HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 519T~ Di~t. Elk. NY~O~ - Ba~n and SM~ ~M wi~ Co~'~ant ~img (]~s Am 4ndividusl or Co~ (Sing~ ~t) ~ ~2) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TillS IN~UME~s'T -- THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY L&WYERS Ot~L¥ THIS INDENTURE, madethe /'TY~dayof October ,intbeyusr 2005 BETWEEN LINDA G. METZ, akd Gw~n Metz of 1200 Broadway, New York, New York 10001 DBV'rD DOMINY and SRTTT~ DOMTN¥ Anapolis, MD. 21403 and CHARLES E. DOMINY of 330q Fox Mill Road, Oakton, VA 22124 ~ party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the firsl pan, in consideration ofTen Dolla~ and other valuable consideration paid by the patty ofthe second part, does hereby want and reiease unto the pa~y ofthe second part, the heirs or sa~c~om and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALI: that certain plot, pi~ee ? parcel o. fland, with the buildings and improvemen~ thereon erected, situate, lying ]andb~4ng~the Town o~ Soutnold, Coun.ty of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows. BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Tucker Lane distant 250 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Tucker Lane with the easterly side of Glover Street; RUNNING THENCE 67° 45 minutes 00 seconds easterly along the southerly side of Tucker Lan~, 60 feet; THENCE south 22° 15 minutes ~9 seconds west, 140 feet1 THENCE north 67° 4~ minutes 00 seconds west, 60 feetl THENCE north 22° 15 minutes 00 seconds east, 140 feet to the southerly sid~ of Tucker Lane to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO SE the s~me property conveyed to the grantor herein by deed from W~ll[amArnold Mengeweit and Judith A. Mengeweit dated 06/17/04 and recorded 07/09/04 in Liber 12329 page 718. TOGETHER with nil fight, tide and intere~ if any, of the party of the lust part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to thc center lines thereof; .TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the patty ofthe first part in and to said promises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein Berated unto the pray ofthe second part, the heirs or succe~___m_~ and assigns of the party of thc second part f~mver. AND the party oftbe filst pa~ coveimnts that the party ofthe fu~t pa,-t hu not dono or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party oftbe first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party oftbe fu~t pa~ will receive the considerstion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a nust fund to be applied first for the puqx~e of paying the co~t of the improvement and will apply the samo fu~t to the payment oftbe cost of the improvement before shins any pa~ ofthe total ofthe same for any other The word "party' sludl be construe~, u ifit rend "pmies' whenever the sense of this indenture so rcquira~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pafly of the fiut pail has duly executed this deed the day and year first above IN PRZ~.NCE OF: a/k/e Gw~.n Metz SIme of New York, Courtly of Suf folk }ss.: O,~/~ of October in the ymr2005 LINDA G. METZ PAT~IGIA L. FALl.ON Notary Publfo, 8tm Of NewYo~ No. 01FA4950148 CommMIo. Expire A~rlt 24, ~,~ ~ State of New York. County of } ss.: On the day of in the yem' be~o~ me~ tho undmigned, pmonully appeored the subscribing wimen to the foregoing msmnnent, with whom I am personally ncqeninWt, who, being by me duly swan, did dep~e and say Iht he/she/tbey rnide(s) in my. rSeu~: that I~'sbe~bey know(s) .to be the i.ndividenl described in and who ex~cuted the fo~goin8 ~nsmnnent; that said subscribing wime.s was present and saw said execute the same; lind dui SaM witocss at the Same time sub~ci~bed his/hu-/~,ir name(s) as a wimesa tha'eto. State of New YoFk. County of } ss. ~o be d~ indi~,-v.q) v/h,-- nsme(s) b (sm ~ ~)~be ~-~.s) scud, ---_~_ ~ ~ On the day o£ in ~e y~ befo~ me. the undmigend, peno~lly mpp~r~l .