HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 509Set BIL NYO0~ - Bmpb md S/Deed with Covemm qtb~ Omnm~ Ac~ bdJYMml er C~aMmim (Sm~b ~-.,.~ (NYBTU 1002) CONSULT YOUR LA WN'ER BEPORE ~d~ING THIS INrFSUMF. AN' - THIS INrfli~tNT ~HOULD BE ~ BY LA WYEBE G~fLY THIS INDENTURE, mndcthe I(J~'-% da¥of ~uZy BETWEEN · ,~nthe~mF 2005 JOAHH SCW~.T-T.~UBACH and ALTDA ROJAS o£ 100 West 12th Street, New York,, N.Y. 1.001'1 pant of the first pert. and GEORGE. E. HARLOW and CAROLE SLADB, husband and wife, 320 Riverside Drive, J4C, Now York, New York 10025 [any of ~c second park WITNESSETH, th~ the pant of the £~t par~ in comide~ion ofTen Dollar~ and other valuable considemion Paid bY tht party ofthe sozond park does hereby ~ant and r~haat unto tl~ pafly ortho mxond park the ~ ~ suecHsors and a#~ns of the puty of the. s~,ond put foro~r, ALL that cetuin plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvemenIS thereon erected, s~!~*_e, lying and bein~ in the See Schedule A for a description of ~he property herein conveyed which Schedule is annexed hereto and incorporated herein. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sAm~ property conveyed to '(.he Grantors herein by deed from Percy wilson and sadie wilson dated 1/03/83 and recorded 01/14/83. TOGETHER with ali fight, title and interest, if any, oflM party of the £u~ p~fl of, in and to any slre~s and roms abutting the abova-descrthnd p~ to the ceater lines ;b~eo~ TOGETHER with the ~ and ali the emte nd fights of ~e pefl~ of the fira pert in and m mid prembes; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Pmn~s hondn grmlnd unto the pray ofthe secmd pm. the h~rs of succemm iud fmlgua of the linty of AND the pant ofthe t'u~ piti covaunts tht th~ pafly of dm first pail hu not done OF suffered n~d~ wh~oby the mid p~ hvc been Jn~ in BEy way whnltver, BEcept ns ,Fo~ AND the pifl~ of the tim pail, in compliance with Section 13 oftbe Mm Law, covenauu t~ tht per~ of~ tim pt.t will m~ive ti~ ~n:siduation b this ~nv~yann md m]l bom tht right to r~eiw such ~ u a tnist ftmd to bo appliM flint for the ~ ofpaying tim tam ofth~ improvement ~ will ap~y tl~ same flint to tho ptym~nt o£1he eo~t of tho impu~un~nt bofom uain~ any pail of tl~ total of tl~ same fo~ any o;her laupo~. The word "party' shall b~ ums;~;~ u if it read "pafli~' wheneve~ the sense of this indenturo so r~iuirea, IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the tim pm has duly amz~d this deed__the d~¥ ond ~uar flint abovo JOANN ScHE/aLRNBACH ~' bY Altda Rojaa,ettorney.tfi fdcti SCHEDULE A - DE~CRXP'rZON ALL that certoln plot, piece or parcel of' land, situate, lying and being Mar the Village of GreP. npo~ Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and dosk3neted as Lot 4 on a nt~p known as 'Greenport Driving Park', surveyacl by C. H. Batemon, and laid out In lets by C. H. Hill, C. E., August 1909, and which said map is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, filed 12/01/1909 as Hap No. 369, which said idt is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNZNG at a point on the eee~rly side of Ninth Street (Cherty lane) at a point on said easterly side of Ninth Street where the dlvlrdon line between tots Nas. 3 and 4, as shown on asid map, intellectJ same and imm said point of BEGINNING; RUNNING THENCE Nn~h 12 degreas 12 minutes 10 seconds East, along said eesterty side of Ninth Street, 56.46 feet to the dlvlalon line between Lots Nos. 4 and 5, as shown on raid map; THENCE South 82 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds East, alon9 raid cllvisinn line last mentioned, 100.30 feet; THENCE South 6 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West, 56.26 feet to the division line between Lots Nos. 3 and 4, as shown on raid map; THENCE North 82 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West, along said dlv~on line last mentioned, 105.52 Met to the easterly side of Ninth Street, at the point or place ol' BEGINNING. SttteogNewYerk. Count%eg New Yoxk JSL: Oath~ ~ftyof ~'uly hdu~m' 200! ..