HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946 Public HearingThe .~o~thol~ To~n Boar~ met at the office of ~e~tw~r~h Ho~ton, at ~reenport o~ Friday, April 19, 1~46. The present. Super*Visor Herton, ~ustice ~wkins, ~l~e, ~wn A~terney, Ter~ amd To~ 0lark ~e~ne~t ~..~oll ~ppeared before the Board askin~ for eda~- ~aa in his~atez~yas Ohairm~n off theBomr~ of Assessor, S It was aEree~ to hold.the regular monthly audit meeting on~a~m- daY,'~ay ?, i~$ at l:JO ~.~. This mee~ingwas pes~phone~ until was at ~ P.~ Ralph P. Boot~ Te~rn Olerk ~a~oorda~c~ ~h ~he ~aetion taken at m previous ~eting amd ne~ces d~y ~ve~lsed in the newspapers, aPublic ~aring ~s heid a~ the Villa~ ~ll, Greenport, N.Y. on April EM, 19&6, a~ 8~,eleok Supervis~ ~rton opened ~he'me~$ing and read the o~lt of the ~e~l~, he ~em~ed ~on ~hose ~em~ askfng fo= dis- Q~Tt0N · ~1 ~he To~a~d of the To~ o~ Sou~ho~d en~e~ in~o a five year eontra~t wi~h the I~co~ed ~tla~ of G~e~o~ wherein the ~l~Ee of ~ee~or~ ~2~ a~e 2~ f~sh'fi~ p~t~ti~fer t~ ~s~-West ~ee~po~ ~ ~teetion ~s~iet at a p~ee of t~l=~ed ~ per ~. ~ls p~eeti~ ls to inel~e the ~e of ~e entire ~eenp=t f~ depa~t~nt~at $~present 21~ ee~ists of the Following appa~us: O~e ~ ~on p~er wit~ ~0~ QUESTION 2 \. Shall the Town Board of the ~ovm of Southet~enter into a five yea~ contract with the ~mco~orated Village of ~ee~o~ ~erein She Village of Greenpor~ a~es fi~e hydrants f~r ~e ~s~-~es~ F~e ~ee~lon Dls~ic~ for five ~ears at forty .(~0) d~ars per ~n~ p~ a~ QUESTION Am ~he asaease~ valerian of this Fi~e Pro~eetion Diet, riot is, on the latea~ assessment roll, ~e sugar $1,~91,2~, the ~oat fo~ the pre~setiom offe~ ~er Question i withe abou~ $.~0 per ~housau4 ~ollars of assemse~ va~uatiom~ ~ia of eo~se eo~ va~ up er do~ as ~e asaesse~ val~iom ~ ~hi~ dis~rie~ mi~t i~reese or decremse ~ver a period of ye~rs~ t~ia fi~a~e~ ro~zghly tJaat lt~ hydrants ~ou~d cove~ i~u~n~e requirememms f~ ~ ~m~ee~ea property. T~, the s~ red~e !ns~a~e east to individual home o~erm ~, abou~ $0