at t~e ~' Cler~ ~ ~d he ~reb2 is ~ed to re.est
~ 'L~n~ Isled Lighting ~y to r~ove ~e~ light
A~nue, Som~ol~, N.~. ~ ~e S~hol~ Light Dls~lct-.
V~e of ~ Bo~d: Aye~vis~- ~rtso~
a~ Val~n~ne~ ~tices Tuthill ~d Cl~k.
~e ~g Islamd ~ighti~~ c~to install ~w(~h~. ~ee~
on Poles ~ % ~'~ &~ ~ on ~in- Ro~, Ro~e
Vo~ of T~ B~ ~e~-~v is~ Al~tson~
HES~E9~ ?T~at-the ~n clerk ~e a~
itmck, N.Y. in the Nat~tuck Light
~ ~ale~21ne; Ju~ices T~ll and C~.
~raile~ renewal l~ermit dated November 8, 1965,
a p~l~ of six ~6)-.
Vote .~f--T~ B~=~ ~e~is~ A!b~ts~ Co~c~'~6~es~ "
=~iier cenewal perli~ ~e~ N~v~m~er ~l?~ 'ig~S~'. '
a six (6) month period.
Vote of T~Wn Beard: :Aye~-6~pervisor Albe~ts~;
~ b~ ~lce Cl~k; sec~ed~b~ Co~i~man Valent~e~ '
Dec~, 1965, at
s~e~, G~eenp~t, H.Y.
Vo~e of ~n B~: Aye~~
~ V~tine~ Justices ~ill ~d Cl~k.
~e~ ~ Co~l~
~ ~p~S~- re. ~p~aise
vote ~f.:~ Bo~a= Aye~~ A~S~.;
NOW, T~EFO~E, BE IT RES~EI): That the T~Wn clerk ef the T~Wn of
So~thold be an~ he hereby is ~tr~cted to transmit thi~ a~llcation to
the Planning Bc~rd after being approved by the TOWn Attorney in
aceO~damc~ ~with Sectiou 981, S~ivisiom C of Article IX of the
lag zone Ordinance ef the T~wn of Sou~hold.,
Vo~e~ of TDWn -Board: Ay~s-8~erviso=~ A~bertso~; cou~cilmeu
and v~e~tne; ~s~ices ~1: ~ Cl~k
Noved by J~Stice Clark; seconded by Councilman Valentine:
RES(~VE~: That-the following monies, be amd hereby are transferred as
Fr~m~, ~Stices of- Peaee, (~_her Expense
H~se N~ing, P~so~ ~vices
House N~i~9, o~er E~e
Pr~ Co~ce~ & In,aShy, o~nse
T~ BO~ - ~h~ ~nse
De~' ReCeption, intrust
2~ 200.80
1,, 900.00
100. O0
Taxes ' ' . 1.59
From~ Contingent, whole T~Wa :~.:':'t?
Toi~ ~d-ot Appeals.-~er. e~mse 500.00
~y C~s~le - 2,3~0.90
~om= ~tiagent, ~t--t~ 2~ 800.00
To: TOW~ B~ard - other (car) 2,885.00
Fr~: Contingent Fund - whole ~owa 2.885_.00
Vo~e_of.TOWn,Bo~rd= Ayes-Supervisor Alberts~al Coumci!men Demarest
and valeut/ne~ .Jus~tcea Tuthtll and Clark.
MOVed by Ci~U~cllma~ valentine; seconded by. ~/stice Ta~hil-lr'.
W~, the National _,Safety Coltneil is c~ductimg a campaign tO re4~ce
t~e.a~aual~ristmas sea. on.accident toll which last year reaqhed a
to~l of 800 lives lost amd 28,08~ injuries derll~g ~he month
in,the %~ni~e~ States, and
I~HEREAB, ~hu National Conference, for Religious Leaders ~has aske~ that
all relig/~rds and 9ivic leaders to cooperate im an all-out campaign
to ~rev~nt tragedy on the highways .a~d ia the homes of our country, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Sonth~ld will conduct a Chr'is~mas cam~aig~ whl~
will demonstrate tha~ ma~ is literally his brother's keeper;
T~RSFORE, as supervis~ of this TOwn, I ~o hereby, on behalf of the
citizenry of the.~wa._of SO~thold, decler~ enthusiastic, parti~ipation
im_~he 1965 ~Ch~i~tmas Holida~ Safety Campal~ a~d w~sh to call upon
the people_of our town ~ ohserYe the perio~ of Deoe~oer 1 t9 January 2
and to joi~ t~ the effo=~ to redmce accidents ~aring this year's
Chris,mas-New ~ear holida~s, t. therefore ~rge every citizen to be
especially thoughtful of the rights of his .n~ig~bor, aa~ oa the stoners
and highway to drive by the golden rule, to set a good example for other
drivers, to,observe all traffic laws, amd not ~to ~rive after drinking
--W~ring the h~liday season. Im,ad~it~on, we.mast elimi~at~ hazards i~ the
home ~urimg the ca~%paigm,, and,at, at1 tl~es~
~vote of T~n' Boerd:. Ay~s.~upervlsor~ ~lbertsoa; co~ncil~en Demarest
,a~d~,valenttne; Jmstice~ Tathill~a~d Clark
Moved by Justtee.'-Clerk; seconded by J~Stice
RES~VED: T~at General Bills im the a~ount, o~ ~3,2~2.~}; Lig~tl_.~g Disrict
Bills in the amo~t of $3424.16; FiShers Island District Bills ia the
amount of ~39,837.43 and Highway Bills in ~ amolint of $11,582.52 be
and the same ere hereby ordered paid. vote of TOWn Beerd~ Ayes-supervisor
{~trsm~jatCOa~m~.l.~e~..]~!~marest & velentinelA.JustiCeSw. Rlf:P3~aon~T~thlll. & clark.