HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 Notice of Public Hearing MEETING OF MAY 8, 19%6. The.Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Norman E. Kiipp at OreanDort, on Tuesday, May 8, 1956. The meeting wes called to [rder at 1130 P,M. with ~he following present: Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clerk an~Demarest~ Councilman Albertson; ~perintendent of Highways Price, Town Att6rney Terry end Town Clerk Booth. ~oved by. Councilman Atbertson; seconded by Justice Demarest: RESOLVED. That the minutes of the previous meeting be and hereby ere.duly approved as read. Vo~e 6f Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clark and De~mreet em~ Councilman Albertsom. Moved by. Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark: RESOLVED. That the regular monthly meeting of this Beard will be held~ the office of Supervisor Norman E. Klipp at Greenpurt,. on Tuesday, May 29~ 1956, et 1130 P.M. Vote of To~n Board. Ayes-SuperviSor Ktipp; Justices Clark Dem~res~ and Councilman Albertwon. Moved b~.Justice Clark; seeonded by Justice Demarest: RESOLVEb. That a public hearing will be held at the ~il/ag~Hall in GreeRport, on Wednesday, May 23~ 1956, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpos~ uf considering a propoae~ contrac~ with the Village of OreenPO~t~ for the f~rnishing of fire protecti,n to the ~ast- West~Fire.Protection District, for a period offour and one-half years ~Orm J~ly 1~ 1956. Vote o~ .Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clark end Demarest and Councilman Albertson. Moved by! Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark: RESOLVED: That Howard M. Terry of Southold~ New YOrk~ be and hereby is appointed Building Inspector for the Town of Southold form Mayl~ 19~6, to January t, 19~?~. as required under Section 303 of the Multiple,Resident Law, and be it further RESOLVED~ That Howard M. Terry be compensated for suc~ services at the~ rate of $1~320.00 per year~ payable in regular monthly pay- ments__a~d be it further RESODVED. That the Town Clerk be instructed tO file such certificate with'the proper parties es is required by Section 30 Subdivision 3 of the:Town Law.. VOte of Town Board. Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clark and Demareet and CounciIman Albertson. Moved bylJ~stice Clark; seconded by Justice Demarest: RESOLVED:T~h~t Supervisor Norman E. Klipp be and he hereby is instructed to make application to the New Y rk State Youth Commission st Albany~ New YOrk~ For a recreational pro,oct for the Town of Sou~hold from July.l, 1956, to JUne 30, 1957. Vote of Town Board: Ayse-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clark and Demarest and Councilman~Albertson. Moved b~Councilman'Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark: RESOLVED=That the Southeld Town Board approves the action of the Co~issioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District on entering into le~se License Contract No. DA-19-O!6-ENG-~369 with the Depart- ment of'Army for e portion of a certain p~re~ of land together with portionslof the Government owned dock and warehouse end ail the other e~pur~s~ees therete~ located at Wee foot of John Street, ~ew LondOn, Con~, as sho~n outlined~in blue on Exhibit A Plan entitled Government owned dock, New London~ for a period of one year commencing on October 1, 1955, and ending September 30, 1956, in the amount of $2200.00 per annum payable 9uarterly in advance quarterly to the Treasurer of the United States. Vetoer Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Justices Clark and Demerest and Councilman Alberteon. A letter wa~.reeeived from W. Harry Lister requesting some finan- cial assistance from the Town Board to dredge Wiqkham's Creek to allow access to Boatman's Harbor.