HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 939WCS-2 Rev. 8/99 (oniform ~.k. Diet. 1000 Sec. 063.00 Blk. 03.00 Lot 021.005 CO~.T Y0~[ U&MfV[I[ ~ N~N~N~ ~ IN~TIIUMEN~'--~I~I~ iN~TeUMENI' ~HOUi~ ~ll U~BD BY LA, W~J ONLY. TliL~iNOENllJRE~madethe /_~J~layof /V~V~'~,.,intheyear 2005 Ayres Georshioe, Inc., a New ~ork corporation with pr~ncipa~ o~f~cea at 57225 Nain Road Southold, ~ 11971 Pany~efiratpan, and Gerard Hayden and Claudia Fleming 390 loc Avenue, Suite 13A Ney York, ItY lOOtO party of the second prat, ~'rNE~a~-.4 'hat the ---~- of the first .~r~ in ceasideratlon of Ten Dollars and other ~raJ. tmble consideration paid by the part~ of the second part, does ~'~by grant an.d release unto the Pa~y o! the second part, the hei s or st_,,~e__,_~ ~ assigns o! the party of the second pan. tm'ever, ALL that ~ert~. i~ot, piece or lm'eal of hud. with the buiHi_-Lrs and im~menu ~eteea en~ted, aitua~ lyin[ Ind bein~ m 'the SCm~ULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND HADE A PAR*[ HEREOI~. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by Deed dated 7-14-98 recorded 8-10-98 in Liber 11909 page 83~ in the Su£fbZk County CZerk*s Office. This conveyance ha~,~e~n made with the unanimous consent in vritlng of all the stockhotders of.':he party og the flrst part. TOGETHER with ell right, tide and interest, if any, o! the Party o! the first pan in and to any streeM and ro~ds ahutting the above described premises to the center Ils.es thereo~; TOGETHER wRh the a~urtenances and all tile estate and rights of the patty o~ the first part in and to said premises; TO HAY1.: AND TO ~i .,. ;;d~',-~Ca4~R .. - t~~8.w,~-'*') '~' ' · *" ~ ' - )' · "l .e.,vg(~:~. L 'L' I~/1;..' ..**q~.. ·. A,NO.the.patty. ,of the .first PaFt.co~p.ts..tliat t. ,17. patt~,o.~,M~, first pant ~ not ~ er su~f~.'d"~nphtng wnere~' the sam ~premlses h~ve ? encumbered tn nanylway.whntever, except a~ aforesaid. AND the party ot the. first part, i.n sore. pi;ante with Sect~m 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the patty.o! the first pan will receive the considemtmn for this conveyance and will ho d the tight to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied irst for the .purpose of paying the .cost of the improvement ~nd will apply the same first to the payment of thc cost of the nmprovemeat before using any part of the total of the same lot any other putpose. The word "pan)'" shall he ¢onnrued as if it read "panles" whenever the sense of this indenture so requites. IN wFrNl~-e-q WHF=ItEOF, the party of the first pan he~ duly executed this deed the day and year first above 1N Pit~ENCE Ayioa Georghio$, By:i~ By~~ Donna Har~S~Pavlou/ ALL NEW YORK TITLE AGENCY, INC. Title No. ANY200~-2718C ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main State Road, which point is the southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Barnett; RUNNING thence from said point or place ofbegi, nning along the northerly side of Main State Road, the following three (3) courses and distances: Soufh 62 degrees 47' 40" West 87.0 feet, South 67 degrees 54' 00" West 42.0 feet, South 74 degrees 05' 00" West 81.90 feet to the easterly s/de of land now or formerly of Lewis; THENCE along said last mentioned land and along land now or fo~nerly of Over,on, North 13 degrees 03' 00" West 207.6~ feet to the southerly side of land now or formerly of Krakowsld; THENCE along said last mentioned land, North (~ degrec~ 40' 30".Eas~ 149.28 feet to the easterly side of land now or formerly of Barne~ firs! above mentioned; and THENCE along ~aid last mentioned land, the following three (3) cour~ and distance: South 19 degrees 38' 20" East 158.38 feet, North 66 degrees 53' 20" East 18.0 feet, South 26 degrees 09' 20" East 105.80 feet to the northerly side of Main State Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY The policy to be [esued under this report will insure the title to cuch buildings and improvements erected on the premises which by law constitute real property. TOGETHER with all the right, title and Interest of the party of the first part, of, In and to thc land lying in thc street in front of and adjoining enid premises..: .- * STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss..