HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 721'i1~I, ' § 3:07 Ba~uin and Sale Dend w/Core.liltS A~ainsl ~ Act ~] BE~, DE~R~ ~Y,. ~ s~u. off--EL TULLY ~d DELO~ TULLY', Individually, residing at 19 North Ingelore Court, Smithtown, Nmv York 11787, pnrty of the first part, and MICHAEL TULLY, rasidin~ at 2722 John Roe Smith Avenue, Medford, Nmv York 11763; pnrty DI~RIC'F: WITNESSETH, that tbe party oftbe first part, in emmideratiun ofTen Dollam and other valuable ~,~ consideratitmq~aid by the pasty of the second pail, does be~eby grant and release unto thc party of 049.00 BLOCK: 01.00 K~.~'.' .~_.h .~m__~ or nuccomom and assigns offl~ party oft~.secOnd plt~t thrcve~. ~...,, ~.. . -~ .... '~J'l dial ccrtoin plot, pwco or parcel of land, mth the braidings and improvements the~on erected, situato, lying and being in thc Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stat~ of New York, bounded and descsibed as follows: SEE SCHFrlULE "A" ANNEXRrl HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TOGETHER WrFH COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS Said premises also known as 640 Cove Circle, Greenport, New York 11944. BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises as conveyed to pa~T' ol'tbe tim pa~ by Deed dated March 13, 1962 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on Mnrch 15, 1962, in tn'bet $139 at Page 62. TOGETHER with all right, tMe and inte~asl, ifeny, of the pafly of,the f~st part of, h nd M soy streets and roads aimttin~ the ~'bed premises to the csnu.r lines themoP. TOOETHER with the appurtenances sod all the emte and rishts of the p~y of the fwst p~ in and to said lwemises; TO HAVI~ AND TO HOI.D the premises herein graated unto the pa~y of the seaned part, the heirs or soeoessors and a~igns of the pa~/of ~ seeand part fow~r. · AND li~ pray oflhe first pon covenants that the party of the tim Im~ Im not done or suffemi anything whc~by the said pmniscs have ba:n cncumhered in any way wherever, except as afo~usid. AND the party of'tl~ first part. in complian~ with Section 13 of the Lien Law. ~ovenants that the party of'the first part will ~eanive the consideretion for this cenveyuncc nd will bom the ri~t to receive such ~neidcration as a ~rust fund to he applied first for 1he pm~asc of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply th~ mmc first to th~ payn~nt of the cost of'the improvement bef'~e using any part of the total of the same for any other porpose. The word "pa~ shall be cousin]ed as if it mid 'parties" whenever tho sense ofthis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pan'y oftbe first part has duly executed this deed the day and year ~st above written. In presence oP. SCH~-DUL~-' "A" ~//~W~n""n p~t, l~c or p~rccl of land, with the build~r4,s and i.mp~mnems ~he~n elected, lYi.~and bei~in, the ~own o~ Southo~d~ County of ~{%~fo~k {led State of New b.o .~ded end described as fol~owe~ BEOI~NING at an' iron pipe on the northerly Line of a 2~ private · a~ a poxn~ ~ saia ves~e~ l~e where it is interseeted ~ the s~th~ line of a ~0' private road ~ a~ "C~k Street., said' m~t souzne~ line ~ the public h~bay po~t of be~i~in~ r~n~-- al~;: ---- ........ et} ~ -sa~d ~d, N.83o03,10,~.~0.0 feet to /m aa S~Ow~ ~ ~p Of O~e~ OF ~k", filed in the S~fo~ Co~ Clerk,- the point ~-beg~' ...... ~----,a.o-~6,~O,~._ 114.70 feet to ; d BEOIN~G at the poi_nt' of beginning of PARCEL O~E herei~o ascribed and mumine S.6aqA,~nm. ,a~d 2~' pr~te ~d* t center ~ne of , henna ~l~g said eente~ 10~ ~eetj t~noe N.~Ollt~,~..~. e..__...~ne, ~.8~,lO,,W.' tBe po{ut ~ bel{~inE. The eh--- ~---1-- .3~0 ~<RO.O feet to , it's ~8e as a ~lght ~ way. Togeth~ with'a right ~ way ~.~.~ wide al~g the southerly bo~dary of P~L ~. Also with a right of way .~. wi · '~ ' eo_r~.er of PARCEL ONE · · ~__ d from t.h.e southeaster 100, a terly about 100' end th e^. ?n.d t_hen again eaeterl.v about 89, .,~A 6~ en s.o.u~A.erly about corner of AP~Lae:ia~h~t,.°f.~wa_Y.??