HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 5 yr Contract , Me,crag of ~y 8, 19~1 ~tc~;. To~ Attorney~ Terry and To~ Clerk Bo~th. ..: ~e Board sat at' once ~$ a Co~ttee. on a~it to ~ine cla~s against the To~ ~l~ing th~ a~it work at 2 o'clock P,~. - ~e minu~es of ~e previous, meeting were read and were d~y approved as' read. Moved by'Justice Clark;' secqnde8 by Justice Albertson: Resolved: That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to purchase a Crestwood ~!agietape ReeoTder fro~ the Crestwood Recorder Corporation for use of the Justices. UnanimoUsly'adopted. Movedlby. Justice Tuthill; seconded by Justice Albertson: ResoIve~. That the regular monthly meeting of this Board will be held at the offic~ of the Supervisor at Greenport~ on Tuesday, May 22, 1951, at 1:30 P.M. Unanimously adopted. Alden W. Young,. C.E. Presented to the Town Board a preliminary copy of a proposed sub-divisiom at Laurel, property of George J. Turner. The Roads in this proposed sub-diviAion are to be 30 feet in width. Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark: Resolved: That the Supervisor be instructed to ~mmunioate with Alden W. Yeung~ C.E. and inform him that it has n~t been the policy of this Town Board to accept a sub-division with roads less than %0 feet in width. Unanimously adopted. Moved by. Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Albertson: Resolved. That General Bills in the sum of $1,~41.21; Lighting District Bills in the amount of $1,096.39~ Fishers Island Ferry District Bills, ~Pald. ~ acoeun~ ~2, mn rune sum of $~?.95 be and the same are hereby ordered Unanimously adopted. ~ved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Albertson: theS°lved:ToW~BoardT~atandtheplacedP°liceonRep°rtfile, for the month of April be accepted by ~nanimouely adopted. Neved By Justice A1Bertson~ seconded by Justice Clark: Resolved: That the acts of the commissioners of the Fishers Islamd Ferry District in entering into a contract with Eltsworth S, Wilcox on Jmnu4ry 1~ 19~1~ for the operation of apublic ferry: and the contract arehereby approved as of ~anuary 1, 1951, except ~s to the.deletion of Paragraph Si~ of said con~raet relative to insurance, said deleti~n is net approved. Unanimously adopted, Noved b~Justice Clark; seconded ~y Justice Albertson: Resolved~: That a certain contract dated January 1, 1951 between the com- missio~e~S of the Fishers Island Ferry District and Etlsworth S. Wilcox having b~en terminated on April 30, 1951, by mutual agreement~ the foregoing contract dated May 1~ 1951, between the Commissioners .el the Fishers Island Forr~ District and Alfred S. Bicknell for the operation of a public ferry between Fishers Island and the mainland is hereby approved. Unanimously adopted. Noved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Clark: Whereas, there exists a vacancy in the office of Commissioner of the FishersIsland Ferry District caused by the re$igmation of Joseph Mid- dlebrook, Jr., and 3'46 W~aereas, it becemea aecessary .t~ a~poi~t some p.e~soato fill such Now ~herefore Be ItResolved. ~a~E!