* CO~TY OF SUFFOLI~ ur~lc~.d, persundly~x:med Georf~e Fav~ou ~lly~ to ~ ~ to ~m ~ ~s ~' ~i~ ~o ~ t~ i~vM~(s) ~ ~s) b (~) ~ to ex~ ~ ~ in h~r ~it~), ~ ~ by hi~r ~s) m ~ in~ ~ iMi~l(s). ~ ~e ~ ~n ~f of ~i~ ~e ~i~(s) ~, ~ ~ * STATE OF NEW YORK} COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~ On the ~___~da, yof ~/~V. mineye~00~ heforeme, the ~ndec~n~d, pem~allyappcem:l Donna ~4arie Pavlou pem:,m]ly known to me a' proved to me on the [mis of smis£ac~o~' e~lcucc m b~ ~ individual(s) w~ee same(s) is (me) subscribed .. ~he within insmmmnt nd 8cknowlcdgnd to me tha~ he/sh~hey executed the Mine in his~hec/their cspscJty(jee), nd in~ by his;her/their signatv~.) on ~he insU'umext, dre individuaJ(s), or the per.on upo~ behalf of which the individual(s) ec~cd, executed the i.smm~m. todividuM mkin8 acknowtedstoout Notary Public MAFtOARET C~ ~ · ~pat are tad Offlee of Individual mb]ag tckBowJedgmeut Notary Public * F°r ackm°wledemeuu taken in New York S~ste' Notm~ Publ[o, SiR~ of N~g M ** Stile, Distrlet of Columbl~ Territory, Pexstodon, or Fore~n Country On Ihe __ day of in tho yea' before me, ~e undersigned, personally appcored personally known to me or proved ~o me o~ the besis of'misfectory evidence to be the individual(s) whose ruiners) is (me) subscribed to thc ' within iflslrumem and acknowledged to me thM. he/sheahey executed the same in hir~e'Aheir cap~iry~ics), ~hat by hir,/her/their sign'.,ure(s) on the insu'mncnk the individtml(s), or the person upofl behelf'of whinh *,he individm~J(s) actod, cxeculed the insmiment, and thru such individual made such ~ before the u~lmign~l in the . (Insert the cz~y or other pOlittcaJ sutxJJvisinfl and the state or countO' or other pl~ the mcknowledsmenl was taken}. *' F'or achnowledgmentstakce outsldeofNewYoch State. S~pature aBd Office or individual mb]ug acknowindgmem ~rITH COVENANT AGAINST ~KAN~'S A~S TI~ N~ Ay2os Georgh~on~ 2nc.. a N~ York co~oraC~on TO Gerard Hnyden and ClaudLa Fleming ti ti J~rsl Ameri~a~ Ti~b is~francf Company~ of ~Vew ¥~/~ S~'nON 063.00 aLOCK 03.00 for 021.0o5 COUNTY ~ Suffolk Recu~ed At Reqt~ of lZbst American 31t~ Infuranee O2mp~ ~ N~v ymk IIISTUItI( BY MAIL TO: John Nadeo, Esq. t63 Daybreak Road Souchport, CT 06890 Number of pages L.~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # 200~ ~ ~ O~:OltO~ ~ CLE~ OF ~UFFOLK C~U~TF D0001242~ 939 0~21952 Deed. Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Suunps 3 Page / Filing Fee ' Handling TP-§84 Notation EA-$217 (County) Sub Total EA-$217 (State] R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Othcr Sub Tolai Grand Total ~ { 1000 4 { District Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Section063.00 I 03.00 021.005 [ Block Lot 05049898 ~000 06300 0300 021005 ] Satisfaction/Discharges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: JohnNadeo, Esq. 163 Daybreak Road SouChporC, CT 06890 Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. I ASSiL Spec, I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ~'~O Mansion Tax Thc property or will be i family dwellJ YES . IfNO. see n page # ~vered by this motgage is ~pmved by a one or two ', o~y. or NO __ ropriate lax clause on of this instrument. / 11-' -o5 5 Commurfit) ~eservation Fund Consideration Amount %~S ]/, 450,000.00 .'PF Tax Due $~ Improved ~ Vacant Land __ TD !O TD TD C~v YorkTttle A{eney, Inc. Title~ ,U~2005-2718C 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Deed tSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Aytos Georshtos, Inc., a Hey York ' corporation TO Gerard HaTden and Claudia Flemin8 The Ixemisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of Souchold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of SouChold made 'by: BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RE. CORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNt/ Cr.~tK R~CORD80I~ZC~ X~CORDI~G Re=eipt Number m 06-0000941 ~NSF~3t ?~X NUmBeR: 05921952 $000 Deed Jta. ount= LZB~R: ~GZ: 063.00 03.00 ~T~n~DC~I~G~D~8 I~)LLO~B $1,450,000.00 0~/05/2006 08;01~08 AM D00012428 939 021.005 the Following Fees FOr ~m:nre ZnBP. z~ P&ge/F~l~ng $12.00 NO COg $5.00 NO · JL-CTY $5.00 NO F,~-ST~'I~ ~-584 $5.00 NO Cez~.Co~es 1~ $30.00 NO Trans£e~ bax G5,800.00 Fees ~SF~R T~ ~L~I 05-21952 ~q~Z8 ~AG1~ Z8 & L=~ OF TEE ZNB~0HE~T THZB ZB NO~ & BZI~T, $5.oo NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $o.o0 NO $0.oo NO G26,000.00 NO $32,042.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hRpY/www.orps.state.n~.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ., I ...... ...,,.... 57225 [ Hain Road [ Southold · I Southold [ 11971 z~ [ ~ayden [ Gerard ] Flemins I Claudia 3. T~ ~m~T~~ I I I , I P,o,,.r,v I Ixl IoRI .... I .0 . 7 I {Odf I PIr~ d ~ Pmme Ched~ m the1, q~lgy: I SALE INFORMATION I /2005 I 2005 a Own~hlp Tvl~e is Cadomhlum [] IM. ~ap~y ~JlKI v/dhht m Agricd~rd Di~ [] MB. Bu~q~ mcd4,~d i disk.uN heX,ce In~:~mg [] A I) F, F U. FunSd. P, ic. I , , 1, 4, 5, O. O, O. O.o.oI ! ! · (Full Silo ~rlc~ b Itm tom1 .mour~ paid for the pmpe~, including persond ;xopmy. I lttndlnt, m.v.k,.Mp..uad I [ , , , . , . O , 0 I [ ASSESSMENT INFORIdATiON - Data should roflect the lat~t Rna[ ~dseHment Roll end Tax Bill Southold I 4, 2, 11.I I ltkhodDld, kll~L 13 io,oi 20. Tu M~p IMMiBiHi) I ~1 Idm~flerlsl Il m tMn low, ~tt ac,~ abm4 w4th additional I 1000-063.00-03.00-021,005 I I I i I I CE RTIFICA?mN NEW YORK STATE COPY