HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 Notice of Public Hearing283 Meeting of September 19, 1950 The Southold Town Board met at ~the office of Supervisor Norman E. Klipp~ au Greenport, on Tues., Sept. 19, 1950. The meeting was called to order au 1:30 P.M., with the followingpresent: SuperviserKlipp; Justic~ Terry, Tuthill~ Albertson and Clark~ Town Superintendent of Highways Price; To~nAttornev Terry and Town Clerk Booth. - The. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were duly approved as read. Moved by Justice Clark~ seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: That the regular monthly ~udit meeting of this Board will be held at the office of Supervisor at Greenport, on Th~rs.~ Oct. %~ 19~O, at 1:30 P.M. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Tutbill~ seconded by Justice Albertson: Res~ved: That the TownAssessors be authorized to attend the annual Convention. of National Assooiation of Assessing Officers to be held at Atlantic City, N.J.~ on Oct. 8 to Oct. 12, 19~0, Necessary expenses .againstincurredthebY town.the assessors attending ~his meeting is a proper charge Unahimously adopted. The following Resolution offered by Superintendent of Highways Harold Price and seconded by Justice Harry Terry was u~nimously adopted by the 2own Board: Whereas, Almighty God has, in his infinite wisdo$, seen fit to remove from our midst~ Jozef Kozlowski, a faithful and conscientious employee of the Southold Town Highwa~ Department for over twenty-two years, Now ThereforeBe It Resolved. That we, the members of the Southold Town Board~ do hereby express our heartfelt sympathy to the members of his family, and Be It Fu~t~r Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Town Board~ and that the Town Clerk cause a copy thereof nransmitted ~o his family. Moved by Justice Clark, ~econded by Justice Tuthill: Whereas, Henry F. Santa?roee has resigned as te~porary Police Patrolm (Consta'ble) from the T~'w~Police Department Town of ~ ....... an Therefore Be It ResolVed:'~ That Joseph Sawi~ ~ ~ ~u~z~ . ~emporary Police Patrolman\ Constabl~ of t~ ~= =~u n~esy ~s appomnted Police De~rtment from Sept~ber 22, both dates inclusive~ Be It Further Resolved: That Joseph Sewiski be compensated for such position at the rate of $ 6.%0 per day. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Tuthill, seconded by JustiCe Clark: Resolved: That WilbtLw J. July, of Mattituck, be and hereby is appointed Speci~i Conetabl~ to direct traffic at the Mattituck School crossing, at a salary of $~.00 per day for each school day worked effecV September.2%, 19~O~ he to serve at the ol~asure of *~ ~ ~ ~ive ~nanmmously adopted. - .... oar~. Moved Dy Justice Clark, seconded ~y Justice Terr~: Resolved: That a public hearing will be held at the Village Hall~ Greenport, on Tuesday, October ~, 1950, at 8 o'clock P.Mo~ for the purpose of considering a proposed contract with the Village of Greenport for the furnishing of fire protection to the East-Wes~ Fife'Protection District for a period of five years commencing Jan. l, 1951. Unanimously adopted. Moved hy Justice T~thi~l~ seconded hy Justice Cl~rk: Resolved: That the stree~ lighting contract betwwen the Town of Southold and the LonE Island Lighting Company for the Mattituck Lighting Distri~ct #I be and hereby is approved by the Town,Board, said contrac~ is for a term of five years and expires on Sept. 2%, Unanimousl~ adopted. 284 The hearing on the matter of purchasing machinery for the Town Highway Dept., which was advertised in accordance with Section 1~2 of the Highway Law~ was duly opened at 2 o'clock P.M. No person appeared before the Board to speak either for ar against this item mentioned in the legal notice. The hearing was closed at .2:90 P.M. Moved by Justice Terry~ seconded by Justice ~uthill: Whereas, th~ Town Superintemdent cf Highways did~ om the 19th day of ~ 19~0, duly recomz~end the purchase o~ certain (Machinn~y) (equipment) pursuant to provisions of Section 152 of the Highway ~aw, and a notice of~such recommendation has been duly published as p~ovided in such section. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 152 of the Highw~ Law-the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purcha~e-~from E~al Nachiner~Co. ~i~h the approval o£ the County Superintendent of Highways: ~Q~e__~NelsonB~uck~et__~Loader_)_with RotarE Screen~_Mod__el__Q-_~ll_~_wit__h_~12"nadsi~n olace of ~", F. 0. B. Oor_~am~_L. I~. for a total~-~i~-~-'~ight th~-~sand nine hundred sixty five Dollars. ($8~96%.00) delivered At CorAm. LL. New York, an~ to-be delivered on or about October IO~ 19%O. The Town Superintendent ofHighway is hereby auth6rized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways~ to surrender to the above-named vendor One (Ha~s Bucket Loader~ with attachments) as part payment for the' above (machinery) (equipment)-~o be p~Chased. The terms of payment will be as fo~lows: Trade~in allowance Check drawn on Machinery ~und Check from proceeds of obligations ~ 1, ~+0. O0 $ Total $ 8J96~.00 A contract of purchase for the item purchase shall he du~y executed b between the T~ Superintendent of Highways and such ~andor~ and whe~ duly approved by the County Superindendent of Highways~ it shall becoma effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved~ the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchas$ upon delivery of the item purchase~ in accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contrsot~ and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks. (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item ~) for (2) by a check in the amount of $42~~ drawn on account established from the proceeds of~iigations 'to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such ofligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a sepa~ats resolution, Vote of ~own Board (Aye) Norman E. Klipp' ~upervisor (Aye) Ha--~Terr_~ Justice of Peace (Aye)~hill Justice of Peace (Aye) Henry Cl~r~' Justice of Peace (Aye) Lester Albertso~ Justice of Peace State of New York ) ~ounty of Suffolk )SS Town of Southold ) I~ Ralph Booth , Town Clerk of the Town o~ Southold in the County of Suffolk, New York~ de hereby certify that I have compared the proceeding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such Town at a (regular) (special) meeting of such board held on Sept. 19~ 1950~ and that the some is a ~rue and correct copy of such resolution and of the whold thereofj In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set m~han~-and~ff~ed the seal of said Town this 19th day of September, 1950~ Signed$ Raloh P. Booth Moved by JuStice Harry Terry Seconded by.Justice Ralph W. Tuthill CAPITAL NOTE RESOLUTION of September 19~ 1950~ of the TSWIi OF S0~EOLD~of SUFFOLK COUNTY~ NNW YOBK~ in the AMOUNT of $ ?, 500. THAT WHEREAS the Towr~card of the ~own'of Southold~ New Yerk~ after due public notice~ by'a resolution duly adopted on the 19th day of September~ 1950~ a~thorized the Town Superintendent of Highways~' purchase certain machinery for highway construction and malutenanc~' at'a ~0ta~ cost of $-90~O. ~ subject to the approval of the Superintendent ,of High~cays a~d orovi~ad that $ 7500 of such cost was to be ~aid from oroceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance La~ ard ~EREAS a contract of purchase for such machinery was duly entered into ~y the Town Superintendent of Highways on the lSth day of September~ 1950~ which contract has been duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways. ~OW~ THF.HEFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED: 3. That the specific o~ject or purpose for which a capital note is ~o be issued pursuant to this resolution is ~o finance the, coat of certain highway machinery known as a:- Nelson Bucket Loader ~odei Q-11 with rotary screen and 12 i~ch pads. ~. The maximum cost of such machinery is $ 90~0. ~ and the plan of financing such cos~ is as follows: By machinery ~raded in pUrsuant to Section lk2 of the Highway Law of the value of $.,1~40 . The balance of the cos~ is to be provided by the issuance of a capital note in:the amoun~ of $ 7~00 , purs~ant-_~o this resolution. 