HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 794NIRANT CANDAN and P.H. (X4SLICO, hnvinS an address c/o Rohefl -q. ~ 4~7 South O)~ter Bay Roed~ Plainvlew, New York 11803 ns executors of the last wiU and mm OfSEMUN DflDIKOOLU, late of 49 Oak Palm Draw North, BayviUe, New York 11709, who died on the 19~ day of June, I~ pndy ofth." first Pa~, and SUSAN ROOER3 ORUN, rosiding at 1458 Monlauk Highway. Watnmill, New Yo2rk 11976 party oflhe second part, WFFNF. SSFFH~ that th,. Party of tho first put, m whom lettm teatammuary were immd by tim Surmsnte'a Com't of the Stere of Now Y(~c for th~ Coun~ of Namne on Ocmher 2, I ~96, and by'vJ..-me of Ihe piwer and m~thorJty siveu in and by ~ last waft and tutpuv,-~, nmi in cmwidamlinfl of Nine Hnedmi Fifty Nine Thousand ($959,000.00) dollars, paid bY the Party of the aa~md Pail, doss hL"teby Irsnt and releme unto the pifly of the second Part, lbo hein or succossors nnd anisns of the pefly of ll~" second pm forever, ALl, tim cerUin plot, piec~ or parcel of land, wilh th.. bulldlnp and impmvemcms thereon ~rected. altuat~, lyin~ muJ hein~ in the DESCRIPTION A'I'I'A~HED SlSCT~ 0~ SAID PREMISI~S beJn8 known as smd by the sttcot numhe~ 54305 County Rand 48, Suutboid, New York 11971 and mock OLeO beinsandintm~dadto, bothetamepmnifcoc~nveyedtoPaflyoftbeFn~tpartin~J~, 1970 ned t~-'orded tOT oo6.000 Jn the Suffolk County Cleflt's africa in ~ 6766 cp 496. TOOETHER with all rlsht, tibia and intesut, if' any, of the pray of ~bo first part of, in and to any streets and toads almttin8 the above-doscn%ed prumbos to the cneter linos Ilmeoi~ TOGETH ER with the apfmsMnencos, and nba aII ~ eftete which tim said decedent hed ntth`" time of decnderd'a death in said pmmisos, ned sbo the ostate therein, widch the Party of llBe fkst pert bos or ILU powar m convoy or dfapnea of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or mhezwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD I!~ Munlaes herein 8~nted unto d~ pan'y of the second piti, the heirs or sucee~Mrs nd misns of the party of the tared part fore,er. AND the ~ of the tim pa~ covenents 0mt the pray of the first piti has not done or suffefl~ nnythit~ wl~reby th~ nad I~emisco here bnen inmnhered in any way whmver, oxcq~ aa a~o~mid. AND the pafly of the first pa~ hi compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pafly of tl~ first prat wUI receive the neosidendioa for this couveyanee and wiG bom tho dSht in receive such comideration as n. trust thnd,to....l~.,..~p. Jind.~trs! fo?,the ~ of piyinS the cost of lbo imp~v~dr411 and will apply tbo nme first to the Paymeneortl~ coM of the :mp?vtt6~l.'** befo~ nebS ney pofl of the totel ofthe same for any odmr puq2ose. The word 'part~?l[a~ b~ .co~...In~9! If it . .~'~l. Ji'l!~t. ,tls ' wlmmve~ the sooso orfJda indoutu~ ne requi~. IN WITNF, SS WHERF. OI~, the pony of tho f'net pan h~ duly exe~_,__b~_ this deed the day and yuu' first above WrJltelt. IN PR~eENC~ OF: ~Xi~nt Candan, Ex~utor P~.C'heli~,Execu~or- Ail that c~min plot, piece or parcel of lund, situam, lyi~ sad beia~ at Ar -mom u , in ih~ T~,n of Southold, County of Suffolk ~md State of New York, bounded and described ss follows: ' Be$inning at a monument set on the northwesterly line of Nortll Road 0Vliddlo Road) 63.49 feet southwesterly along said northwesterly line from the southwesterly corner of land uow or fotrderly of Mac{de, being the suutheesterly corner of the premises hereiuafler described und land now or formerly of W. Payue; Rmming thence along the northwesterly linu of North Road, two courses es follows: 1. South 77 de~rees 23 minutes 00 sucouds West 21.80 feet; 2. South 47 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconda West 29.88 fe~t 1o a couc~eta monumeut set on said northwssmriy liue; Thence along the ensterly line ora cer~aln right o£w~y, North 31 degnms 42 miuntes 40 seconds West 25 i .0 to the ordinnty high., water mark of Long Island Sound; Thence North 59 degrees 46 minutes 10 s~conc~ East along a tie line along said ordinary hiRh water mink of Long Island Sound 50.01 feet to land now or formerly ofW. Payn~, afo~,menli~mod; Thence along said lest mentioned laud, ~outh ~1 d~il~es 42 minutes 4{} seconds F_,est 251.50 feet to the northerly side of North Road to the point or place of Bngiening. Said premises being known ns and by the sttr~t numb~ 54305 County Road 48, Southold, Ncw York 11971 and being and inteudud to b~ the ~arne premimez conveyed to party of the lirst part in D~xl dated Jun,. 