HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 5 yr Contract MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 1961. The Southold TOWn Board met at the offi'ce of ~a~ervisor Lester Albertson at Greeeport, on Tuesday~ Ja~eary with the f011owing present: Supervi~o= Alber{son; Councilman D~ar~St; Justices T~thill and Clark; Sept. of Hlghwa~l~ Price; T~wn Tasker and TOWn clerk Richmond. Moved by ~ustice clark; seconded b~ ~ustice Tuthill: RE~OL~ED.~ That the minutes of tlae m~eti~g of' December 30, 1~60, be a~d ~hey are hereby 4uiy approved as read. Vote of Town ~oard= Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; co~ncilman Demax~t; Justices Tuthill and Clark. Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by J~stice clark: RES~VED: That the minutes of Jaeuery 3, 1961 be dispensed wit~t thin time. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Sul~ec visor Albertson: Cowncil~a~. Demarest; Justices Tmthill and Clark. Stanley corwin, Attorney for the Sunrise Coach Lines, spoke i~ behalf of the Coach Lines, stating the line had been in service for a of years a~ bad been rendering good service to the people in t~e TOWn of Southold and re~uestiRg the Board to consider their Coach Line fore giving the L.I.R.R. a Franchise in the Town of $outhold. Robert Brown, President of the Coach Lines, also stated that ~is line Was operating and giving goo~ service to the people of the Town. ~oved by Councllma~ Demarest: seconded by Justice Tuthi11,~ ,- RESOLVED: Th&ttthe T~Wn of Soethold procure a Blanket Bond to M~ved by Justice Clark; seconded by comncilman De~erest: WHEREAS, the Town B~ard hel~ a pubitc hearing on December ~, 1960. for the purpose of consideri~g ~a contract with the village of Green- port for fire protection to be furnished b~ said Ui!lage ~o the East- West ~reeeport Fire Protection District at whic~ time a11' i~tereste~ ~ persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and W~%S, t~e Tows Board deems it in the public interest t~ enter into a contract with said village , N~w, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the T°wn of ~outhold enter ~nto · a contract with the, village of ~reenp~rt for fire Drotection th'be : furnished by said ~illage to the EastrWeSt Gre, enport Fire Pr~teection District in 'the TOW~ of Southold for a term of five years commencing on January 1, 1961, and that for sech protection the Village of Green- port receive the follOWing sums annually, to wit:- 196i- $6,765.46; 1962~$7,025.46; 1963-$7,285.46; 1964-$7,545.46; · 1965-$7,005.46, and BE IT F~RTm~R RESOLV~ that the supervisor be and he hereby is ~thor- ised and directed to execute such contract o~ behalf Of the ToWn of Soethold. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilman De~ar~s~; Justices Tuthill and Clerk. Moved by Justice Cterk~ seconded by Coumcilma~ De~arest: RESOLVED: That Walter F. Griffin, Sr. be engaged under contract to previde a mail transfer and haulage service for the FiShers Island Ferry Dlntrict for a period from January :1, 1961 through Decembe?~ 31~ 1961 imclusive, in accordance wit~ the terms an~ conditions o~e ~ contract suk~itted by the Beard Of commissioners, and be it further RESOLVED: Th=t the effective date of s~th service shall be ~ne H~undr~d Fifteen ($I15.00} Dollars per month, payable momth!~. ~ote of Town Board: Ayen-super~isor Albertson; Councilman Demarest : J~sticee Tuthill and clark.