3. The following determinations are hereby made: (a) The perio~ of probable usefulness of such eauipment is five years. (b) The subdivision of paraErap~ afof Section ll.O0 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circumstances is subdivision (c) The proposed ~a~urity of the obligation authorized by this resolution will not be'~n excess of one year. $. That~ e~cep~ as herein specifically prescribed~ said note shall be of the date~ terms~ form~ contents and place 'of payment and at a rate of interest no~ exceediDg TWO (2%) per centum per annum, as may be ds~erminedby the Town aupervisor~ coaeistent: however~ with tEe~provisiohs ~ the s~id Local Finance Law of the State of New York; and shall be executed the name of the siid Town by its °upervieor and the Seal of said Town shall be attached thereto. 5. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the ~ow~ Supervisor a~ a price of not less than par value and accrued Interest~ if any, and upon due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon payment by him to the -own -upervisor of the purchase price ih cash) and the receipt of such Suparvlsor shall be a full acquitance ~o such pt~rchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. a~ ~ ~e~fu~ faith_an~ credit of the Town of ~outhold, ~ew York, -- ~¢~ugea 5o ~ne punc~na± payment of principal arid interest on said not 7. ~h~s resolution shall take effec% immediately, e. THE QUESTION OF TEE iDOPTI9N OF 5~fE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~ WAS DULY PUT ~O A VOTE %~ICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES ........ Supervisor Norman E. Klipp; Justices of the Peace Harry Terry~ Ralph Tuthill~ Ee~ter Albe~tson~ and Henry A. Clark. ABSENT ...... Justice of the Peace Radford C. Shanklin. NAYES ....... None. ~HE SUPERVISOR THEREUPON DECLARED T.~aT ~ RESOLUTI~IIWAS DULY ADOPTED, 286 Po. I UNITED STATES .OF A~%~ERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTT OF SUF~012~ TOW~ OF SOUTHOLD CAPITAL NOT~ OF 19~d. TheTOWN OF SO~0LD, in the County of Suffolks. a municipality of theState~-6~New York~ hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value receivedthe sum of Pr°mises to pay to the D~I~RS: on t~e day.of_ .~-~ nogether with i~utarest- thereon from the date hereof at the rate of ~ payable annually. Both principal an~ interest of this note will be paid in lawful money of the United States of ~merica~ at the aeries of the Supervisor of the Town of Southold~ Greenport~ Suffolk County, New,York. This Note may not be converted to registered form. This Note is the only note of an authorized issue in the amount of $ 7~OO.OO for the purposedof financing the purchase of certain highway machinery. 5 This Note is issued purs%~ant to the provisions of a resolution entitled "Capit~l Note Hesotution"~ duly adopted by the Town Board of such Town of fou~hold~ on September 19~ 1950; and the privilege is herein reserved by'the said Town of Southold to pre-pay the w~ole o~ any part of the unpaid balboa of the principal sum hereof an any time~ without penalty. The faith and credit of such TOWN OF SOUTHOLD are hereby irrevocably pledgen for the punctual paymen~ of the principal of and interest on thi~ Note scc~ing to its terms. It is hereby recited and certified that all conditions~ acts required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State ~f New York to exist~ to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in t~ issuance o.f this Nota~ exist~ have happened and a have been performed~ and. that this Note~ together with all other indebtedness of such T0~fN OF SOUTHOLD is within every debt and other limt~ prescribed b~ the Constitution and Laws of such State. IN WITNESS ~HEBEOF'~'the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: New ¥ork~ has caused this Note to be Sighed by its Supervisor end its cnrporate seal to be Nsreunto affixed and atteste~ by its ~own Clerk and this Note to 'be dated the day of ~ 19~0. ( Town Seal ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, New York. Attest: By Ralph P, Booth Norman E. Kti~o Town Clerk. ~Supervisor. Adjournment was at 5,3' 0 PLM. Ralph P. Booth To~n Cllerk