30, 1970 and rucord~d in tl~ Suffolk County Clerk's Oftlcc in Liber 6766 cp 496. NOTARY PUBUG. 8MM MTJ,,wYod~ No. mBP48~101 STATE OF , COUNTY OF O~'m d~yoF in b%e~r b~fam me, I~/~ · NaMry ~bl~ in ~nd ~ -.id ~me,, ~mbsa4binf. ~ m ibc f~ I~k w~lh ~ I am ~'dl~ ~"'~n~, ~. ~ ~ mt ~l~ ~. d~ ~ lo b d:e ~ivldnnl ~ In aM ~m ~ ~ f~hB I~mn~ ~ nM s~iq ~ wes ~t ~ Mw stid e~fk'~lle the some; Ind thlt nLM whnell aL die game time sub~Jib=l hb~Wtheh' flnme(s) ns · whms ttmtto [df d' llf'b ~ k ~ ~m, Lb Ny ~] ~ I~t ~ ~bbl ~"~4' ~ ~ ~ I~Un~ ~ Executor's Deed TITt~ NO. ESTATE OF 8EMUN BEDIKOGLU TO SUSAN ROGERS GRU~ ~A~ OF Onthe d~of (n~ ~ me. tM ~m~ ~ly ~ STATE OF , COUNTY OF O~the dayof h~ t~ef'om me peL, l~eJly came DIsMbuted By Chicago HUe Insurance Company RgTtlRN BY MAIL ~: SUSAN ROGERS ORUN, F~qQ, ~MITII, FINKBI,~It$flql & LUNDBERG 4:56 (]tUU. lrd3 AVENUE RWERUEAD, NY IlgOI Number of pesos TORRENS Serial# Certificate # Prim' OL # Deed I MoflgaSe Insu~mem Deed I Mof~,~e 'rnx Stamp 1 I*'~JT-q. ~ .~ 22 12t16:48 PH Eddrd P.Romim CLEm( OF S~FFOU( COUA~T L [EG)12410 DT! 0~-078~9 RecoFdJn~ / Filin~ SUmps Mofl~,a~ Amt. ~ I. Basic Tax 2. Additioaal Tax ~ Sub Tolal SpscJAssit. -qpsc./Add. .. TOT. MTG.'FAX . Dual Town Dual Oaumy Held t'o~ Appointment ~ M~ion T~ ~ _ TI~ property covered by r~Js mortg~e is OF will b~ impflwed by a one OF two f~mily dwellin~ only. Real Propsfly 0~ 1000 05200 0100 006000 Consideration Amount $959 r 0,00.00 , A,s,.ency (Ri_pA A) CPF Tax Due $16r180.00 Ve~ncation i~:BE~.0S/ I ~ J hnpmv~l X I · . . ' -' I Vacant RECORD & Rt~I'URN TO. lTD · I] TD SOSAH ROGERS ORUN, ESQ. SM'rTH, FI'NKE~STETN & LUNDBKRG lTD 456 GRZFFTNG AVENGE RzVERHEAD, NY 11901 [ ? [ Tille Commmy Information ~1~1 ~.tate Services · Se olk Count Recordm & Endorsement Pa e This p~e forms part of the olmchcd DEED (SPI~IPY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) HZRANT CANDAN and P. E. CHELICO, T~ premises herein is ~itualcd in EXECUTORS OF ESTATE OF 5EMUN ~Tu~rn SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. made by: TO In the Township of SOUTKOLD · SUSAN ROGERS GR~I In the VILLAGE OF HAMLET of ARSH~OtqA~uE BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. (over) SUFFOL~ COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFXCE RECORDZNG P~GE 5/pa of Inatrunent-* DB~DB/DDD TRANSFER TAX NUMBER** 05-07899 L~BBil** D000~2410 PAGE: 794 L000 052.00 01.00 006.000 $959,000.00 Doed Amount: Reamived Ch Follow~ Foes For Abova ZuntrumenC Recorded Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling SS. 00 COg SS · 00 ~0 BYS SRC~G $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO U-STATE $7S.00 ?P-$84 $$.00 NO Cert. Copiee $0.00 RPT $30.00 HO BCTH $0.00 Transfer tax $3,836.00 HO ~---, Prea $16,180.00 Fees Paid $20,168.00 TAX HUHBERI 05-07899 TH,lB PAGE Zst A PART OF ~IE ZNBTRUMEHT THZ8 Z;I NOT A BZLL Edward P. Rmmine County Clerk, Suffo3.k County 09/22/2005 12:16:48 mi FOR COUNTY USG ONLY ~ ~ ~ ..... · .~'"' ' "~. . .? RP - 5217 ~~ RPx,~17 Ixl I ~ommun~ Smvlce Indmtdel r, oI~ Nme 13~ Ykr (Full hie IMco b the tml mnaum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u~o ~ ~. I · Ownemblla TYI~ b ~lam [] & New C(xIr _,,~,,~ on Vmlnt Lmtd [] A g C D F SM BeMNn HiktMi ar Fammr I~q.dvm SM BIimm Iblmacl Camp~nkl m Pennmll in BuIJr4H Oho d b'll BUJMI il Silo i 8dl' BUtM ar ~Im Ii Gowmmenl Agm~y or Lifldlng ImlMJlian Did Ty~e i1~ WI~ml/y ~. Bargain ind Sdl ~ Bldo~ Si~,d~mM Ch,e, M Pmm~ B,W~m 'r~Mde 8Ira and Mlen.--- I MSSMENT INFORMAlION. ~ should roflacI th~ latest Rnll )MlMrnlm Roll end T~ Bill , ¢,4 ,~ ! B~j . ~,,~/,~;VEII~. A"rrofll~EY SELLER