~,wid'?.f~.om the .s.out.heas_terly - -..uu -,-~u~;~n on ' Ay about 480 ~0 feet on said 2c, -r'--'- -g- ~ Pl.Pes~C_ov_e[ ~.id beach being abou ~ ~ -wake ~um aoou~ ?~ fee~ about 140 feet in depth, on said Pipes Cove and ?O~l..lgP,.'wi'Ch 'a'~'~kht 'to use the "C~om~unity.~ea~.h" whichanid "Co~ty B~h''' s~ be ~se~v~ solaly'.for .the p~poea o~ rec~emt~ and use OF the ~rioua "C~e.C~o~e" and s~Ll be subject ~e~t~ons as the ~rt~ea off ~he f~r~t ~rt, o~ th~ suc~sors or assigns ~y ~mpoem. 1. No fence or hedge shell ~ erected or per~tted upon ~d premises exeeadin~ fo~ (4) feet ~ ~ht$ .... 2. No. b~ildfng or other structure shall be erected or permitted which, measured fro~ its hain founds.tics wells, shall b~ within ten (10) feet of any lotv boundarY or property, line. 3. The premises of any. structure, thereon shall be used solely for residential,p.urpuses, and shill not et any tiem be used for the purpose 0f ~ny trade, manufacture or business of any description, nor shall anything be maintained, carried on, suffered or permitted upon the premises or any part thereof, which shall be dangerous, noxious or offensivb} provided! however: that th~. land may be cultivated for private, garden and lands, cape. pt~. poses. 4. That only' 'such animals' as are ooua.o~ly ~o~sidere~ a's t~. :customarY domesticated pet type shall be kept o~ the prenises. 3. The. parties of' the. second pa~ furthe~ understand that the property aforementioned is located within a private development known as "Cove Park", and~ therefore, agrees that in the event an associa- tion of owners is forced, said parties of the second part will sub- scribe to and become a member of said association, and ~u~ther agrees to abide by and be governad by all the. rules and regulations that may be pronulgated by s.aid associat.1on. 6. That dwelling erected shall oc~tain a minimum of 800 squs~e feat, and shall not exceed two (2) stories in height. ?.' That 'at no 'tl~e"shall'vehi'cl'es be parked on any pa~t of the private road, nor shall said road be obstructed or encumbered by objects or mate.ri, als of any kind or nature. 8. That in order to premote the good general appearance of the development, all buildings erecte~ must have the flnisha~ siding and finished roof affixed and installed, within six (6) months after the commence.mast data'of the e~eotidn of said structure. 9. Together with and'sub,eot to' an easement for i~g~ese and egross over the private road, sumet~ees referred to as the extension of Clark Street, into Sixth Street. Greenport, T~ OF 8outho~, Co~t~ of S~ffo~, N~ York, and also to the 2~ foot prints r~d s~et~es referred ~ as Elsworth C~zole; .... 10. No structure of · temporary nharacter such as a trailer, basemaut, tent~ shack, garage or other outbuilding shall be used as a rcs.idahos on a residential plot, either temporarily or permanently, nor snell any dwelling under construction be permitted to be used as a residence until the outside and roof have been fully and completely finished and painted. TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI.RnOMBNT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, County of S~FOLK ss.: On the de.v o~'.=...~C~~, 20o~, beraro me. thc und~i~ncd, Pemonally nPPcemd DOLO~t~ TU~Y, pefionlly known to me or proved to me on ~e ~ of satisfaetosy evidence to be tim individual(s) who~ name(s) in (am) subsc~bed to tim within capacity(in), and that by his/hm'/thsir signature(*,) on tho instrument, the individual(s), or tho (SJ-gnatu~ and ~flice ~f individeal takin~ achnowkdgment) State of New York, County of ._~ ss.: ~== personally appeared Petannally known to ra~ or proved to me on tbs besis of satisfactory evidence to be tho individual(s) whose nares(s) is (am) subscribed to the within insuument and acknowlnd~nd to me that he/she/they executed th~ ssnm in his/her/their capacity(ise), and thoat by higner/~ir signalum(s) on the instnunant, the individual(s}, or the pe~on upon behalf of which thc individual(s) acted, executed the L, mtnmmnt. (Si~natu~ and office of individual takin~ achnow~t) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK