HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 5 yr Contract --~PECIAL.F~ETI~G OF DEC]~ER'17, 1965-- W~, the uadersigned,~ being m~s of S~thol~, ~ffol~ Co~ty, ~.Y~k, do h~eb~ sewera~l~ waive notice of the t~e, place, ~ p~pose ~f ~e meetimg of ~e T~ BO~4 ~o ~ held at. Gr~np~ti in on M~day, Dece~ be hel~ on said da~e ~D the ~sa~tl~ of ~y business whi~ may ~roperly ~ ~f~e sa~d Dat~= ~C~ 27, 19~5. ~es~er ~, Alb~so~, Sup~visor S~thold, ~ew Y~k LO~S ~. D~est, Co~cil~ H~ C. Vale~tine, Ralph W. ~i11, ~s~ice He~y A. Cl~k, A ~ecial meeting of the Sou~hold Town Board was held at the Super- visor's office, 16 So~th Street, Greenport, New york, the members of the Board ~aving waived notice of the t~me, place an~ purpose of t~e meeting. Teh meeting was called to ~rder by Supervisor Albert- son at 8~09 P.M. with the following present: Supervisor Albe~tson: Councilmen Bemarest aa~ Valentine; Justices T~thill, clark and Edwardd} TOWn Attorney Tasker; TOW~ Clerk Ric~mond. Moved by Justice Tuthi11; seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That Lester M. Albertson be amd he hereby is authorized to p~rchase one police and highway hand radio for the Sml~ervlsor's car, and Eerther P~SGL~ED: That the sum for same not exceed $975.88. Vete ef T~Wn Board: Ayes-supervisux Albertson; Coumcllme~ Bomarest and Valentine= Justices Tuthill, Clark and Bdwards. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded b~ ~ustice TUthi11.- RESOLVED: That Superviser Albertso~ be am4 he hereby is authorized ~o eater into a contract a~d purchase frc~ Elizabeth 01sea one buildin9 which was left ~ the property formerl!~ purchased from Elizabeth Olsen at New ~uffolk, N.Y., and be it further RESOLVED: That the price of the building n~t exc~eed $588.88. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson;~oun¢llman Demarest and Vale~ine~ Justices Tuthill, Clark an~ Edwards. M~ved by Justice clark; seceded by councilman Dumarest; ~HEREAS, the ?o~na Bc~rd held a public hearing on December 27, 1965 for the purpose of considering a contract wit~ the Village of Green- pert f~r fire protection to be feraished hy said Village to East-West Greenpu=t Fire Protection District at which time all in- terested persons were givea an eppertunity to be heard, and W~EP~S, the Town Board deems it in the public interest to e~ter into a contract with said village, N~, T~Pd~FORE, BE IT RE$O~]~ED~ That the Town of $outheld enter into a =oatraet with the Village of Greeap~r~ for fire protection to be famished by said Village to the East-West C~reenport F/re Protectien District in the TOWa of Seuthold for a term of five years commencing on Januar~ 1, 1966, and ~hat for such protection the Village of Greenport receive the following sums anmually, to wit:- 1966 ........ $8165.46 1967 ........ 8525.46 1968 ......... 8885.46 1969- ........ 9245.46 197~- ........ 9685.46 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLED= That the Supurvisor ~e and he hereby is authorized am~ directed to execute suc~ contract on behalf of ~/%e Town of So~theld. Vote of TOWn BOerd~ Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; counci!_mea Demarest and Valentine; J~stices T~t3~ll, clark and ~dwards. Moved by Justice Clark~ secomded by CO~ncilmam Demarest~ RES~LFED= That Ge~ B~ll~ in ~e ~ou~t of ~1~2~.~0 be ~ ~ey ~e h~eby order~ paid. v~ of ~ Bo~d: AFes-~pe~isor Al~r~s~; ;. C~ci~ ~es~ a~ ~mti~; Justices ~ill~ Cl~k a~ Edw~ds. , .~ TOWn Clerk