HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 334~ CGNBULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 8[GNIIdG ~ INS]IKIII .BdT.11~I~ llSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY I. AWYE,q8 ONLY THI~ INDENTURE, msde ~ ,~,y of ~eptember, 2005 BETWEEN ALICE VAN BOLT, residing at 198 Warren Street, Brooldyn. NY 11201-0114 party of the first part, end ALICE VAN BOLT end RICHARD D. VAN BOLT, eo TruoMee of THE RICHARD D. AND ALICE VAN BOLT 2004 CHARITABLE REIdNNDER UNITRUST, both residing at 198 Warre~ Street, BrooJdyn, NY 11201-6114 WITNE88ETH, that b'to patly of the f~t pert. in corm~e~etlon of TEN and flo/100#m (S10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second peri, doe~ hereby grant and release unto 1he party of Ihe second prat, the helm or _suc~_ __~.m and a~igns of the party of Ihe second part forever, ALL ~at Get.in plot. piece or parcel of land, w~ ~e bulkJIngs and improvements thereen ere,:t~l, sltuBte, lying end being SEE 'SCHEDULE A" ANNF_,~ED HERE[T~ BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the lame premieres convoyed to the party of Ihe first pert by the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, a munk:k2al corpa'atJml of the 8taro ~ Now York by deed dead September 9, 1998 end recorded In the Suffolk Courtly Clerk's Offk:e off September 23, 1998 In Uber 11918 a~ Page 722. ~ mz. r:gnm o~' me ~ ot tl~ IIr~t Ixlrt kl ~ to ~ Ix'~ltl~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a~ "' ~nmt fu,,d Io be applied flint mr me oT Ihe ion ~ ....... puqxme paying coMoflheimpro~mentmldwllla I lhe flint to the p.~T,,unt Of the ~o~ m me PR Y same .... ~t ~ u.inO rely pm ol' me to~a; o~ me same · Tho wo . for any othm' ~i~i~. rD 'party" shall be Mimed as If I read "pm, ties wheflover 1he coffee of thb ffldenture 8o IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, ~e party of the first part has duly eo(e~Jted b'lie deed tho clay and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ALICE VAN BOLT ~I.L that certain plots, pieces or parccls o£1and, situate, lyintl and bain~ in die Village of Grecnport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Y ode, bounded and described as follows: KNOWN as Lot Nos. Nine (9) und Ten (10) on a certain map known as "Csreenport Driving Park" surveyed by C.H. Bateman and laid out into Iota by C.H. Hall, C.E., August 1909, whioh map was flied in the Suffolk County Clerks Office on December 1, 1909 as Map No. 369. Beins and intended to be the same prmlises conveyed by Walter E. Phelps and George E. Alexander as Executors of lbo Estate of John W. Phelps to Manuel D. Gloria by Deed dated May 10, 1926 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 19, ! 926 in Libor 1184 of Deeds at page 478. TO BE ~_~n ONLY WHEN THE AGF_MrtwUF. DrJMF _MT lB MADE IN NEW YORK STATE before me. the undmlgned, pmonl~ ,.I)pe.md ALIGE VAN BOLT perBondly known to me or proved to rne m Ihe besis of l.."-..'~,dOly ev~eflCe to be ~e inclMd'ml(B) whose name(s) i8 me tbet he/she/they executod the Imle in hil/be~llW C)n IhB dwof In the yonr Bi,om me. the undmlgned, pmonally al~ pemondly known to me o~: pmved to me on Ibe Ixmb of silisb(:toP/evidmm to be the indlviduBJ(s) whaee (.re) ,ubecri)ed to Ibe Mb'dh kmlnJnmnl end .cImoMedged to me thit hWdlerd.~ OXKUmCl lite --me In hiMledtheir capadly(les), end that by hN/bedthdr iJgnitum(a) on the IrN:Evldual(s) coted, ___,~:~_ _ Aed the Indmmont. (slon~ure md ofllce of Indldd~ t~ng .cknov~dgmont) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNCWA.EEXaMENT IS MADE OUTEIDE NEW YORK STATE Onthe dsyof Inlhe year be(ore me. the unclemignecl, pemonily,pt=eared that by IdMmr/Ihelr lignetum(8) on Itm Iniimmont. b'le InclMdui(.), or Ihe pMson upQn bebelf of whiM1 the IncBvidusK$) ioted, execuWd the in~nmlont, ond thet luch Indlvlduel made suGh NqxmmnGe Ix~om the onde~gned In the (lined tbe Cay Q,' in (~IG,.