(n~l~o?. to be M ~ vduee mme(~) is (miD) ~ Io Ibe ssme h ~ ajncf~m,), mi bt by I~m~bek dpmae(s) m State of New Yort~ Ceanty or } Bi.: Outbe dayof . in ~e yesr ny th~ he/she/they nDside(s) · .~ r;m~0; that he/she~h~ know(s) his/berAbeir name(s) u · witness there~ pmcndy known to .m? er paMd to mo m d~ Isds or n~is~tam~ L'vidm~ to be tho bSvldud(s) wham mine(s) k (tm) mba:n~d to M '~thh hmlnaZ md sdmwledpl to me iht ~ emamld- nme h I~e~% md bt by Msam~r iimmm(s) en b immana=, lb IMi~mi(~ Gr dm pemm upm bebslfofwhkh the bx~dnd(s) mai. eu~d ds bnnment O~the dB/of h the yur .pe??lly known to me or pawed to me on the Ipuis ormisf~..~ evidence to be the Individual(s) whose nsme(s) is (m) subsaibed to ~ within M nd *clmowbdFd to ~ th~ heMe/they executM the stone m Ids/herr'their capacity(ies), that by Ms/her/their dsuature(s) on tho ~t, the individual(s), or the pmoa upon behalfofwhich tlmindividuaKs) ac~ed, executed tlminsu~m, and that such ind~vidmd made such appear~ befixe dm und~ilned inthe FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK DISTraCT ~)UI~T~ OR TOW~ ~ National Title Imm Cempuy et*New Y ,T. ~evin McLaughl~.h, Esq. W4nds Way P~o~eos~.ona! Cent=er .442].0 R~. 48, P.O. Box Sou'chold~ New Yo]~k 1:1971 Affidavit' .: : ~lified. ~.opy .' · ' Ra$. Copy ' ", . ::.' O..R~D. mTAT~~" : Real P~-,TyTa.~.vl,,AM¥er|fic~|oe · · · ' -' I~1; 8~{ioa*.' B~lo~k · . '. Lot 0~2~75 "ooo 04800 0300 o~'.ooo /pT$'N · Stamp' lille. :.4~-,. ;..~ Suffolk J ~05 flu~' 03: I0~M~'~ Iai.... · [ . Eduard.P.l~matm, . . ·. · · ~m~. 0~ : ' Title Compan;y'Zn£oema lion' ;" , andorse~t 8p~.lAdd. i. . · ''* ~r.'.~.m' .' ' '..':' · · Hild-ror A'p~-qmmf_, · · ~r'.,',.,..,."i5%-" · ']l.m prol~!W ~vtmid ~ Ibis mpsl~$" b or wJl! ha Improved by. ha on,o or two .dwolEIns onl),. . '.. · II'NO, ... ~l.qntm. tu clm~ ~ p~ko Il. o,f this ImlmnfimL Amount'S Tax DI~" '. $' ...~ .~'.__ ' I IIIIIIIIlllftllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllll I llllllllllllllllllllll SUFFOLK COUIITY CLERK RECORDS OFFXCK RBCORDIN~ PA~B Type of Xnotrmaeat; DF, ED~/DDD Number of Pages; 4 Receipt Number ~ 05-0080507 TRANSFIR T3X.NO~F~t: 05-00540 X000 Deed~mount; Rocorded; LZBn: 8ectAon; BLock; 048.00 03.00 $399,000.00 08/03/200S Z0:54;55 AM ReceAved ~ FoXX~ Feea FOE Above Page/FXling $X2.00 ~O ~andling COB $5 · 00 MO ~ZH SRC~3 EA-CTY $5.00 NO IA-STATE TP-884 $5.00 NO Cert. ~opie8 RFT $30.00 HO SCTH Transfer t&x SX, 556.00 NO C~m. Pres 'TF.A~i'SFBR TAX ~MBER: 05-00540 T~X8 PAGE ZB A PART OF THE X~HT~UM~iT T~8 XS NOT A BXLr. D000:I.240X 509 Edward 1'. Romaine County Cie:k, 8u££olk County 028.000 $5.00 $x5.oo $75.00 $o.o0 $o.oo $4,980.00 $6,728.00 I~LE~SE TYPE OR PRESs FIRMLY WHENWRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:# www.orps.atate.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 RP - 5217 RPz...52.17 ~'~l 1225 I Ninth &BoM I I 11ea4 I I I Ro~a. I Al icla [ ~ INFOI~TION I I& bIO M IIk l TmMM I 07 i 19 i 051 C One M ~u BuWs/~ mo. Sdm' D BuYm' M SelM k Gowmmmt AgmyW or LMU~q h'M"MM ~dl of h Ii bududld bi Sib Pi,41 I 1000 I I 048.00 I I .03.00 I I028.000 I I ~.,,-~T.;,~ I I Gedl~ frill II er die klms d'kthnmlka elkt~d al Ihk hnu mu hue ~d nx~ff (k)ibe k,m d' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ e~U.ER McLaughlin I J. Xevin 631 I 765-6085 NEW YORK STATE COPY