State (or District of Columbia, Tmitory or Foreiml CounUv of On tho Day of ,2005, before me., tho und~sigt~ ~ly nppe~md _ Peru:really known to be or proved to me on tho basis of .satisfactory evidcnce to be the individual(s) whose nantc(s) is (am) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowlcdsed to me that be/she/they executed tim same in his/he~/tbeir capacity(its), and that by his/hm'/theh' si?o*,ue(s) on the inatnunent, the individual(s), or the pm'son upon bchalfofwhich the individua](s) acted, exeo_,*_~ the instrument, and that such individual made such appeanmcc beforo the undcmisncd in the Comity of. in tho State o1' (Signature and office of individual ~ acknowledgn~nt) BARe, iN A~.D SALE DEED wi Covenant Ageinst Gmntor's Acts DELORES TULLY DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: BLOCK: LOT: COUNTY: ADDRE~: 049.00 01.00 007.000 SUFFOLK 640 COVE CIRCLB GREEPORT, NEW YORK 238 MINEOLA BOULEVAR[' P.O. BOX 427 (,516) 742-4700 JAKUBOWSKX, ROBERTSON & GOLDSMITH, 969 JERICHO TURNPIKE SAINT JAMg-q, NEW YORK 11780 RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE Numher or pages smlal J Cmlilicale # Prior or. # Deed I Mmlpp InWun~nl Deed I Mu~p~ Tax ~hamp 200'3 3m 03 0lit2111 Pti F.d~rd P. Rmaire O..EI~ 0F SUFFOLK CQUNT¥ L lX~012390 P 721 PT. a4-.4349~ Kecordini~/FIlin& 8tanzl~S Png, o I I:ilhtE I:~ I ImKIlimt 'I'P 584 , ~ub Total '=0 ;} on . ,0 smq, ] 05020878:1000 04900 0100 007000 I ~atc Initials ~..~ .~#l WhKliUll~ ........ o ................... ,....~ ........... Mutipi~e ~Jnt. I. Ua~ic lhx 2. A(Idilimm[ Tax Sub Tolol Spec.lAilil. Ot Spec. ladd. 1'01'. U'r(L l'kX I,hml Town I Xml (.:rarely I kid I'm Apl~,tlimnnelll ..... Mnosiop 'Fax '[lw propelty covured by lids otmli4al~ ia or will he inlproved by a one or two I'am {[y d~llin6 only. Y '1'1~ (,r NO .... I~ NO, '.an eplm,'prialn p.x clnuse on pnue # _ ,,r,,,i, ],,,,..,,~,,. Ct~mmunity I'res.*rwltit),~ r.'pnd Coiieitlcrntion AlliOltllt S_. ~ CPF 'l'nx I~lie $ (acunt 1.81td 'I'D 'I'D TD 96g Jedche Turnpike -.. St. James, ~ York lite0 I m I Title Colulmny h~orntatiou Ico. N.m. ~~' · I SutYol~ County ~corclm~ & EnLFc~.~T~¢~¢~i~~'~'''' ' 'il[i! I~ time IXm ol'lhc ~llac:lmd DEED . . made by: (81'~I~'WI~ OP I~UMF~i') --" 11~ ~s I~lt is sil~l imf DELORES TULLY S~ ~NIY, NEW Y~K. TO In dm'l~,~p o~ SOUT~LD h~ tim VII~GE MIC~L TULLy or FlA~q'or~~ I~ )XI~ 5 '11 I~U 9 ~l~l' UE'I~'PI~ ~ PIU~I') IN IIIA~ INK ~I,Y I'RIQ{ '~ RI{~RL~NO (~ 1.11.1~. IIIIIIII Iii IIIII IIIII IIIII II IIIII ill ii IIII IIII lililllllllil T~ o~ Xz, lt:z~mm~t~ D~unS/DDD ~umber o£ Pag'msz 5 aeee~.~: ~ ~ 05-0059B92 TRA~fJFER TAX HDMBIIRs 04-43498 1000 LZBER: PAGEs 049.00 0~.00 ~o.oo 05/03/2005 01t12s11 PM D00012390 721 r.0t ~ 007.000 Received the Following Fees For Abm ~umtr~,e~t P&ge/Ftl~ng $X5.00 ~O bridling COS $5.00 ~0 ~s 5ac~ ~=584 $5.00 ~ Cert.~e ~ $30.00 ~ B~ Tr~fer t~ 80.00 ~ ~.Prem Fees PaAd TRA~BFERTAXHUNBERt 04-43498 THZB pA~E XH A PART OF T~B ZNSTRI]M~T TKZH ZS HOT A BZLL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $245.00 P.Rama:Lne Clerk, 8u££olk Cou~t;7' --PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHER ~v-Rm~l~ ~ 'FORM ........ · . · , INSTRUCTIONS: hRp'.//www.orps'.s~ate.~y.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 · 1.~1 6q.o I COVE CIRCLF I G~uHIff~R.Ty ~ 119q. q* TULLY I #ICHAEL I tD~ Nmmm ~m f~',r/· I TULLY I ~LORES I I BI IloflF~i F ~ CL~_lP, idlm~¥lClmlaml O~A~emnim KJ...JPubdleSem4m DllNm-nw,6m~Vt. tuUnd HII ~.mlmu~lnmuso,Mfl~ LII fr~m SALE INFOJ~M~'IION I , ./A / / I l~. D~o d SdB I Tur, dor SIll d luenml k~ indudKI kl b hla M. kulmothoduodm I O O 0 O 0 O I bENT INFORMATION - Dom thoukl reb~ file btm Final ~t Roll end Tjx Bm J ltbdmlkllhm Ot 5 I 17 TmiAmlmiVdmiddlw~kkmmktl u. hqumam 1:3, 1, 11.1 i ~.~m.m~Nmml GREENPORT · . I .no ,0 I I DISTRICT 1000 I I RtnCZ fll.flQ I SECTION 0q~. 00 I I LOT 007 .000 I ' t~:K mm[.iCATION ~R I NORTH INGELORE COURT SHITHTOWN I NY I 11787 6B.LER ROBERTSON 631 BUm I EDMARD A, [ · 360-0400 NEW YORKCOPY STATE