~e V. Kee be az~l h~reby is appoint~oa the reeo~e~altioaof ~ Ce~is$io~s ef ~eFisha~s · siand ~er~y Distr~e~t to het~uch o~fice~til t~ neX~ ~1 for the electio~ bf.Oo~issfom~s of ~he District, at ~C~ ~me ~.:11 th~ va~cy caused by ~e resi~tien ~f ~esepk ~e~reek~ Jr. be ~11~ for the rem~ ~e~ired te~ of Joseph ~ddlebreek,Jr. Be It~rther Reselve~.: T~t ~e app~tmen~ Sf El~ere V. Kee ~e a~ here~y is made retroactive to ~y 1~ ~m~eus~y a~orted. ~ved By J~tiee ~ark; seceded by J~tice Terry: ereas, em or abou~ J~y 1~ 19~ ~the Town Board entered into aa agree~at with the Village of Gre~port for the ~nishiug of fire preteetiom to the 1fire protection district k~ az "Ea~t-Wes~ ~reempOrt Fire Pretectiom District, Te~ef Sem~eld, N.Y."for a period of five ye~s~ amd ~ereas~ due aotiee~s given of a public hearing ~ be held at the office ef the Supervisor en October ]~ 1950~ at 8~00 e~eleek ~asiaer a mew ee~tract for an additional period ef five years, the~ce duly specifyi~ ~e time ~place of the heari~g~ as aferesaid~ add givimg ingemeral the terms of the propose~ a~ all persons imte~e~ted appearing a~ ha~ing be~a~ear~, it~:is~ he~eb~~' Resol~ed~ ~at th~s To~B~ard enter into ~ agreement with said Village ef Greenportfo~ the f~nish~g ef fire protection ~te said district, in substantially the following fo~,' and t~t the contract beexee~ted on behalf of this BOard by the Supervisor of the ef Sou~ol~: ~ia Agreement~.~de ~his first day of J~y~ 1951, be~ee~ ~he ~ ~ard of the To~ of fiou~old~ S~fo~ Ce~ty~ ~w York~ herei~ after desigm~ted as the Village. NIT~SSE~ ~EAS there has beea d~y established in the said To~ a fire prot~iion district ~ow~ as "~st-West 6reenport Fire Protee~iOm Distr~a~ TO~ of Se~old. N.Y." herei~fter aS_~e Nistrict, ~racing ter~y.~m said'Te~adJac~nt to ~h~ - Sgx~ Village as such territo~ f~l~ly ~escribed in ~he resel- utiem e~tab!ish~g $~ch Distrie$ ~d~y a~opted by the Town Board of the ~ewn on the 14th day of Nov~mher~ t9~5, and~ ~EAS ~ following a public h~a~g ~uly~lled of t~ sai~ Boar, d~y authorizi~ a c~ntract with the $~Ilage for fire protectorate th~ District upon the ~erms and provisions here~ se~f~rth, a~d ~AS~ this comtract has been~y authorized by the Boa~ ef T~stees and the ~r ~f the Village, NOW~ ~ORE, the To, does e~age ~he VlltagetoF~mi~ ~such protectioa in the ma~er fellewi~, to wit:- ' 1. The fire depar~eat of the Vil~ge shall at all ~imes d~ing the period of this Agreement be subject to call for attendance upon any fire necking in said District, when notified by ~a~ or telephone call from a~persom within a .~istamee ef the fire wit~n the District~ such ~e~ar~ent s~ll respe~ anff at~ upon the fire wit~6u~ aexay ~th omc er mere eemranies~ amd ~ths~table ladder, ~p~g add hose apparatue ef t~e Village, as FeHews:'- 2 ~0 gal. p~ers 1 ~%0 gal. p~per with 3001 gal. ~er 1 hock a~ ladder 1 ~eod ligh~ 1 salvage wago~ ~pon arriving a~ the scene of the fire ~e firemen of ~he Village atteadi~ shall proceed diligently a~ im e~ry ~y reasonably suggested te the extimg~s~ent ef ~he fire and'the savi~ ef life a~ property ia co,cation ~herewi~h. I~ is ~derstood a~ agreed by ~e parties hereto that the ~ishi~ of the apparat~ of the Village ~re Dep~tment a~ ~he zesponse by the firemen s~ll be subject to ~e order of the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village, ethos subordinates imauthority. Who, in their dis- cretion im the event of any emergency as, for e~ample, anather fire mt the same'time in the said District the ¥ilIage, ~ay designate such nam ~ud apparatus to a~v parti~ ~la~ f~e aZ they may deem ~ecessa~y. Furthermore, · the .s~ Chi~ or his subordtnnt~s ixl authority, s~ll have ~[~Ol~discretien as to.the sendinE in~ladditie~al ata~ws an~'~!ii~ in response to a fire the' dep'artnent of other dist~ters~ 2. In consid~ation of the f~rnishing said and the use of the ap~aratusas a~eres~aid~ the Village mh~ll receive the sum of $~,600.