HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 30Itnidial.I; 1045 B,,,~. Ro~l Real. $mithold. Ny 119'/I FafW of the second 1~1, WfTHl~$~111, th~ dme Fmmty of the frost in~, bi--of s~s.oeo (se.~ ~i.~,s~ ..a Ni~-~, n,,,e ~ ~lmm 5.1 ?it~e No. ST~-40734 Schedule A All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Arshamomoque, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lots 27 and 28 on a certain map entitled, .Amended Map A, Peconic Bay Estates, situated at Arshamomoque, Town of Southold, New York, made by Otto W. Van Tuyl' and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk as Map #1124. FOR INFORMATION ONLY~ SAID PREMISES known as and by 1745 Bayshore Road Oreenport, New York namamtm) m (mmpi mmaGl~d' m dme~mklmm immnmmmt mad Qualified. in N~m~u ~.~)unty ~ Commli~moo m:x~re~,dy O. ' '"T~l~[hmamon E~Qmr~ J, dV Bargain rand Sale Deed 'I~ZI,E l(0. STN-40734 TO Number of peees ~ TORRKNS Serial # Certify:me # FEBS Paso I FillnB Fee Ha~linS Nmmion EA-$2 17 (County)' Sub T.~I EA*$-'q 7 (Swe) ILP.T.S.A. ~ 0 ~ Comm. of Ed. $ aa AI1Tdavit Certired Copy ReS. Copy O~her Re~! Propmy Tsx Service A~mcy v~irmtkat 05043301 zooo o53oo 0400 oo7ooo initials Sadsfae~iom/DisclmrBes/Releuce Lisl Pmpefl7 R~"'ORD & RETURN E Muscarella & Tomasone, Esq8 1040 Hempstead Tpke Franklin Square, NY 11010 ~ Hou 02 10.'02:23 Eci~rd P. I~a~aine ~UFFOI. K _~__.~Pt L DOOOI24t8 P03O DTI 0~-13~ m=~li~ i RI~ Stumps. I. Reslo Tax Sub Total Sp~JAmiL Or Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dud Town Dual County~ Held f'o~ Apparfioflment ~ Mansion Tax ~bo I~q~W revered by this mofleqe isor will be hproved by a one or two hmily dwellins one),. YES~o~ NO ' fine, see tppropdm mx ciasa on pMe Jr ofthb instmmcec Community Preservation Fund T Consideration Amount Tax [ $~"~ X Suffolk Tlds page fores pm of de afl. ed TO Bmi~o F. mo~o Title Comlmny lnformntion Co. Name PMIp O'H~B Nosceu Ascec Titlo # STN-40734 & Endorsement (SPEOFY l'Yr'E OF II~z t~IMEN'F ) SUFFOLK O3uNrY. I~'W ¥ORIC In the Towmhip of SOU'INOt. D in the VILLAGE m~de b~:' UUXI-:S S THRU 9 MUll' BE. TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. (OVER) IIIIII!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIiit111111111111111 8~0~ ~ CLERE RECORDB OFFTCE P~CORDZNG ~AGB 'z'~)e o£ Znetrument~ I)E~DS/Z~O llumber o:E ]~&ge~; 4, Rec~e:l.pt ~bud=er ~ 05-0115139 ~tAIIBFER ~AX NUHBER~ 05-~3578 1000 Deed Amounts ~.Z~ERt 053 · O0 04. O0 *783,000.00 11/0a/2005 10t03:23 AM D00012418 030 007.000 TRAMSI~R TAX BIUMB~Rt 05-13578 THZH Z8 BlOT A BTLL *5.00 ,15.00 *75.00 ,o.oo Mo 8o.oo sc) *12,660.00 MO $~5,54&.00 Count~ Clez'k, 8~££olk County PLEA~SE TYPE-OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'~/www.orpt~tate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I.FOR COUNTY USE ~)NLY C2. Dete D#d Rmmrdld PROPERTY INFORMATION t ~ J 'L,,n:~ I 'm's:'m I I aOfkultuml I [] Community hMce Commew, Jal J,l~ Induwid ~flrnJm KJ~J PuNic ~ew~Gq Jmemlnmontlammmnom LI I Fomwi Condominium [] ~Jt I~ pm~J~, h in ~n Aj~n~uml DIm[kt I 09 / 12 / 05 I I 10 / 26 / 05 I 1t Ghid om / mit d / [mmlflm I d to tmihK A B C D E [ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - ~ ehoukl reflM~.tM Im Rnol A#eaemem Roll and Tax B~II [ I ltp~nn~J-- 2J~l~-I I lt~hJ~m.~ht..m. I 10 - (~'eent~*b .300.0/5.000. . . ~0. Ti~ Mep W I RO~ W (! m~N thlu f~ur, mtl;h M wldt ad~tlond idmMbH~) I D.Ls'c.:~ 1000 I I Seet:io~053.00 I L, LI.ock 04.00 I [ Lot. 007.00 BUV~I~ &I'FORNE~ 1745 516 I 328-1188 I NEW YORK STATE. C()I~'