HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 484WCB-2 f~dniftRm ~k. 51~mb, l N.Y.B.T.U. Fo(m .MO2 .. -lu~m md S~ ~ whh ~**~l q~in~ Gzln~'s Acfl- Indlvdud a ~.,-p~R:-- (nlnib dmz) TH~)ENlt~m~k~ /~f' d~yof October ,in2ey--~r 2005 ALIDA ROJAS O£ 100 West 12th Street, New York, New York 10.011 prtydthe~rutpart, and SCH~qBRI DEVELOPMENT CORP. of lO2 Sandpiper Drive, Riverhead, New York 11901 pofly of the nmnd imf. ...~_. ~.tlut the party of the first part, in om~Torndoa of Ten Dolhrs and ~ ~ulb~ considem. '.~2n paid by the of .~e i~s:~_ '. imf. dram kerd)y grout an.d rdeue unto the por~ of the -~?~- d part, the heirs or suceeuors nmi ass~ni of the prty of the second pail to~ver, ' ~i, andba--_nLW,-~,~ Greenport ~n ~:ne Town o~. SOu~:no&.~, co. un~:y ~'folk and State of New York, known and designated as and by Lot No. 5 on a certa~.n map entitled, 'Pap of Greenport Driving .~erk' and filec3 in the Off~.ce of 'the Clerk of the. County of on December 1, 1909, as Map No. 369. BEING ANDINTENDED TO BE the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed from Robert P. Turnbull, dated March 31, 1988 and recorded A~ril 13, 1988 in Liber 10582 of conveyances at page ] Tour;TIlER with ill right, title and imerest, if any, of the party of thc first part in and to any ~lrcets and roa.ds.?l~.tting the above .descri.bt~. premiece to the center Ii? thereof; .T. OGETHKR with the ~ppuflennncu ann ail lite estate and riL, hts ol the pry of the first utrt in ami to nddd -remiss. TO HAV]r ~OL.D. theoP..remlses ~min .L?nted unto the party of the'-- -second l~'t. the [leirt or tnt party m me secure part mrever. A.ND.th~..party..of the.first, part.covenants that t.~ party of tim. ~m ~ b~, na* dram or suffered anything w~_m? t. na s~.u ])remlses nave caen enc.u.m~-re~ m any.way Whatever, except as &forum1. ANu the port), ot the first pon. in comp lance with Sectmn 13 of the Lien Imw -,,,--,-,,*- ,~* .~- --.,. -, .the ~rst part. w]!] .rec?ve .the cm~..sld.?tm.n for this conveyance.and wdl bold the ri.'ght to reeeive such consld- e~t]on as a trust runo to 1~ appitea nut lot *he purpose ot paying the colt of the improvement and ~,ill.apply tii~ same fiht to the poyment of the cost of the in~rovement before using any pert of the total of the nm~ for any other pu ,_:T~'_. The ~N~rd "party" dull he construed n~ if it read "ponies" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WFFNESS WHERKOF. the prty of the first port Ires duly e,,_~*_~.ted this deed the day and year first above written. Title No.: L 2531326 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or paw. el of land, si .~ate, lying and being at Cweenport in the Town of Southold, County of Soffolk and Stale of New York, known and designated as and by Lot No. 5 un a certain map entitled, "Mnp of Greenport Driving Park" and filed in the Office of the Clerk ofthe County of Suffolk on Dee.ember 1, 1909, as Map No. 369, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of 9t~ Street (Cherry Street) distant 56.47 feet southerly.from ~.e comer formed by the in~tion of thc southerly side of Linnet Stre~ with thc easterly side ofg' Street (Cherry Street); RUNNING THENCE South 82 del~rees 45 minutes 40 seconds East, 95.08 feel; THENCE South 06 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West, 56.26 feet; THENCE North 82 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West, 100.30 feet to thc easterly side o1' Slreet (Chen-y Street); THENCE North 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds East along the easterly side of 9th Street (Cherry Street), 56.46 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. rot Conveyonc:l. ng on:Ly, (To~'tlerwidtallfight, title and interest of, in and to any sueets and zf :l.n~ended Ico be aonvoyed. (roads abuning the above degn'bed premises, to the center line thcreof. ·ATE OF NEW YORK ) ,'OUNTY ,OF ~/~'~~: · atdeaisned, perm~lynppeamJ ALIDA ROJA.q , mortally Imown to me or proved to me on the hsis ofmkfaclmy vldence m be the indivJduags) whose nmos) is (mc) subscribed to he within instrume~ and aeknoMod~ to m~ thK lu~he/they ,cured die mae in his/he, heir gq~-~Jes). ~ ~ by ~m/hoF/theJr sJsnmure(s) o~ the butnmmm, the indJvJdol]($), or the STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF On the__, d~y or. - in the ye~ befo~ me, the personally known m ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~is~mis~' ~ m ~ ~ ~i~s) w~ ~s) b (~) m~ m ~u~ ~ ~ in h~etr ~i~h~ ~ ~ ~ hbihe~their sisn~re(s) m the inmnnnem, the indivldu](s), oF the erson upeo behlfofwhich the indJ. vid~s_d~&~l, ~ the pa3on upon beludrof which the individmd(s) gered, executed the ..rL~?n._ I. il~l. QUM'- ' '3~" -~036640- -'S 'i~tur~ lad Office or Slpltlre tod Office or %F adutowkdBmelb tnkm h N~v York State; Dim. Irt orCehmbk Ten.u, Pomadou, or Fordp Count~ Gu the__ thy of in Ihe yur before me, the uadmlped, penu]ly tppand peno~ly knovm ~o me oF proved ~o me o~ the hsis of mJs~cto~ evidence ~o be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ore) subsm'hed to th~' within insmnnem nd zknowledsed to me tim be/sheld~/executed the nme in his~r/thefr ctpzi~ks). Ih~ by his/her/their sipmoFKs) off the insnmm, the individul(s), or the pmon upon bdulfof which the individual(s) acted, eucumd thc inswumext, md that such indtvidul nude such q)pemnee bd'oFe the undmiBnnd h.the . flnsm the city oF othoF political suMivisiofl ~ the m oF country or other ~ the Kknowled .~t For aeknowhdpu, nts mkm o~tdde orNew York StttL Slplture and Oflke or Indh4dual uldnl aeknowkdpnent WI I Ii ~OVENANT AGAINST GIAN'I OFS ACTS ALZDA ROJAS SCREM~RT DEVELOPMENT, CORP. First American 7Ytle otWsm Yo k SECT[ON 048,00 nLoa 03,00 Lot 002,000 I~L'/r~ICTOWN SoGtho1d Receded At Reque~ o~ · Frei AmaJm 'llfb hm Omtpexy d b YOFk IlllJIN IY MAIL . David B. ~roko~, ~sq. Prokop & Prokop - '131 Route 25A Rooky Point, New York 11778 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificat~ # ~orQ£# Deed I Morlgnge Instrument Handling 5. 00 TP-584 5 Notation EA-52 17 (County} ~.~ ~-~., ? ,s..) / ~' R.P.T.S.A. ~ ~ Comm. of E~, 5, 00 Affidavit Cenified Copy 1 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp [ Sub Tolal ~ 7~' 2005 Nov 04 09t46-.25 att E~dard P. Romaine SUFFOLK L 000012418 P4~4 DT~ 05- t~SgO? Recording I Filing Stamps Mo~gnge Amt. I. B~ic T~ 2. Additionn] Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Duai Town Dual County __ Held for Appomtmen~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax ~ __ The properly covered by this mortgage i or will be improved by n one or tw NYSSurcharge 15. 00 SubTotal c~l ~/ fnmily dwelling only. - YES or NO ~ vJ- p.~ # .fthi. i.;~._m~j:a: Agency ~. CPF Tax ~ $ Vesification I Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Impmved~ Vncnnt Land TO TD In the Township of ~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET Gl NL~.~..~.~y PRIOR TOI BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN rt:O IN BLACK INK O RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS 0FPTCE RECORDTNG PAGE Type of ZnstLmmont~ DI~DS/DDD Recetpt Ntunber t 05-0116179 ?RANSFER TAX HUHBER: 05-13907 1000 Deed Amountz Recorded, LZBER: PAGE: 8ec~on~ Blockl 048.00 03.00 EZA~AND ClL~RGEDAB FOLLOWS $172,500.00 11/04/2005 09146~25 AM D00012418 484 Lotz 002.000 Received tho FoXXowing Fees For Above Instnmenb Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 )TO NYB BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NC) ~-8TATE TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cert.Cop~es ~ S30.00 ~ S~ T~m~er t~ ~690.00 NO C~.Prem F~e8 Paid TRANSFER TAX NT~iBnz 05-13907 THIB PAGE IH A PART OF THE ZNHTRT]MEI4~ TI~S ZB NO~ A BILL $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 HO $o.oo HO $0.00 HO $1,950.00 HO $2,882.00 Edward P.Roma~ne County Clerk, Suffolk County ' - ...... PLE~: '~f~' OR I~RE~$ RRr~L~'' ~NHEI~ ~NRITING ON FORM · INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 Ir -OR COUNIY USE ONLY .A I ~.---- ~. Y, 7~. ~', ~, % I .~r .~ P.O.. ~.~....po, , . ' RP - 5217 Zlu~. I SCHEMBRI DEVELOPMENT CORP. ~ I " I 102 Sandoioer Drive Riverhead teak. I ROJRS I RLIDA I N~,, I I I '1~ / 13 / 05I ge/ SALE INFORMATION 11. ~llk GMI~ Dltl A B C D E F 1~, Date d ~Me I TmnMM ~ZMS~ I , , , 1,7 $ ,S ,0 0 ,0,el ! ! · This iMyment may be in tbs bm~ o/(mb, othe p(~Mtv M gOOdL M Eho iMumlxion d 14'lmlka~tlmmMW I O~ , 0 , 0 I I A~E~dENT INFORMA'nON - Data should reflect the limit Final A~#sment Roll and Tax Bill i IM~ms~l~ ml~ 11. Tram ~ ....... V/lM-" ~ In em~M~ I ......... I~. ~o. TM Mm idemlm~ I IM ideMllie~ (I/moN ti~ f~w, wmh West with ed(~loM kkndr~! I 1000 I I 048.00 Riverhead NY 11901 8EIJ.~R NEW YORK STATE COPY