~OSe!lars per year during the period of this Agreement. Ail monies to he paid under this Agreement shall be a charge upon th'e said District, to be assessed amd levied Upon the tam~ble property in said District and collected with the Town Taxes~ a~d s~ll be payable as follows: ($5,~0. on the firet day of February, 1952; $~600o on the first day of Febr.mary, 195~; $~600. on th8 first day of Februa~., 195~, $~,600. Sn the first day of Febrmary, 195~; and $1,800. on the first day of ~ebruary, I9%6.) $. This'Agreement shall continue for a period of five years from the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed and deliv~ed this agreement the day.a~ year first above mentioned. THE TOWN BOARD OF THE T0~N OF SOUTNOLD BY: NORNAN E. KLIPP Supervisor VILLAGE OF GREENPORT · ' BY: Otis Mo Mayor 347 Attest: EllaL. Phitlipa Eiliage Clerk Nov~d ~y J~stice Clark; seconded by Justice Albertsom: Whereas, en or abou~ July 1, 19~6, the Towm Board entered into an aEreement wit~ the ~illage of Greomport for the f~rnishing of wate~ for fire protection p~rposes thromgh the fire protection district kmowm~s the "East-Nest Greemport Fire Protection District Town South01d~ N.y;~ for a cried . . , of · P of f~ve years and, Whereas,due notice was given of a public hearing te be'held at the offi'ee of'th~ Supervisor o~ 0c~eher ~ 1950. at 8:00 o'clock P.Mi to ~omsid~r a ~eW Contract for an ~dd~tio~ five year period, the notice duly ~peeifying ~the tine amd .place of the hearing, as afore- said~and~iv~ng im'general, the terms of the proposed contract, an~il perseus interested appearing amd hav~$ been heard, it is hereby Resolved: 'That this Town Board emter into an agreement~ with said Village of Greenpert for the furnishing of water for fire protection to said district, in substantially the following form~ amd that the ~tract ~e executed On behalf of this Board by ~he Supervisor ef Town ef ~o~thel~- 348 This Agreement~ made this. first .day of July, 19~1. be~twee~ ~he . Tow~x Board~of the To~ o~ ~ou~ld~ S~a~ ~o~ty~ New x~rk~ here i~f~er desig~te~ as the To~, and .the Village of Gre~port~ S~folk Co~ty~ New York~ herei~ft~ ~esig~t~ as the Village, : ~T~SSETH', ~AS ~ere .has be~ ~y es~abli~e~ i~ the sai~ To~~ A fire protection district ~ as "East-~st Fir~ Protection Dis~ric~ To~ of ~outhold~ N.T."~ hereafter de- sighted as the District, embraci~ territory la ~aid To~ adJacemt to the said Village as such territory is ~re ~ly described in res~l~Ion establishing such Distric~ and duly adopted by the To~ Beard of ~e To~ on ~e l~th day 1of Nov~ber, 195~, ~d ~ ~, following a public hearing d~y calle~ cf the said Bb~d d~y authorizing a contract with the Village for the f~nish- i~' ~f ~ter fo~ fir~ protection p~poses through the said District, upon the terms and provisions herein set fortht and ~ this contract has als~ been d~ly ~tho~ized by the ~ard'of Trustees and the Mayor of the Vill~. - N~ ~EREFO~ in cons~derstion of the a~t to be paid and of %he ~tal coverts, and agreements as herei~fter set for~ ~ the pa~ties hereto Agree as foll~am- 1. The Village agrees~ ~o~heu~ ~t ~rtlon of the '~ere its water ~mns are ~w iustalled, to i~tall h~rants for fire protection p~poses, to the e~ that ~xi~ teetien for fire instate p~peses is affoPd~ t~ property -.