HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 596THIS INDENTURE, madathe ~4~ dayof~ . ~-d~ nd JGM MANAGEMENT CORP., A New York Corporation, 734 Franklin Avenue, Suite 477, Garden.City, Ncw York 11530 inmy of tie first pan, and GIOVANNI PATANE AND MARIA PATANE his Wife, residing at 734 Franklin Ave. Suite 477, (}arden City, New York I 1530 pm~ of the secend pail, WFI'NES(s~I'tJ, that the petty of thc first ~ in coasMeredan of ten dolhn and other ~lanble cmuidmdon paid by a*,~ign~ ortbe pm~y of the second I~ fmcvor. ALL ~ celteJn Idol, pin or p~cel of land, with th~ heildin~ and improvan~ ~ erectnd, $i~-~,*, lyinI nad beta8 in Ihe Arshnmomnque. in the Town of Southold, County ol*SulTolk and State o1' New York,known 'nnd designub:d at Lot~ Numl~r~d 150 nad North half of Lot Numl~r 151 und South 12.50 feel of*l.ot Numl~r 149 on a cer2Jn map entitled. "Amended Map ^, Peconic Bay Estutcs, ~ ^rshumomnque, Town of Southold." And filed in thc Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 19, 1933 as Map No. 1124, bounded nnd deseribcd as ~ollows: : BEIGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Bay Shore Road: distont 65.00 fee~ northerly from the extremc northerly and of a curve connecting the North side of Island View Lane with the West side of Bay Shore Road: RUNNING THENCE South 73 degtx'es O0 minutes 40 seconds West, 125.00 feet; THENCE North 16 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds West, 87.50 I'ecL; THENCE North 73 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds Psat. 125.00 feet to the West side of Bay Shore Road; RUNNING THENCE South 16 degrees 59 minutes 20 seconds EesL along the West side or Bay Shore Road 87.50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING the same premises conveyed to the Grantor Herein by deed dated 4/3/01, recorded on 4/27/01 in Libor 121 15 With mi nlttt, lille ~ interest, ir any, et me party o% me fuji pan, in and to any Streets and roods O~L"L:), abutting the above-deseTJhed premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rishts of the party of the first pan in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein ~anted unto the MY of Ibu second part, the heirs or successors and mir, ns of thc pm'fy of the second part forever. AND the party of tho first part covenants thai the puny of thc first pan has nm done or suffered anything Whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way wherever, except as aforesaid. .&.ND the putty of the first pert, in compliance with Seelion 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the eansideration for Ibis conveyance and will hold the risht to receive such consider- ation as a test fund to he applied first for the purpose of puyins the cost of the improvement and will apply the sume first to thc payment of the cost of thc improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if il rend "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of thc first part has duly eancntnd this deed the day and ye, or first above written. the urJ(~, i~lgned, porammfly 'appeared ~- pereonoffy known to me or proved to me on the basle of mo that he/the/they oxloutad the earns In MI/her/their capeaity(laa), and that by hll/hM/thil} alina~'re(e) on tho' Jnetruflwd. tho fndMduaKs) or b'~e posen upon beludl of which AMmoMedgomoflt ttdmfl M Nmv YOlk 8Mto State of NawYork, County of. , u: Off tho day of , In the year tho undlmigned, personally appeared personally known to mo or proved to mo on tho bt. sis o! mtla~ctory avtbence to be the Indvidmd(a) whose n~nN8) id (ara) eul:eattmd to tho within Indnmwtt and acknovdedgld to m.o. thlt. hataheflhey mmeutad the naa In hie/her/their capaoily(lee), and that by hl&~hadthelr elomiture(o) ~ the bmMmwtt, the rndlv~s) ar the pmmm UlXm behalf of wNch the Irdvlduel(o) acted, emcutod tho fmMjmont. Adr~ by ~lboeflbthg Withers token In b Yon[ 9rata State of New York, County of , liB: Oflthe dayof , Iff thoyear the undersigned, pemonelly appeared , before mo. tho subscribing wJmgM to the fomgothg Inltmmeat, wflh whom I mn per, orally acquadflted, who being by mo duly 8worn, did dep~e nd say, thet ~ reddo(s) h to be h I,dMdmd de.crked In nd who exeaJtad the foregoing Instrument; that MJd eubeerlb~ng v, itneM we8 pre.at ead law laid .exeauta the aBme; and that eeld withal8 at the lama suhocdbed I'ds~berflhMr name(e) at a wlthMstheretc~ '1~Ja No.