HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12371 P 647WCB-2 Rev. P~O~ ' I uniform ~ck.I Dis~. 1000 Sec. 61 Blk. 3 Lo~ 3 THi~ll~made the ]'~ ?~ a.yof January ~B~r~opher H. Pickere~ ~nd Andrea ~. PickerelL 235 Oak~awn Avenue Southold, ~ 11971 2005 Jennifer M. Wilson and Anita N. N£1ler 190 Kings Point Road East Hampton, ~rY 11937 Wrrl~_~4. tlmt the mrtv of the first m~ in comidet'ition of Ten Dolla~ and oth~ valuable p d"" y of---th, f..r y g. t unto p--y of or succenors ~ u~ of t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to~, See Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the grantor by deed dated 09/15/2000 recorded 09/29/2000 in Liber 12074 page 519 made by William J. Walsh and Laura A. Wa~nh. .. TOGETIIER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of.the first part in and to m~y streets and roads abuttin~ the above described premlsas to thc center lines thereof, TOGETHE~ w~h the appurtenances and all the estate and rights o! the party of the first part in and to mid premises. TO }lAVE AND TO HOLD the pFemises herein granted unto the pafly Of the secoml paFt, the heirs or succe_~rs and n~;.o~ns of the Party of the second part forever. ~ND ihe party of the first part covenants that the party of the first ~ bas not done or suffered anything whereby the said l~remises have h, een encmnhered in any way whatever, except as'aforesaid. AI~D the party, of the first part, m compliance w!th Sectlo~ 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the Party oiI the first Part will receive the co.n. sidemtion for this conveyance sad will bold the right to receive su~ conskl- eration Ls a trust fund to he apphed first for the purpose of payin~ thc cost o! the improvement and will apply the same first to the paytn~nt o! tl~ (:ost of the improwment before using any part o~the total of the safn~'f~' any other ~orpase. The ~,ord "party*' stroll be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNES~ WliF. RKOF, the party o! the first part has duly execoted this deed the day and year first above written. Ix Putm~NCE OF: h~istopher H.,~P%c'k~rell . Andrea G. Pickerel1 * STATE OF NEW VORK) * STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) u.: ) ss.: COUNTYOF Suf,folk} COUNTYOF Suffolk) Onthe t.._~ day of January inth~yur2005hefomme, the Outhe~_.~da'A~'~of' January inthey~sr20OShefm~m~.the undem~d, lmsonallyN:~red Chrlsconher H. Pickerallmde~ned, lm~mallysl~-m:dAndrea C. Pj, ckere11 · Per$°~llY ks°wa to me o~ l~ved Io me on the b~is of mttsfs~oo/ ally known t~ tr~ or prov~d to m~ on the hens of ~fids~my c.,~de~c~ to be thc indivJdusl(s) whme sm~e('s) is (tire) subscribed to thc within Jr, i~t mad acknowledged to mc dm he/she/they · executed the stone in his/hedtheir c~ptcJ~Jes), nd that b~ his~3e~/thmr sismure(s) off the insmJmenk the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the indivMual(s) Lf'ted, txecated the i; ~'S~nttuee f~d Ob or .. hdlvMstl U, klnt aeknewiedjmmt Notary PUblic Will. lAM NO, 48327~ e'~deuce to he thc individual(s) whose ntrrfis) is (me) subscribed to the w/th/u Jnstnm'&mt 8nd scJmowled~d ~o me ~ hir/lmr/Iheir s/inane(s) on the Jmmmm~ the individual(s), or pem~ upon hebalf'ofwhich Ou/ndividusKs) acted, e~ecu~:l the individual Mir]nS Notary Public WIL UAM D. MOORE ~uMIfied In Suffolk Cotfflty Notify Public:. $lme o~ N~W YO~ ..... r I~o 4832;28 Co~rtllthldim ~ January 4;, ...... State, Dim'iff ~ColumblL Terrl*,-~ t~....~. ,. c..d.. ,~ ..... ;a~l~ Quo. lifmd in SufloL~ County -, --'~, · -~-, ....... s ........· ~' CommlmsaJn Expues danuarl, O~ the ~_ day of in the yes'__ bethm me, tt~ ~d~'i~ned, pemmMly persomlly k~ m ~ ~ ~ M ~ m ~e ~s ~ ~id~ m ~ ~ i~ivi~s) ~n ~s) is (~) n~ to ~ ' wi~n ~l ~ ~k~l~8~ m ~ t~ h~sh~ ~t~ the ~ m h~h~ ~Jt~L ~ ~ hi~heir s~ms) the ]~L ~ ifldi~d~l(sX or ~ ~n u~n ~ of~Jch the ifldJ~u~(s) ~d. ~u~ thc ifl~t. su~ivision ~ t~ ~e ~ co~ M ~ p~e ~ ~owl~nt ~ · ' For seknowledements taken outside of New Yo]~ Stat SIKntture sad Office or Indlvldul tnk[nI sdmowledlment WIIH COVIONANr AGAINST GRA.'