~ adjacent t~ ~e said ~ins. 2. The Village agrees, ~om t~e to time~ as conditio~ ~rran$~ ~ extemd its ~ins throughout the public ~- of the District~ a~ ~o In~tall hydrants therein a~ the rate of ~t less than ten (10) ~drants per mile. ~ 3. ~ In ~e event t~t to affo~ a m~i~ of p~teetion for fire ims~ance p~pose$ ~e ~staltatiom *ef ~ts at .... a rate exceedi~ ten ~drants per ~le is indicated ia a~ ~rtion ~f the distriet~ the parties will agree ~on the leeatio~ of Such ~drants~ and~ sho~d they be ~ble to agree a~ between thyselves as to ~e proper ~ecation ef such ~r~ts,~ hudrants will be i~atl~d Is accordance with the reeo~endatioms ~de by the ea- g~eers or e~r representatives of~ ~ ~ard ef Smb- ~ham Im~C~U~er~iters er other appropriate Boar~ J~ ~ ~g havi~au~he~ ~e fix rat~s aad establish r~es for ~fire ins~ee 4. I~ consideration loP. the installation of ~e h~ra~ts the ~shi~ of water fe~ ~poses, the TeE s~II Z~ ~f ~r~ ($~.) te~ ef~ 2%~& (~5)~ y~ars. er Beard as has .a~$~rity to establish SD. as to reqmire~ pres z~e~ for warramting reduced fire instance premi~s~ and ~he pa~emts indicated ab,~e shall be pai~ for hydr~ts which meet such speeificatiems a~ requirements. The lia~ility~ef ~he T~for such pa~eats s~ll commence When netiee~to the effec~ that such hav~ been inst~led and approved ~S bee~ given te the Te~ Clerk er T~ ~UPervis~r by th~ Village. All ments due to the Village By the T~wm p~s~t ~o agreement s~ll be made om the ~rst day of Fe~r~=y ef every year d~ing the term of this agre~e~ at ~ich t~e the To~ shall pay te the Village the ~o~s ow~ to ~ imcluding the thirty-first day ef December of the preceedimg year. Im ~he event t~ this com~ract is ~t renewed ~t the expiratio~ thereof~ ~e Town shall pay to the Village such amo~t as ~y be due at ~he t~mi~tion of this agree~mt within s~ty (60) days after such ~piration. 3'49 expiration. 5. All moneys ~to 'be ~aid under this agreement shall be a ~harge upon the district to b~ assessed a. nd levied upo~ the taxable property therein an~ c~llected with the To~ 6. -This agre~en% s~ll cent~ue for a perie~ ef five (5) years ~om the date hereof. ~ ~E~$ ~0F~ ~he parties ~ve d~y executed and del- ivered ~hZs Agreemen~ the day and ~e year ~rs~ above mentiene~. T~ TO~ BOA~ 0F ~ ~0~ OF SS~HOLD BY: Norman E, Klipp Sllpervisor VILLAGE OF GREENPORT OTIS Mt Butt Nayor AtteSt: imps Ella ~,~2hil ' Village Clerk. due March an~ to 'wntered~ in$o. by Jus rice Tut~ill: 51, of the ~ow~ of Southold, the amOUnt of ToWm ef Sou~old~ New York~ after · dmly adopted on December ~zed the Town Superintendent ~ for highway construction subject to the ap- andprovided that of obligations Law. was duly on December hav~ 1.¸ is tel ~f the~ cost ef a capital ~te is ~ finance a part follows. of the ,cost ~$ tolbe provided from a~part of the proceeds of a eapit~l ne~e ia~ the amount of $18~29~60-to be issued pursua~it, to this resolution .. ¢. One t951'BulckAutemabile Model Riviera, Four Door Sedan. The total eosto~ this car is $2,579.60, and the plam of financing 350 suah cost is ms follows: ~y Packard Automobile traded"in pursuant to Section 1~2 of the Hi~h~y Law of the value of $985.00. The balance of the cost is t, ~e provided from a par~ ~f ~e proceeds ufa Oapital N~te iu ~ ~ ofh$18,29~.60 ~ be iesue~ p~s~t ~o ~his resolution~ . ~ -D. ~e Good Re~ds ~a~reader. T~e ~o~ cost o~ ~is S~ Spreade~ is $1~2~0,00. ~ ~e plan of fi~nel~ such cost is as f~llows: By Bm~eye ~preader traded in p~s~nt te Sec%ion 142 of the Highway Law of ~e value of $~00.