HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 5 yr Contract (2)~s~in~ of JuneEl, 19~6 The Seuth~td Tow~ Bo~rd ~e~ a~ the office of Supervisor S~ ~ent- w~rth Herren ~t Greenpor~, on ~iday, J~e Et, 1946. ~e ~e~ lmE ~s ealted to order a~ 1:~8 ~.~ with the f~liowi~ present: Supe~is~ ~rt~; Justi=es Ter~, Hawki~ and ~ipD; Te~ Sup~. of ~ghw~ys ~ice ~ ~ at~o~ey Ter~ and ~o~ ~l~k ~e ~nu~es ~f the previo~ ~etl~ were rea~ an~ du~ approved ~ved by ~ice ~wki~s, seconded by ~ioe Ter~; ~OL~D: ~at ~e L. ~g~ of Greenpor~ be and hereby Is pointed Special Gons~a~le while employed en t~ property of les Sage to ~rve withou~ p~ and at ~he pleas~e ~f the To~ U~ly adopted. ~ve~ b~ J~i~e Te~y, seconded by J~tice ~wkins~ ~0L~D: ~hat ~ie ~. ~hitt of Orient be ~d he is he=eby po~ed as ~tem of ~he ~o~ of SoutkOld ~o fill out the ~e~- ~ te~ of the late ~ederick T~ber, said Lyte F. ~thlll to s~e the duties of said of Tice as of this day. ~ve~ by ~ustiee ~iPD, se~omded by Justice ~O~v~: ~a~ ~ reselu~ieH ~n the ~s~-~st ~eenp~ ~ee$iom Dis~ which was d~ly a~opted by ~his Board at a ~egular To~ ~ard Eeeting which ~s held on ~y I?, 1~6, be ~es~i~ded~ ~m~iy adopted. ~oved by Wustlae ~ipp, seconded by Wus~i~e Hawkins~ W~, ~ere h~s been duly ea~ablished in this ~ a fire pre ~eotion ~i~triet, ~ as ~s~-~es~ ~eenpo~ Pi~ ~otec~ion Dis- trie~, To~ ef Southold, N.Y," e~ra~i~ ~e~i~o~ ~ said A~acent $o the Villa~ of Greenport, New Y~k, as such ter~i~o~ more fully describe~ in the resetutiea establi~hi~ such ~d ~uly adopted by this Board ~ the 14th day of Nov~er, 1~4~ ~E~, it ~s proposed thet oon~raots be entered in~o with the Via~ge of Greenpor~ for the furnishing of fire protection to s~h district, and for ~he f~nishing of water ~or fire protection poses throu~ ~he said dis~ric~, a~ ~ due notice ~s been given ~ a publi~ hemri~ ~o be held a~ this ?illage on~ths ~d day of April, t~6, a~ P.M., ~o eons!der m~h a ~ont~c~, the no,ice d~y ~ifying the ~ and place of ~he h~lng~ ae a~oresaid, and giv~ in gene=ti ~ ~e proposed eon~rac~s, and alt perso~ interes~ an~ appearin~ having been ~ard, it is hereby ~ of Greenpor~ for the fu~hing of fire p~ee~lon mhd wa~er for lime projection p~poses, in such district, in be~ ~ this ~ard by ~he Supe~is~ of the TO~ ~ ~is ~ee~n~, made ~his flrs~ day of ~y, t9~, between ~he ~ B=ord *f the T~ ~f Southoid, ~ffo~ ~ty, Eew York, herei~af~er desl~a'~ed as ~, and the ViSage ~ ~eenpor~, folk Go~y, Kew Turk, here~nsf~er desi~a~e~ as ~he Villag~ ~, ~, ~here has been d~2 es~blishe~ in ~d ~ a fi~ protection district ~o~ as "~st-~s$ ~eenpor~ Fi~ ~eetion District, To~ ef Southold, E.T~", herei~f~er desi~ed as ~he District, e~raeing ~e~ in maid To~ adjacent tO the said Village as such ~e~itory Is ~re f~ described in the ~e~ol=~i~ establishing s~h ~striet and duly adopted by the To~ Board ~f the 9o~ en the l~th day of N~vember. t$~6, and · ~AS~ Fo~ow~g a publi~ he~ri~ duly ~alled of the $~ Board duly authorizi~ m eont~em wi~h the Village for fire %~i~ %~%he ~mtrie$ up~ the te~ ~d provi~i~s h~eim W~EAS , this oontras~ has alas bean duly authorized by the Board