HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 330First 4merican Title Insurance Company of New York BARGAIN and S,Al.P. DEED, with COVENANT ABllnlt Grlnlor'* Acts - Individual er Corpera. tlan TH IS INDENTURE, made me $1~rll hy of OCTOBER. in the year BETWEEN Nume: STEVEN I). AXELROI) Address: 128 LINCOLN PLACE, BROOKLYN, NY NumB: SANDRA L. SCHPOONT Addren: 128 LINCOLN PLACFq BROOKI,YN. NY part), or'the first pan, and Name: KEVIN PAl)BERG Add~ess: 6 NORTH RIDGE CENTER. IIUNTINGTON, NY Name: MARIA KEATING-PADERG Address: 6 NORTH RIDGE CENTER, IIUNTINGTON. NY pafly ofthe second pan. WITNESSETH, that thc party of the first pan. in consideration of Ten Dolhn and other valuable eanaidemlinn paid ~' the party of the second part, dues hereby grant and releuse unto the pa~y of the 'a"cond pan. the heim ur successors end asslens of the party oftbe second party forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land situate lying and b:ing in the .gEE ~CHEDUI,I'~ ^ FOR I:ROPERTY DESCRIPTION 'roG~I'HI:R with all righL title and interest, if any. of the patty of the Cat pan in and to any sm'els and rands · abutting the above described premises to the center lints thereof: TOGETHER with the appuflenances and all the eslate and rights of the party o1' Ibc first part in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pa..raises hereto granted unto the pan), of the second pan. the heirs or succos.~us and assigns of thc pafly of the second pain AND the pony of the fitxt pan co,n'nanls that the party of Ihe tqret pony has not done of suffered sashing whereby the said premises have in:eh encumbered in any way whatever, escept as ufort~eid. AND Ihe party oJ'tlle first pa/t. in compliance with .~ctiun 13 of the I.ien law, covenants that the part), of the first pun will n.,eei,.: the consideration for this canveyance and will hold the tight Io receive such consideration as u trust fund to be applied first fur the purpose of ps.ring the cost of the impmw.'ment and will apply the same rust to the payment of the cost of'the imprm,'em,."nt bel'ore using any part of the total of the same for any other puqx~e. The word "pan?' shall be construed us if it mad -parties~ whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the piti) of the first part h..~ duly execuled this d;%'d the day and year first above written. DESCRIPTION ALit that cc~in plot, piece or parccl of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Arslmmomaque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York nad being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING al a point on the east~dy side of a Private Road where the same is intersected by the southerly aide of land now or formerly of Holder. former of Elsen; RUNNINO THENCE Noflh 43 desires 51 minu!~ 00 seconds East, along said land, 150.00 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of Holder the following two courses and distances; I. Sarah 46 degrees 09 minmes 00 seconds East, 90.08 feet; 2. South 55 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds East 23.54 feet; THENCE South 34 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West along land now or formerly o£ Young. 150.00 feet to Ihe easterly side of said Private Road and thence along the same ~ollowing two courses and distan~ I. North 55 deg~es 15 minutes 00 seconds West, 35A7 feet; 2. North 46 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West, 102.03 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with nn easement or fight of way in common with o~m over said righ! of way for access to and f~om Middle Road; TOGETHER with a right of way 25 feet in width as now laid out over other land of Valentine Rueh to the waters of Long Island Sound and together ~ a right of way 20 feet in width along ~he Not'&erly line of land of Cornelius Greenleaf. leading from the said private road to the waters of Argue Bay. SAID PREMISES being known as 575 Ruch Lane, Southold, New York. · ' ' %' Fir. st America. Title Insurance Compa of New York " BARGAIN and SA!.F. DEED, with COVENANT A~alnst Gran. lor'~.A%'~.- I~di.v.M. ual .or Corporation * STATE OF NEW YORK ~ s~.: COUNTY OF SOI. JTHOI,D L)n the SIXTH da.~ of OCTOBER in the yt'ar 2INL~ Int. Ihe under,igniX, pe~nully up~a~ ~l. SANDRA L. ~lll~X)NT. ~nall) knmvn h~ me or pmxx'd tu me un file ~is uvi~n~ ~ ~ thc indiv~ua~st wht~ nam~s) su~ribed Io the within in~mtmem and ~knuwledged me that ~/~e~h~' ex,uteri thc ~ ~ his'heMhek capactlydesL and ~al ~ hi~.~their signamn~sl instmm~m, the, it~vi~ualtsL~ or the ~e~n u~n ~half which Ihe Individual tak~ackao~lLMzmL~t acknowledgments taken in N.m' York Slate. · argain anacsafe TITLE NO. $'I'EVEN I). AXELROI) & NANDRA g SCIIPOONT TO KEVIN PADBERG & MARIA KEATING-PADERG Nora~ Pubb. S~a~ d*N'ew Ye~ PREMISES *;heel Se~Uon Block Plate Vulume Page Dbtriet Tax Map Des. Coonly or Towl Slreet Number ~)IrI'IIOLD S?$ RI.'CII I.ANE Rc~ kk.xl At kequ~l .f KEV'IN AN6 MARIA KEATING. PA I)IIERG S?S RUCll LANE SOIUI'IIOLD. N%' I I~r/I E~rd P.l~in~. O..ERK OF · L P0001:2417 P330 I)TJ 0~-1~012 Suffolk County l~eco ,rding & l~ndOrs~m~_nt_ Po_ge .. .-.- l lllml[l Hllll HHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli] llllllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Recordeds Deed Amount, 10/28/2005 02s42=19 PH LIBERt PA~E: Distrlck: Section; Block; Lokl 1000 052.00 03.00 005.000 EXAMINED AND CHA..~G~flA~ FOLLOWS S585,000.00 Received khe Following Fee. F9r Above Znekrument Exempt Pnge/FilLng $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 COB $5.00 NO NYe SRC~IG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO RA-STATB $75.00 TP-58% $5.00 NO Cert. Copie, $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO SCT~ $0.00 Trins£er tax $2,340.00 NO Co.m. Pro. $8,700.00 Fees P&td S11,192.00 TRANSFER TAX ]~I~R: 05-13012 TIL~S FAOE IS A PART OF -£uJs INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ro~aine County Clerk, Su££olk Count? D00012417 330 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN iN-RIT'~'~'G'-O-I~' ]~b"~l~l ........ INSTRUCTIONS.' httpff! www.orps.$tate, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUN~ USE ONLY ~,~ I ~ ~/~ I~.~l , ' ,3,-~,~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 I 11q71 cl...[ ,,Merfl,t ~ ,-nd oil .o.-t~dd.,~dV.=,~"nd HI I E,,m~inmw/Amuumw LI I fo,.,~ [] O#d T,/i~ r4t Wa~uf~y M I~ and Sale ~ BMaw) Sal~ of Fr,,,'~-,al M Lm~ than FM bttm~m (~g~lfy BMow) ~. Tn IMF Mmlfbdd I Mi Idmekrb) a mae tlum feet, mt~b duet with sddiUaml idmdbt~) I I I I I CER~FI~N I ar m~ ~lW&d Ma Mldimid ur ~ ~ :...'-- mm wbJid me Il Ihe W d'ee mind Kw ~w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ BUYERS ATTOIINEY 0/6/06 575 [ RlfllXk Ruch Lane Southold NY 11971 Caainiti Paul I 11971 I 631-765-5900 I NEW YORK STATE. COPY