~, The balance of the east is'to be provided from a part of the proceeds efa capit~ mo~e in the ~t of $18~29~,60, ~ be issued p~s~t ~o this Pesolution. _ E. One Litt!eford R~volvi~ ~eom wi~ 15~ horse ~r m!~. T~e to~a~ cost of~ii Broom. is $1~61.O0 ~d ~ plan or rx~m~ s~n cost is as follows. By ~ Revolvin~ Broom traded in p~s~nt %o SeCtion 1%2 of the Highway ~w of the value of $1~OJ~. The Balance of the cost is te be provided ~om a part of the proceeds of ,a Capital Note in the amo~t of $18~2~.60~ ~ be i~sued purs~nt to this resolution. 3. The fo~owi~ ~etermi~tions are hereby made: (a) The period of probably use~ness of such equip~ is five ~ears. (b) The su~ivision .of paragmaph a of Section 11 of the Local Fi~ce ~w which is applicable in the circ~- stances is subdivision (~)The proposed ~t~ity of the obligation aut~rized ~ ~is re~olm~n.~t be in excess of one year~ . J.~l~ t~ ~r~scribed, said mete :. ~,~ s~ ~, '/~ ~ ~lace of payment ~ P s cz ~e sa~d Local Fiance Law of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF 'SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CAPI~Ar. NOTE OF 1951 The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ in-the County of ~uffolk. a mum.leipality ~omf~th.e ~ta~te of New York, hereby ae~-~wledges itself indebted of _tar val~e reseived promises to pay to the First National Ba~k ~reenport, N.Y., the sm~ of $18,29~.6G BOLLARS~ on the, 16 day of Nay~ 1952~ together with interest thereon from the date hereof ~ ~hh~e rat? o,f_~l..~, pa.y~ble a~nually, Both ,principal a~d 'interest n s no~e wu±± he pared im lawful mOney of the U~ited States of America~ at the Office of the ~upervisor of the Town ef Southold~' Greenport, ~uffolk Oo~mty, Ne~ York. · Thais Note may not be converted to registered form. · This No_re is the only note of an authorized issue in the. amount of $18,295,60 for the put, se of financing the plzrchase of certain machinery, ,This note is issued pursusant to the provisions of a r~soluticn entitle~ "Capital Note Resolution,- d~ly adopted by the Town mf such ToWn of SoUthold~ *n ~Nay $~ 19515 and the pr~lvilege, is hereim reserved ~y the said T$~ of Southotd to pre-pay the whole or nny part of the unpaid balance of the principal a~m hereef at any tine without penalty. The faith and credit of such TOWN OF SOUTHOLD are hereby irrevocably pledged for the p~mctual payment of the prin~ip, al of and interest om this Note aceording 2o its terms. It is hereby recited and certified that all conditions~ acts~ re~uired by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York, toexist, to have ~appened and to have bee~u per- formed precedent to and in the ismuanee of this Nota~ exist. have ha~ened and have been per£ormed~ and that this Note, to- gether with all other indebSedmese of such TOWN OF SOUTNOL~ is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the. Constitutlom and Laws of such State. 35! 'I~.~I~ESS:~OF~ the T0~ OF SOUTHOLD~ New York~ has eaus~d~is here~to~afPixe~ and attested byits ~o~glerk~.this ~ote to be ~t~ ~is 16th day.of ~ay, 19~. . - ' k$~est. Ralph P. TOw~lerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~ NeW York By ~ Nerman E, Klipp Supervisor Adjournment was at 5 P..M. Ral h P, Booth Town Olerk