HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 5 yr Contract~er ~em~. ~he Village of Greenpsrt agrees to put in
necessary pipes and h$~an~s, fi~ri~ x~st l~$~ ~h~ t0 h~-
pipe~, prOvid~ ef mo~ ~ha~ Sh~ work be ~o~ as
Several reaideu~s cf the East-West Fire t'~oteetion
DiSl~iet responded. T~e majority sp~ke in laver cf the Village
of G~eemlo~rt fur~ishin& ~i~e prs~ectiom amd hydran~s~
was at 9 P.M.
Meetit~g of I~ay t?, t94~
The Ssuthst~ ~own Board me~ at the office ef Supe~is~
a~ ~reenpo~$, cm ~iday, ~y 1~ 1~6.
~der a~ 1:30 P.~ wi~ the ~otlowi~ p~esent: Supe~l~
Jus$ices, ~&-~, Hawkfns a~ ~ipp$ TOE ~p~. of Highwaay ~lGe;
To~ At%~ney F~n~ TOE Gl~
Noved by Justice Hawkins, seconded 'by J~stiee~
~sotved: ~t C~ne~al Bills in ~he ~ of $~2,00;
B~mabte Welfare Bills ~ the ~mn~t ~f ~4.~8 ~
sable ~fare Bills im the amo~$ of $$.t~ be amd ~he marne
hereby ordere~ pa~.
~w~ ad~e~
~d by. Justice ~wki~s, s~conde~ by Justice Te~:
~setve~. ~ ~e salary of the ~n o2 the ~ard ~
sessors he ~la~ed a~ ~0~ per a~, effe~%ive Yu~ 1, t~46.
~ved ~ ~tice ~iDP, seecnde~ ~y ~$1ee
~, ~here ha~ bees duly es~abt~he~ in this ~ a fi~e
~ro~eetien ~ ~ as "~st~es~ Gree~ort Fi~ ~o~eeti~n
~Irlc~, ~ of Sout~otd~ N.Y." ~b~ing~te~i~ im said To~
adjac~n$ to ~he Vil~ ~f G~eenpc~, New Y2k, as such
Is m~e f~y descrihe~ in the res~ution ea~ablishi~ s~h
~ic~ and d~y ad~pted b~ ~hls ~ard on the ~4~h day of Ney. i~4S,
~, i~ ~s ~ropase~ t~t a oontrac~ be neared
the Vill~ ~f Greenp~rt fer the ~rn~klng cf fi~ protec~lo~
to sueh dia~iet, a~
~, ~e notiee h~ been given of a publ~ he~i~
kel~ a~ $~ Village ~ ~he 2Smd da~ cf Ap~., t~&6, a~ 8
· o ~o~side~ s~h a co~t~c~, t~ no~iee d~y spe~i~i~ ~e
Rtaee ef ~ hear~, as af~emaid, and giving in ~
t~t th~ ~ B~d ~on$~a~t ~h ~e ~d
~ AG~ ~de ~ls day of 1946, ~etween ~he
To~ ~ard of ~he Town of Southold, S~folk Go~ty, New
~rei~f~er desig~2ed as party of the sscond
Urr~EEE, wher~s ~e~e h~ been duly established
said TO~ of Somthol~ a f~ pmoAeetiom di~triet known as
West ~eenpo~ Fi~ Protectiom Distric%, To~ ef So~l~,
~eenpor%, as zu~h ~e~l~ is ~o~e fully deseribed iA
~solu~ion es~ablisAi~ s~h district and d~ adopied by the
w~, ~ollewing ~ 'puBli~ heari~ duly ~alled., She ~aid Bo~
She p~ty o~ ~he'firs% part, duly au~horize~ ~ oon~aet with ~he
par~y ef ~he secon~ p~ for f~e pro%ection to said dl~trlc%
upe~ t~e tez~s and provisions herein set forth, and
W~EREAS~ this contract has also been duly authorized hy
the Board of Trustees, end ~ayor of the pmr%y e~ the second
tric~ an~ 2he pa~ e~ the se~on~ par~ a~ee~ ~o F~nish such ~o-
l. ~e f~e dep~tment of the said party of ~ secomd par~
shall aS all ~imes duri~ the period of th~ a~e~ent be
te salt fe~ a~tenda~e upon a~ fire .oae~m~ng in s~h dist~iet,
~4 W~n rectified ~y alum or telephone call from a~ peasen wilh-
~re ~es and ~$h suitable ia~er, ~u~-i,~ and hose ap-
~e~ ~f the par~ ~ ~he second part as follows:-
~ ~0 ~1~ p~e~
1 ~00 gal. p~er wi~h I~0 ~1.
1 ~k ~ la4d~
I fle~ l~gh~
1 salvage
party of the second part a~en~i~g shall proceed diligently and
tm ev~ way reaso~y sug~sted to ~he-ex~ls~n~ of the
fi~, a~ ~he saving of life an4 prope~y ~ conmec~io~ ~with.
~* ~ ~o~ide~i~ ~ f~niahi~ aid and the use of
para,us ms .aforesaid the par~y of the see~d pa~ s~tX reeel~
the s~ of ~ S~ ~D {$~00] ~l~rs p~ ye~ d~i~
~he period ef ~his
~, The,p~r~ of ~ second par~ f~r a~ees ~o
~$er ~ins and F~plsh water for fire proteetiom purposes
the r~e of For~y (~0) ~llars Per year per hydrant for a .~e~
ef five (S) years and th~ pa~en~ For m~e shall b~gin after
each ~drant is i~alled and in working order, and the party
of the second part further agrees that it will extend its ~ter
~i~ For ~he purpose of furnishing ~ter For fire pro~ec~ion a~d
will i~atl ten (lO] ~drants per mile, and tha~ sa~d ~i~al-
lati~ m~ll eo~ ~o ~he req~re~mts of ~5am
~e~iters Boa~d with referees ~o reduced instance
OE said hydrant Settee.
~- ~ ~e~s ic be paid ~der this a~ee~n~ shall be a
e~rge ~o~ the said ~ire ~o~eetien District to be assessed a~
isled upon ~e T~abte p=eperty in said Diarist amd ~olleeted
with ~he tee ~xes and s~li be pa~bte '
5, This a~eemen~ shall continue for ~ period of five (5)
years fro~ the date hereof.
E ~S EE~OF, the par~ies have duly executed an~ del-
ivered ~hls a~e~t, ~he day and year above men~iomed.
S. ~entwor~h
~e~be~t ~.
~iees of the Peace
~a~d ~' SheUT~ ~f South~d
(Ak~owled~me nts)
By John Kl~$e
that such eontrac~ be execute~ in ~e~alf of this
~na ~ao~ly ad'pred.
Moved by Justice Terry, seconded by Justice ~Piawkins;
RESOLVED: ~hat the attendant at the Southold Town DUml~ be placed
a~ SA~O0 per day, effective at once~