HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 483V/CB-2 R~'. ~ Cunifm'm a~'k, St md~d .N. Y, LT. ~. Pure S~2 · -hfpin md Sds* ~ w~h Caweumt ag~iuK Gciflto~'l Acts-- I~dnLdui| ~ Cot p~th |sh9 due) T~S~m,,kt~ /.~ ~yof october , in th~ yeor 2005 ALIDA RAJAS, residing at 100 W. 12th Street, New York, N.Y. 100] SCHEMBRI DEVELOPMENT CORP. of 102 Sandpiper Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901 pert), of the umM prat, ~thst the Party of the first parr, in eomldemion ofTen D?lhrs and G, her valmble comiderat'.um lind by the Pafly of the second PaR, does heyday grant and. rdeue unto the perry, of, tho s~-al Part, the bin See Schedule A for a des~ription of the proper~y herein conveyed which~S~hedu~e ~e annexed hereto and 'lncorpo~ated herein. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed from Nathanael Lyburd and Margaret Lyburd, hiw wife, dated April 19, 1985 and recorded May 8, 1985 in Liber 9787 of conveyances at page 267. Oj h?ll~R ?.ith.~ll ri .ght, tl.tle and ln. terest, !f an2,, of .the part), of the first part in and to s.a. im. ttmg the a~ve.a, escn.ne? prenus~a _to me center ti? thereof; TOGETHER wkh the appurtemm:es .a~ ?e esta~ ~ ngb. ts ot tM. party .o[ ~he first, par* m sod to mid .p .~ises; TO HAVE- AND TO LIP Erie pr~flllSee rlereJn [l~ll~e~ unto tl~e party ot the second --,* ~he heirs or s ....... the party of the second Part forever, r-- .... A. N..D the party ot~he hi part, m compliance with Sectm~ 13 of the Lien J~,w. covenants tim* the ~rst part will receive the consideutio, for this mnveyanc~ and will hold the'rifht to re~-~ _erat:on asa trust .fund to he apl~.l'?l first for .~e ~purp~e of paying the cost of the imp- rovement sod-~ill tnt same nut m the payment o[ the cost o[ the ~mprovement before using any part of the total of the nme for ~n~ other purpose. ~'ord "part)." shell he construed ts if it read "parties' whelleVel' the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS ~. the party of the first lint has duly executed ~his deed the day and year first above written. -- - SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece OF parcel of*land, situate, ly/ng and being at Grecnpofl in the Town of Southold, County of*Suffolk and State of*New York, known and dcsisnated as and by Lot No. :3 on a ceflain map cntitlcd, ':Map of*Grecnport Driving Park" and filed in the Office of*thc Clerk of'the County of'Suffolk on December 1: 1909, as Map No. 369, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer'formed by thc intersection of*the northerly side of Brown Street with the easterly side of Ninth Street; .; RUNNING THENCE North 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds. East and along thc e,'~sterly side of Ninth Street, 56.46 feet to a point; THENCE South 82 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds East. 105.$2 .f*cct to a point; THENCE South 6 dcgrccs 53 minutes 30 seconds Wast, 56.27 f'cct to the northerly side of Brown S~cc~ THENCE North 82 dngrecs 44 minutes 30 seconds West and along the north~ly side of B.rown Strect. 110.74 feet to a point or place of BEGINNING. · ATK OF NEW YORK) } ss.: ndmls~d, pmO,l~ly ~ ~I~R~AS . asomlly known to me or pa)red to me oa the bisis of mdsbm~ viclmcc to be thc individual(s) whose Mn~s) is (sre! subaru'bed to ~ widlin i~l nd 8cknowledsed to me thtt be~he/lhey xmtted dsc mine in hWher/theb' eqm~i~Aiea), and dm by ,is~fle~heir sipmure(s) on the insmm~m, the individud(s), or the erson upo~ behalf of which Ihe individud(s) ~ executed the Sipmture-nd Office or Individual f-kine aclmowtedsmeat State~ DMrlct of Columbia, Territory, Posmdon, or Forelp Countr7 Oa ~he__ day