~. ~ly .kno .wn ?..,~..or proved to me on the bosis ofsatisfKto~ evmenc~ to ~ the mmw~s) wJme mime(s) is (m~) subscribed to executed the m'en in his/he,belt csp~cit~(ies), dml by hisfl~/their signatom(s) on the insmnnmt, the individual(s), or thc pmou upon behlfofwhich the individual(s) acted. ~xecuted thein.m'ument, end ~n~heSUCh individual rmlde such appearunce before the .~igned (InMn the dO/er m/Mr pellticnl .subdNizlea nad tM ~MM or cantO, or m)~ /~c~ Mt WM~M~ ~ M/mO. BARGAIN & SALE DEED r'INDA G, MET2 DAVID DONINY and BRITTA DOMINY FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEw YORK DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT CooLq'rY ok TOWN RECORDED ATP. E~JEA2'OF Fidelity National Titk Imm Company of New York IMTLI&V ~V MdIL TO Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Olsen & Olsen, L.L.P. P.O. Box 706 32495 Main Road Cutchogue, Long Island, NY 1193 .Number of pag~ ~ TORRi~$ Serial # Certificme # Prior OL ~ ~ / MoP.ge ~nt P~c / Filing ~e H~dling 5. ~ TP-5~ Notation ~-52 17 (C~nty) ~-5217 (S~te) R.P.T.S.A. ~ Comm. of~. 5. ffi ~ffi~it ~ffi~d ~p~ NYS S~h~e 15. ~ ~er RECORDED 'Oct 26 Edward P. Rouatne CLERK OF S]JFF~.K COL~JTy L D~.2416 P DT# Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Sub Total Recording / Filing Stomps Mortgnge Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional ~ Sub Total Spec./Assit. Dual Town Dual County ~ Held for Appointment 'l~msfer Tu ~.'{(t~O o __ Mansioa Tax ~ The properly covered by thts mortgage is or will be improved by n one or two fnmily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax chusc on page 4t of this instn~ment. 4 [Dist./ff~} {SeclionD,5~.~ {Block t'/,~"~ ]Lot o'oSZ, o~o {$ {Community Pteam'vnti~o. n l~md' Real Property Tax Service Agency Ve~ificntJon _ I~CORD & RETURN TO: TD ~' ~. ~,, f-_5o- · ~u~, ~ IIq~ . [ 7 ] Title Compnny Coun Recordin. & Endorsement mad-. by: This page fmms pm't of the aUnehed ~,4,~,,a/ ~Ne ~/.~' (sine'my ~zl~ oF u~srguM~rr~ /%./A/'~ ~. /~"f'~, The premises heroin is sittmted in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ,~d ~ ~/../} POXES 6 ~IRIJ 8 MU~ BE ~PED OR PRIED ~ B~CK ~g ONLY PRIOR ~ RE~RD~G OR ~LING fJUFFOLE COUH'LnZ CT,ERE RECORDS OFFZC1~ ~t~e; o£ P&gess 3 ReGeLpb ~,.t~= 8 05-0112273 T~J~SL~?~OI~ER: 05-12418 R~OL'd~ z 10/26/2005 00z27s33 AM LZBER= D~tr~cbz ~ect~onz B~ookz Lots 1000 059.00 11.00 005.000 $690,000.00 P&ge/FSZ~=Q $9.00 NO ~Lud2~ng $5.00 COB $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 MO n-STX?E $75.00 ~-584 $5.00 .o Ce~t.Cc~es $0.00 RP? $30.00 mO SCUM $0.00 Trans£er tetw $2,760.00 ~0 C~.PreI $~0,800.00 ·eel P&~d S13,70g.00 TRAMGFER?AXNUMBERt 05-12&L8 TH'rS Z8 ~ A BZLL County C2erk, Bu££olk Counb~ D00012416 519 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHE~I WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE {518) 473-7222 COUNTY US~ ONLY ~R~ IN~RMA~ON 495 I Tuckers Lane I I Southold 2. Sure,I DOMZNY, I DOMZNY, I I I 119';1 I Davi~ & Britta I Cha~:].es. ~ I I ..,,.., Ixl .,,,, I~1 . . o./ . ~ · l I LINDA G, I I I I I ~ME~ IN~R~ON - hU ~uld m~ the ~m R~] ~em ~1 and Tox Bill .~,o,O, Ol 20, TI~ Mq~ kMME.dd I Iki klenlibdd M rome than kxw. MtIh .beet wl~, addltlend ~) I I I I Southold I NY [ 11971 SELLER m'~Ldem .r the Fenal Iow ~.ti~,-e to the amldnK .nd lUI~ d' rd.m BUYER'S AI'IOIINEY Calhoun Carol 212 I 741-7229 I NEW YORK STATE COPY