of Trustees and the Mayer af the Vilta6e, NO~, ~0RE, tbs Town does engage the Village to furnish I~ ~e ~e department cF t~e V~ge ~ al al~ ti~ ~_i~ the perie~ of this A~e~n~ ~ s~Je~t t~oa~ for ~end~c~ ~on a~ fi~e ~in~ Ih said ~is~riet, an~ when by ala~ er telephone call fr~ any person withi~ a distance ef the fire ~thin the District, such department shall respond ~d ~pon She fl~e wltheu~ delay with one e~ more eo~amies, and wi~h suitable ~d~e~, p~ing and ~ose apparatns of the Vi~age, as ~cl- l~ws :- ?~ ~al~ pampers $~ gal. pumpe~' with -~$0 gal. water 500 gal~ p~m~er with 158 gal. wares' hook and ladder flaed light malva ge wages ~am a~riving a~ the ssene ef the fire the f'lremen of the at~md~ ~a~ p~ee~ diligently mhd in every way ~g~sted to ~he ext~uis~mt of ~e ~i~e and ~he savi~ of ~ proper~y in capetian therewith. I~ is ~e~steed and a~eed by the p~ties hereto t~t ~he shag o~ t~ appar~t~ of the Vll~ge ~ire ~part~n~ ~d the apace b~ the fire~n s~l be ~je~i ~o ~e ~d~ of ~he ~ief exa~ie~ ano~ fire a~ the sa~ ~ in the said Dish,et ~ ~he Vi~Ee, Ey desi~a~ such ~ ~d appara~ ~e ~ f~e as they ~y deem aeees~a~. E~he~, the said O~ef,' him $~r~imates i~ authority, sha~ ~ve a~otm~e dl~re~i~ as g;. lin eo~slderation of the furn.'~sh~l~ aid and the use ~f the a~paratms as aforesaid, t~e Village shall reaeive the sum of Thirty-six Rl~adre~ $~600) Dollars per ~ear during the pe~i~ ef this Agreement° 3. All memies te be ]~aid u~der this &~reement ,shall a~a~ge ~p~the said D~triet, to be assessed and levied ~Eble pr6per~y in said District and collected ~$h t~ TOE and s~ll be ~aya~e as fallows: $~,4~0~ ~ t~ first day ~, 194~1 ~,600. ~ ~e f~s~ day of Febr~, t~ 4. This Agreement shall ao~tinue for a period a2 five (5) years fro~ the date he.eof. IN WI~S$ '~T~IEREOF, the pe~ties have duty eieau~a~ a% d del- ivered this ag~reemen~ the day and year fi~a~ above THE T0~N B0~J~D C~ NY: ~, ~r~h ~uDe~isor V~GE 0F G~RT Viaa~ Gl~k This ~eemtn~, ma~c this firs~ day of July, 194~, betwaen To~ ~ ef the To~ ef Southold, Sdff~ ~$y, New Y~rk- h~lmaf~r designated az the T*~, and~ ~he ~lla $~fo~ Co~y,. NeW Yo~k, herel~f~er desig~$ed as $~ Vill~, ~E~EE, ~S ~here'~s been duly established ~ mn samd resolution establishing such District and duly ad'opted by the To~ Board of the Town on the 14th day of November, 1945, and ,W~EREAS, followin~ a,p~li~ heari~g d~y calle~ of the ~said ~ard d~y authorizi~ a ~on~rac~ with the Vil~ for ~e ~rnish- i~ ef ~ter for ~i~e pro~eetio~ p~eses t~ ~he sai~ Dis~ia$, upon ~he ~e~ and ~r~isio~ hereim se~ ~orth, and W~. ~Bis eon~raet has also bee~ d~y ~h~lmed ~ ~e Board ef ~ee~ a~ ~ha ~ ~ the Vit~, ~ ~, ~O~ i~ ce~i~e~ie~ of ~he ~o~ to be paid ~d ef th~ ~u~mal eove~n~s and a~ee~nts as ~arefn~F~er ae~ fo~th, ihs p~ie~ here~o ag~ea as follows:- ~,~. ~e ~la~e ~ees, ~a~ou~ ~ per,ion of the Dis~ie~ ~eMe %~ '~er ~ "a~ .