HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 22Wlmessath, *hnt ~he pnfly of the flr]t pert. in consideration often (10.00) Dollm wA other valuable considerate paid by ~he party of the seeond pm, do~s hereby stunt and rel~so unto tl~ pray of the sec6nd pail, the heirs or su~esson and assisns ofthn pm~ of the second part forever, Ar], that cemin plot, i~__~_ or parcel of land, situate,'l.yin~ and b~n8 at ~.Town of SonthoM, County of Su~blk and Stn~ of'New Yod~ known and des~_o~',~*d 'as ~nd by Lots Numbers 78 and 80 on e certain map entitled, "Map of Greenlx)~ Suffolk County, New York, known as OreenP~ l~riving Park" ~ by C.H BaWnan and laid out in Ires by E.C. Hall, Civil Engineer, uMapNo. 369, and filaiin th~ S~..~lk Connty Clerk's Office on December 1,1909;, said lots when taken together m'e bounded and dean'bed u follows: BF, GINN?G at a point on the Not~erly side of'Flint Street where ti~ nme is inter~c~d by th~ Southerly line of the Mem)politan Tnmslx~tatiqn Authority Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE 84 degrees 15 minutes 40 set,Ms East along said Southerly line of ti~ lVlem~im Tnmsportation Authority tong hind Rallied, 274.37 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Timothy O. Clark; RUNNING THENCE South 07 degrees 12 ntinu~ 50 seconds West along said land now or fonnerly of Timolhy G. Clark, 61.$0 feet to a monument on the Not'd~rly side of Flint RUNNING THENCE Noflh 82 degn~ 47 minute 10 soconds West alon~ s&id=Nmth~rly'alde of Mint Su'eet. 267.39 feet to the point or pla~ of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE h~e premises conv~.yed to ~ paflim of the first part by title aequJred by de~d dated May 5, 1975 recorded, May 16, 1975 in L~ber 7841 of eonveyance at page 123. Together with alh'J.~'ht._, title and intaut, If any, of thc pm. fy of the tint part in a~j m ny streets and roads abutting ti~ shove des~bed premises to d~c centa' ]i,.~_ tha'eof; Tog~her with the ~'m'es and ali the estat~ and rishts of th~ party of th~ tint pm in and to said prcrnises; To Have And To HoM the premises herein Fant~d Lmlo lhe pray of the second pm, th~ heirs or succenors and assigns ofthe petty of the semnd lXlfl forever. And th~ Pray of th~ tint pa~ c~emnts that th~ pray of th~ first pm im not don~ or suffemi anything wl~reby li~ said premises hav~ hem en~mnbea~l in any whatever, e~pt as a.rores~d' And th~ Patty of fl~ first patty ia eomplianc~ with So,ion 13 ofth~ Lira Law, ~ovenants that tho I .~artY of the first part will r~-.ive fl~ ~omMnrafion for this ~onv~un~ and will hold th~ right to nnprovement and will apply tho same first to tho l~ymmt of th~ c~t of the hnpmvement before using any pm of fire total ofth~ sn~ fm anyother~ Th~ .word "party' shall bo ~ons~mi as if it read ',patties- wire,ever the senso of tltls indenture so IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pray of the first pm has duly executed tltis dmi the d,v and ve~r tint abov~ mi written. --' '-- IN PP.F~ OF: STATE OF NEW YORK COL,rNT~ OF ~qUlq~OLK ~he individml(s) who~nsmc(s) is (~ubsc~bed to the within insm~nmt ttnd acimowled~ to me tht.he/..~e~ .e~c~J. _t~_ ~nm~ein~c~t~ies),md ti~tbyhi~siSrutu~(s) on me~~e i~vidu~](s), or t~e person upon behlf of which ~ individual(s) ~ STA COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ .or sm~sract~y evida~~~Idual(s) whose nme(s) is (~! subsm'bed to the within orw ~he vi tl~ ingm]ment SARGAINANDSALEDEED ~CovenntApimOmor'sAm Title No.: RH05302474 REED TO WACHTEL SECTION - 048.00 BLOCK - 02.00 LOT(S)- oo~.ooo & oo7.ooo TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY - SUFFOLK RE~'ORD AND RETURN TO: DAVID A. MORRIS, ESQ. 93 Wh~i~ RoM Cmlral Idil~ NY 11722 Nunlher o1' pages f% __ TORR~"~S Serial # Certificate # Pnor Cfi. # . Deed / Mortgage In,~L,'u .men( T'P-$84 ~ Nutat{OI1 EA-52 17 (County) __ EA-5217 (.$rate) R.P.'ES.A. Coomt, of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sun:ha'ge Other Deed I Mortgage l~ax Stamp ~'~'~' Sub Total _.. 15, ..(..~... SubTotaI~ OrandTotnl / ~ ~ J~ FJ~0RI)ED 2005 Feb 22 Eduard SUFFOLg COUtffV L PTi Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. .... 1'. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Totaal SpeeJA~it. OF Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tnz Mansion Tax The property covered,by this mortgage is o.r will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. or NO If NO. see appropriate tax claum on · I page # .... of this i~mqiqnt. T.R~.,P_mpeny : 0~20 ZOO0 04800 0~'0~,~' ~nsideration ~ount $ =e~i~ ' ~p T ~ 1000 04800 0200 007000 /. A~y ~ (r~ ~ CPF T= Due S /~ ve~fica6on i ~s~ ' · ' ...................... · Il t' ""'Vacant ~nd 6 I SallslacU~dD~elel~ List ~ny Ow~ Malli~ Ad'ss I I ~ ~ORD · ~URN ~: ~ · i ...... ITM "~ g ~ ' ~ m~e (SPECIFY '['YI~ OF INSTRUMENT) The premisc.< herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of ~ In the VILLAGI~.~~~L=L_i~.. or IlAMI.I~' of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST UE TYPED OR FRIN'FED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDINO OR FILi{~O. (over) l llll Iii IIIII ill Ill II IIIII IIIII IIIII Ii IIII S~FFOLK CO~RTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PA~E T~peo£ Znstz~mont: DEEDS/D~ Reaeip~ ~--~or : 05-0019713 TRANS~ TAX H~iBBR: 04-29876 1000 Deed Anount~ Sectlont Blockz 048.00 02.00 BXAM3::HB~AHD CKARGEDAS FOLLOWS $215,000.00 ~t TAX MT]MBBltz 04-29876 THIS pA~U IBA PART OF THE INOTR~MJ~T THZS Z8 NOT A BZLL Re~oz~ed~ Edward P.R~tne County Clerk, Suffolk Coun~ o2/22/2oos 04~14z15 1:~ LIBI~ D00012373 022 008.000 $5.00 $15.00 HO $75.00 HO S0.00 HO $0.00 NC) $1,300.00 $2,320.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stme.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 I I I I iq If.~. i hw ,d*.n ~,, ~ ol~l I I I IUYIR m A'TrolIKy I NEW YORK STATE COPY