~ JGM MANAGEMENT CORP. ~O PATANE ·Stmo of . Cou~y of · (o~ Ineort Dbbicl of Columbia, Torrltory, .Pneseulon or Foreign Country) , 88: On the day of , In the year the unclo~gned, pemonally appeared pemonllly known to me or proved to ma on the baals of ntlsflctory evJdmce to be the thdMclual(s) ~ name(o) Is Mm) eubeadbed to tho within Imtrunmm and W to me that he~sh~/they sxe,'utod the same In hl~har~lhofr ,,apaolty(les), that by hl~/har/tbelr signature(s) on tho Inatnm~ent, tbe I.(avkaJal(s) or th~'pmean upon b~ of which the Indfviduat(s) eared, exeoutod Um Instrument, and the~ iuch SECTION 053.00 8LOCK 06.00 LOT 027.002 COUNWORTOWN REIURN BY MAIL*TO: Pau! A. Camtn/tt, Esq. 53345 Hain Road P.O. Box 846 Southold, NY ~pNo. 11971 Number of pages TORRENS Seriul # Ceflificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Insuument Pngc! Filing F-e Handling 5. 00 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 t. County) EA-5217 (State} R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 4 [Dist. I Secdon Tax Service Agency Vcrificntion Sub T. tal 15. (It) Sub Total Grand Totul ._~~'.~ I Block ,I ~t. 1000 O5'qO0 0600 027002 20~ Oct 07 01:45:24 Pti Eduard P.R~irm Q.E~ OF ~FFOLK ~ L P 596 DT! 0~-IOH6 Recording I Filing ~nmpa Morl~agc Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilitmnl Tax Sub Totul SpccJA.~sit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Duul Town - Dual Couuly llcld Ibr Appoinmmnt Trunsfcr Tax M-'m ~iun Tax '11~c property cm'cred by this of wil] he intpn)vcd by a (mc or Iwo fumily dwelling .r NO ff NO. ~'c qpprop~ulc tux clau~ page ~f of this instrument. Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due Community Pre~ereation Fund 'rD Th-' premiss herein is situated in TO. In dm Township of or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN Bt.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Ill II~ ill Ill IIIII Iii IIIII ill Ill Ii Illl SUFFOLE COUNTY CLERK R~CORDS OFFXCE RECORDZNG PAGE Typo o£ Xnotz~ment: Dm~/DDD Receipt Number : 05-0105837 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-L0116 1000 Deed Anount: RecoEded: PJl~Z: Section: BLeak: 053.00 06.00 RXAM~NBDAMD CHARGED A8 FOLLOWS 80.00 10/07/2005 01z45t24 PM Receded ~ Foll~ng Foes For ~o~ ~notrtmon~ Page/FLXLng sg.00 NO H~ndXXncj COX 85.00 HO NYE BRCHG RA-C~Y 8S.00 I~O BA-B?ATE TPo584 $5.00 I~0 CoEt. CopLes RP? 830.00 NO 80TH · ~ns£oF tax ~0.00 ~ C~.P~es TRANSFER TAX NUMBn: 05-10116 THXB PAGE ZS A PART OF THE ZNBTEUMEH~ Ti~S ZB HOT A BILL D00012413 596 Edward P.Rc~mtno County Clo~k, Su££olk County 027.002 8S.00 $15.00 8165.00 80.00 80.00 $o.oo 8339.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'.//www.orp~.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY - .., /; I / ItA ,CMA, ~Am(X:NEWYO~K = ,.,/.4, 1.3,c., . .I ,:~L~., RP - 5217 4050 I ~¥sho:e Rd. ~ I Ixl le.I ..... 2. 51 L.~ [ J~ Management ~rp. [ I I (Odv I~ F~t d. Fi~dl ~aed m Ih~ qlldv: I)1 1 am-bSMadd vaeem Land SALE INFORMATION lame D~ 1IA Pmee~ty ~ Wi~l;~ m A~'i~tuml DireCt [] Ira' B"wr m:ddd * dbemare '= -~- - bldet~g [] B C D E Daod TV~ n~ W.,remy or Biogen ind Sd~. ~,~,4~y Bda~ 1LFdlml,th I ~ ; , ,0.' 0 , 0 I (Full Sds prk:e I~ Ihe MIal amount pMd Iof tim property mdud'mg imfamml pmpmly. ] Thil p~ymlnt rely h In Ihl from of Clll% dlt~f p~oplfly or goQds, Or ~1 I~lUmpliml Of ..,,*.,..md,,..~ I I I I I I fO . o, o I p,q,,~. Indud,d ,- eH. ,,d, I P I ASSESSMEHT INFORMATION - Dala llhould refleel the I~est Final AsM~men( Roil and TU Bill I I 1000-53-6-27.2 ) I I I J I I I C~...CAm. I I eml~ lira d d' tim lleus d'b~armmba emered m eb finn m tree mud re'red fro ee Imsl d*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ h b ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY Cam~nltt I Paul 631 765-5900 I