~I OR'S ACrS Christopher H. Pickerell and Andrea C. PickerelL Jennif,er N, Nilson and Anita H. Hiller First American l'ille lns. ranee of Ne~ York ~cnoH 06 I. OO BLOCE 03. OO wr OOa, OOO Reeofl~d At Request OF Fisher & Colden, Esqs. Jack R. Fisher, Esq, 15 Toilsome Lane East Hampton, NY 11937 Title Number FID2004323S Schedule A Descdpflon Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the eastedy side of Oaklawn Avenue, distant 200 feet southerly from the intersection of the southerly side of Main Road and the eastedy side of Oaklawn Avenue; RUNNING THENCE north 61 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east; along land of Campbell and Conklin, 150.71 feet; THENCE south 28 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds east, along land of !st Church Congregation or Society in Southfield, a distance of 78.94 feet; THENCE south 60 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds west along land of Terry, 142.05 feet to the east side of Oaldawn Avenue; THENCE along Oaklawn Avenue, north 35 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west. 80.80 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Number ~f pages ~; /-~ TORRENS Serinl #. Ccnificatc# Prio~ Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax' Stamp FEF,8 Page ! Filing Fee Handling TP.$84 Notation EA-$2 17 (.County) Sub Total EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Com~. of Ed. Affidavit C~nified Copy Reg. Copy Other '1 Stamp Date ~ O0 Sub Total R~I Property Tax Service Agency Verificetic~ Dist. ! Sec, fiSh I . Block[ Lot 05006199 ~ooo o6zoo o~oo oo~ooo Initials ~71Salisfacli~n~ulscnarse~eJeases blat rrupcfly ~wncJaJvlam,~-Addresl RECORD& RETURN TO: Fisher & Golden, Bens, Jack R. Fisher~ Esq. 15 Toilsome ~an~ Bast Hampton, NY 11937 6 RECORDED 2005 Feb 15 10:~I0:17 Edward P.Reeaine CLE~ 0F L D00012371 P 647 OT# 04=20029. Re~ording/Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. Or Spec./Acid. TOT. MTG, TAX Dual.Town Dual County~ ' t Held for Appomonmeat Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this morlgage is or will bo improved by a one ortwo family dwelling only. YES__or NO If NO, sea appropriate tax clause on page # __oflhi, instrument./_/~. Conununity Preservation Fund, Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S 5~980.07 Improved Vacant Land TD TD '1 '"; I 8 I Title Company Information ICo. Name Heights Abstract, Ltd. ITitle # FID2006,3235 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part oft~e attached Andrea G, P;~ar~tl TO Jennlfsr N. Vilflnn and Deed "(SPFEIFY TYPE OF INSTR~ ) · ' The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In ~h~ Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of §outhold BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. made by: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pegesl 4 Receipt ~her = 05-0017070 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-28829 1000 Deed Amountz Section: Block~ 061.00 03.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $449,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Ftling $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYE 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO F~-HTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM .Trano~er tax $1,796.00 NO C~--,~,Pres Feeo P&~d TRANSFER TAX NUHBER= 04-28829 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded: At: Edward County Clerk, Suf£olk County 02/15/2005 10130;17 AM LIBER = PAGE: Lot~ 003.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,980.00 $?,928.00 D00012371 647 NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FIO oz/S o Cl. SWI~ Cod~ J ~ ?,__~, ?, ~ ?l REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 235 8°urh°ld { 0aklawn Avenue Billing I Southo[d [11971 J { Jennifer H, [ I Ao. lta M. I I 5. eeed LSda. { ?i. ckeretl i/"1.. ~ I It-f)TI , , I Ilo, fPareel~ on L~J I..I . 2.5 I l Christopher H. P[ckerell I Andrea {2. SALE INFORMA~N I F [_J C~m~.-[ j ~.j ].~..~[. HI I EfltermlnmentlAmmam~n! LI I Form I J2 / ]3 / 94 I I [ / IO~/ o5 I a (~Mmf~hlp'Type b Copdemi~um [] A B C I) E F ! ! ! · {Full SaJe P~i~e i~ tl~ mta4 ~ H~ ~r ~ ~ I~udi~ ~1 ~. p~k~ ~ ~. · AS~NT IN~R~TION - ~ ~uld ~le~ the I~t Final ~,~ ~11 and Tax Bill 1a. Pmpm'yCl~. I 2. 1, 0l--] I l&SdmelDkldmName I SouChold ~ or 8eller ia Goverrgne~t AGeflW o~ Leed~g In~Rt~k)n ,Ol I ] 000-061.00-O3.00-O03 o 000 I L j