of in the y~w before me, the ~ persoadly qqx~ml personilly knowu to me or proved to me oe Ib~ basis of mi~icto~ evidence to b ~ iMi~s) M ~s) b (~) u~ to t~ ' within insmtmmt arid acknowledfed to me that he/she/they executed the same in hisflter/thcir caimeit:y(iea), that by his/her/their siSnmurets) on the instrument, the indlvldusl(s), oF the pasofl upon bdudf oFwhich the individuaKs) med. executed the insm~mmk and thor such individual nude such 8ppemmce before the undasisned in ~he. . (Insefl die city or other political subdivision and the ~ or count~ o~ other place the __s,~m___owledameat was takm). For acimowkdgmeuts tikL.~ mlt~de of New York SMtL SJptture and Oflke of IndtvMul tMdng acknouledpnent WI1 H COVI~NANT AGAINST (~I~AN IOICS ACTS ALTDA RO~AS SC.S.nR corn,. SECTIOIq 048.00 Bt~CX 03.00 LOT 029.000 CO[~rt¥ OI TOWN Town of Southold County of Suffolk Recorded At Request d' Pbsl Almflean TiEs Insmmiee Gompiny of b yod~ 'IETUIN my MAIL T~, David B. Prokop, Esq. Prokop & Prokop 131 Route 25A Rocky P6int, N.Y~ 11778 Number of pages ~ TORRENS ~erial # Certificate # Prior Ctf, # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Hnndling 5, 00 Iqotation EA-52 17 (County) ~ EA-$217 (Stnte} _~ R.P.T.S.A. '"" Comm. of Ed. $. O0 Affiduvit Certified Copy Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total ~C~DED Nov 04 09:46:2~ fin F.~,mrd P.Ronaine ~ OF 9JFF~I.K COUIOV L [~]012418 P4~ DTJ~ 0~- 13~J06 ReconJing / Filing Stamps Mortgage AmC I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAssit. Of Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appoinlmcnt _ Trnmfer Tax .~'--~ Mansion Tax ~ __ Tbe im~peny covered by this mortgage i or will be improved by a one or tw, NYS Surclm~e 15. 00 ... - ,. ~)/,~ family dwelling only. -- =ur~ muu.~..~ YES ~ NO G~ To~ ~- [ If NO, ~ a~fi~ ~x clnu~ on ~ ~.' I ~e ~ of this ips~t. Rg~ORD & ~U~ ~: TD Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page for~ part of the attacbed ~ made by (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Towmhip of ~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~~' BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG Type o£ Znatm,tm~nt; DEEDS/DDD ~Tllm~"~e~' O~ Pegee~ 4 Receipt ~r , 05-0116179 TRANSFER TAX HUMBUR-* 05-13906 1000 DeodAmountz RecoEded~ LZBER: PA~E: Sec t ton: Block: 048.00 03.00 $172, S00 · 00 11/o4/2oo5 09=46=25 AN D00012418 483 029.000 ReceAved the Following' Fees For Above Xnstrument Page/Filing $12.00 !~0 Handling COB $5.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cert.Cop~e. ~ $30.00 Tr~.~er t~ $690.00 ~ C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ~ER8 05-13906 ?HZB PAGE Z8 A PART OF THE ZNS'~'R~ 'I'KZB ZS ~ A BZLL $5.00 NO $15.oo NO $165.00 NO $o.oo No $0.00 NO $1,950,00 NC) $2,882 · O0 ~lw&~d P.Roma~ne County Clerk, Bu££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR-~R~s RRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ; · -- J I Cl. ~ Codl ~ I REAL I~OPER'W TRANSFER REPOR · fir RP - 5217 PROFERW INFORMATION ,G--.po.o__ , ._ ,11. 1 -~,,, i Schemb=]. Development Co=p. I I i I ~.Tim In~ie wh~e furrow Tam 9i~ e~ W I~ a~t I 102 Sandpi~er Dr~ve I Riverhead & Md~Me t~ ~umbl( M MMmml~ LDled ,.s,,u. I ~ia8 I I~T~ I 11901 I Alida ~ I I I I A [~] 0.. Family RmidmltiM E I~ ~dculturll i I~ Cammunlh, SaMC~ L Nw# CmtlmJ~llm on Vut IJnd [] ~ L~ 2 o, 3 Flmily R#ld~ptlM I" I~ Comml~6d J I---I IndulUtM 1M. Pmpin'y L,(x~id Mtldn an ~O~, ii Dllmct DI INan'Rmlde~Va=sntLmd III I Emm~lnm~tlAmu~mmt I.I I Femlt IhMlhep.~,~'~btm~d~luM(~ SALE INFORMATION I i4 / 13/ 05I i1° /'~l/ °5I ! ! 1000 048.00 I 03,00 I I 002.00 Riverhead I NY I 11901 NEW YORK STATE I ' COPY