-*~ mhd af, c:e ~ mr~Mcmuml tol~rno ackmv'declo'wenl) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRAHTOR'8 ACTS TIUe No. Al. ICE VAN BOLT TO RICHARD D. VAN BOLT & ALICE VAN BOLT. as TnJstee~ CO~,I3NWF.~L111Z,AM) Tm~ INSU~,~cIC~oMF'ANY Dtui~CT 1000 SECTION 048.00 BLOCK 02_O0 LOT 029.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS COMMONWEAL'n-I LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RL=T1JRH BY IdAIL TO: J. KEVIN MCLAUGHUN, F. SQ. P.O. Box 1210 8outhald, NY 11971 *;% TORRENS I Serial# Ce~ificme # Pfi~r Ct£ # Deed / Mo~.o,~.e Inirurn~t Deed I Moflan~ Tax Stamp FEES Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17(Coumy) ' __ SubTotal EA-$217 (aline) C~am,i. ~f Ed.. uq OO Copy GRAND TOTAL Date In.ials Real'Pruj~ty Tax Service Asmcy Verificatim ~ion 8k~ 2ZO00 04800 0200 o~-9ooo SatJsf'aclions/Utscharu,,es/Kelonses Last f'rop~ty RECORD & RK'FIJRN TO: 3. KEVIN HCLAUSHLIfl, ESQ. P.O. BOX 1210 SOUthold, NY 11971 2006 Jan 19 t0t~3~24 ~ C~1~ oF L R~-di~ / Filing Stamt~ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssh. Or Spec./Add. 1'O1'. MTG. TAX Dual Town.__ Dual Conmy IleM for Appoflionman! Transfer Tax Mansion Tan The propert~ covered by this mmtsnKe is or will be improved by a one ortwo family dw. ths YES/- orNO If NO. see, of~his Consideration Amount CPF Tax Due X Suffolk This page fro'ms pm of Ihe ~admd ALICE VAN BOLT Titlo ' Information Co. Name Title # & Endorsement DEED (SPECIFY TYPE Of" IN~IR~ ) The ixemises basin is sil~.d.,] in made by: RICHARD O. AND ALICE ~N BOLT, as Trustees oflnt~eT°wnship°f SOUTHOLO the Rtchard O. and Altce Van Bolt 2004 ]ntI~VILLAGE GREENPORT Charitable Renmtnder Unttrust BOXF-g 51HRU 9 MUST BE IYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO~ECORDINO OR I.'IUNG. [llllffl IlHllm ffff[lllll Hill Ill I]ll mllilllllE Illlilmllml[l[[llll[ 8UF~)LK COUN'L~ CLBP. X RECORDS OFF'rCIZ R~CORDZNG PAGE T~pe o£ ~nstFument~ DBEDS/DDD ReceLpt Ifunbs~ : 05-0005831 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-23838 1000 Deed A~oun~: 8ectlon: Blook8 048.00 02.00 BXAI~I~DAND CllARGJsJJ AB So.oo Received the Following Fees For Above ~drea~t Pnge/Fillng $12.00 NO Hnn41ing COZ $5.00 NO NYB 8RCKG EA-CI~ S5.00 ~ ~-STATB TP-584 $5.00 NO ~T $30.00 NO Fees PaAd 05-23838 THZ8 PAGE Z8 A PART OF THE ZNHTlt~J~T I~Z8 TS MOT A BZLL Recorded: At: 01/19/2006 10:53824 AM LZBER~ D00012431 PAGE: 334 Lo~ 029.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 N0 $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $157.00 .. .PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 COUNTY' USE ONLY -- .,.. I ~ ~ ~ .'" . RP - 5217 ivan Bolt 3)01 Chmrttmble RmmtMer Unltrust I Rtcl',~ O. In~m~ wh~ fumm T~:~ ~ ~m m be writ I ~ i Ixl Iml , .0.2,9 i &~I V.n ~lt I Altce I I I I (hmd~ lira Immm kdmv m ~my mpplK & Owmatap T~ k Condo~h~ [~ ~.. ~ Rwimm~ v~ :nd O~ ,~m.m J ~ DI Jgm-Rmid~VmLmd H~ I Emmm~mmmlAnwmmmmm Fm th~mpm~N~/bbmAg~ula~MOImkt INFORMATION I ,L~CJI{~I{~mJ I I N/A I I Ymr lZ. ~iY4 M ~mlm l Tmm~m~ IL Cimd~ arum mmmm m d llmmm _--,dram m iRdmdde t~ tmmlm A ~.b ~ Rdmk~ .~ Fam~ Ildmkm B Stole llmr4mn gdmd Cmnlmmdmm or Pmmms in Budmm Ope d the Ikamm b m m ~ O guyot m' Edier fm Ooumm~em ~lemv m' Lm~gno k~e~mtkm IdB d Frictional or IJII I1~ FN Imlflll IEpmuffy Bdoy~ ~M d Buektem I~ Ind~ld lit ~M Pdoe J ~ 'm.~',q,.,w"~..., 12' 1, 01.1 i 'm.-,.,--,mm,,,~m,m,I ;reeqxw't 3 5 5 01 I 1000-048,,G)-02.00..~L~.000 I I I I I I I d'mm~ ~ld ~mk, atamma d mam,W &mi hmk d mdm~m mm tm I~ mmm~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ndmil~ lo limm mmkkql mmd k d ~ m 9roekl~n I m I 1!~01.-.6114 ~EtI. ER 14,-1 ~mglllln Kevtn I I