~ew i~talle4, ~a install ~dr~ts for ' z~e p~alectid~ p~e~es, to the emd ~a~ ~x~ pr~eetion for fire ~u~n~e ~p~sem is aEfa~ded ta property adjacen~ 20 the said E. T~.e Vil~a~e sgree~, from time to tim~, as eondltion~ warrant, to extend lie m~ins .throughout the public roads df the Distrie%~ and ~s install ~dranta thereim at the rate of not lees than tee hydrants per mile. protection purposes the i~talla%£~n of hydrants at h rate of ex~eed- hydrants per miX,:la indicated i~anyportion of ~hediatrist, the p~r%ies will agree upo~ ~he to~a~ion ~f s~h~dr~s, ~, sho~d 4, Iu consideration for the installation of ~he hydrants aHd the furnishing of water for fire pro~ection purposes, the Town shall pay ~o the Village the sum of ~orty ~$40)Doliars per hydrant pet year for a term of five (5~ yeara~ The ~ilage undertakes ~ z~nieh and maintain sufficient water pressur~ to me6t %he requirements mol ~r~ of Suburban instance U~derwrl~ers, or such other Board as has auth- oriiyte establish specifications as to required pressuEe, for war- ~timg re~ueed fire insurance premiums~ and the patm~n~a indioated a~ove shall be paid for those hydrants which mee~ such speeifieatior~ and requirements. T~e liability of tee 'Towmfor sumh payments shall commemee whe~ n~tioe to the effect thai s~h hydrants ~ve bee~ i~ta~ed ~d ap- proved ~s been given ~o the TO~ O~k ~ To~ ~pe~ls~ ~y ~he ~1~ ~1 paints due te the Village by ~he TO~D~ ~ ~his a~eme~ ~ be made em the firs~ da~ of ~br~ ~ every ye~ ~lmg the ~e~ of this a~eem~, at which ~i~ the To~ ~ll ~ ~o the Vilta~ ~he ~s o~ ~o and l~ludi~ %he ~riy- fira~ ~ay of ~e~er of ~e pr~ee~ year. ~ ~he even~ tha~ ~ ~on~rae~ is ~t r~ewed at She e~ira~l~ ~hereef, the To~ll Day ~o ~ ~lage such ~ am ~y be due e~ the te~tion ~ this a~ement within al~y {50) d~s after s~h e~lratien. 5. All moneys to be paid ~nder this agreemen~ shall he a charge upon the district to be assessed and levied upon the taxable property therein an& coltested with t~he town ~axes. 6. This agreement s~att continue for a period of five {5) years the date hereof. II~NESS~OF, The parties have ~uly exeeute~ and delivered this Agreement the day and year first above mentioned. Attest: Ella L. Phillips Villace THE TOWN BOAI~D OF TH~ TOWN OF SOUT~0LD BY: S. ~entworth HorroR, Supervisor VILLAGE OF CREENPORT ~ved by Justice ElipD, seconded by WHEHEAS, ~ ~o~ S~er~emd~ of ~f J~, 1946, 4~y ree~d the p~e~se of ee~ta~ prcvide~ ~ such acti~ ~ ~f~e ~ It ~s~l~d: ~t p~s~t to secti~ !~E of ~ ~T~ ~SbLE2: ~a: t~ ~o~ Superinte~e~t off E~ways M~ed by ~us%iee ~y, seoo~de~ b~ ~ard for pe~iSsi~ to 'a~u~ ad&i~ie~ la~s Beg/~ning at the ~ortheaste~rly aornor of land of said ~terling Gemmte~Y In~., on the southerly l~e of North Boad and ~ning thence alone said'southe~iy line~gf North ~d.,.N.:6~o i' B0" E. fifty (50) ~ee~;. ~henee em a l'~ aS rl~t an~es~ ~o sou2k~ly~ tine ~f North ~ad, S. ~m~'4O" E. fi~e ~dred thi~ five am~ sixty h~d~e~ (~5~60) fee~ t~ other ~a~d o~ s~id lng 0e~e~ ~; the~e alon~ saf~ ~her land of Sterlxng ~. ~ee eo'~ses, asfo!lo~. ~ N. ~o 58' AO" W. 45~38 fee~ to ~he ~o~t ~ plac~ C0N~ Five ~d~ed ~Ven~y~n~e ~ousandt~ {$~9~000) of am acre. ~ved by JUstice Hawkins, seconded ~ Justice Te~; ~SOL~D: ~at the ~g~ar ~n~y audit mee~i~ of this be held ~ ~eadal J~y 9, 1946, at l:3O ~iy adopted. A~O~ was at 4 ~ ~lph P. Booth TOE Glerk