HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 88 Ylll$1N~gN'l~JIg~, made thc o,~ day of ~ two thousand and five, tmween ~ !_ ~C;mq~oprr and ~rls~gN D. AXRLROD, t~sidin~ at 128 Lincoln Plac~ Bmoldyn, New York //,~! 7 i~ty of ~e tim part, and DEBRA LaCHANC~, residing at 39 Vest~ Stree~ New York. New York pan'y of the second pm. W/~JV~SS&~TH, that Ihe pray of Ihe first pa~ in consideralion of Ten dollar~, Inwf~l money of Ibc United States. paid by th~ party of the second pa~ does hereby Irant and release unto the party of ~ second FmC, the heirs o~ ~ and assigns of lira plmy of tl~ m:ond part louver, ~ that eemin plot, piece or parcel of land, with h~e buiidin~ and improvements thereon em:ted, si,,n!% lyin~ and b~in~ at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Sta~ of New York SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATrACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Bein~ and Intended to be lhe same premises conveyed to the Oranton by dmd made ~ ~m~ F. McCabe, d_?~Sepmnberl$,2OO3nndrecordedl/6/04 , in Liber 1229.:'Page 334 with all right, title and inleres~ if nny, of Ihe party of the tint pa~t in and to any s~et~ and roads abuttin8 tl~ above described i~-mises m the center lines Ihel~of, TOGKI'II~ with tl~ appmmances and iii tim erda2 stol rights of tl~ party of ih~ tim part in and to said pit. raises, TO HA Vg AND TO HOLD the premises hmzin granted unto tl~ party of ~he m:ond pa~t. the heirs or successors and assigns of tim party of the se~nd pm forem'. ,4ND the party of the f'sst part, covenants Omt th~ party of the tim pan has not done or sullied anythin~ whereby the said premis~ have becn eneumbem:l in any way wha~ver, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the tim part. in compliance with Section 13 of tl~ X~en Law, covenants that the party of the tim pazt k, ill receive the con~ideratio~ for this conveyance and will hold the riiht to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be qJplied ru~t for the pmpme of paying th~ cost of the imlmwement mi will apply th~ same ru.st to the payment of Om mst of the improvement be, fmc using any part of the tmal of the sarn~ for any tuber pwpme. The word 'pray' shall be construed as if it read 'panie~' whenever the sense of ~ indentme so requires. IN WITNESS WHEIIEOF, ~be pa~y of the Fu,at part has duly executed this deed the d~y and I SCHEDULE A ' DE$CRZPTZON · , ' or rcel of land, s~tuate, lying and being at AshamomOque, in ~he Town of bi. that certain plo~ piece I~. ...... --~ hn. nd d and described as followS: ~outhold, County of Suffolk ana ~;ace or flew ~u~, ___.__e 6EG~NNING P .......... ,~,, side of corner formed by t~ Intersection uT m= =,-,-,., THENCE along seJd Private Road South 46 degrees 0g minutes 00 seconds East, 48.0 feet; THENCE South 34 'degrees 45 minutes Wast, ~.ST.~.L feet to the ordinary .high water maw of As~momo~ue Pond; THENC~ along said high water mark, on a tie'line course bearing North 5g degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds 11UeNmRHOS~3gOS West, 50.72 feet;. THENCE North 35 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East, 168.77 feet to the westerly side of P~vate Road and the' point or p~ace of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WZI'H a right of way o~e~ seid private road, 25 feat in width as same Is now said out to the North Road and together with a right of way 25 feet In width ~e~llng front the North Rood parallel to the westerty line of lands of Edith M. Peynes to the waters of Long Island Sound. Certificate Qf Title '~ Stat~ of NEW YORK County of SUFFOLK peuonaily appeared SANDRA L. SCI.ffxOONT and STflVEN D. AXGLROD personally known to mc or proved to me on the basis of sadsfacto~ evidence to be the individual(s) vdm~ nme(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instnnnent mid acknowledsed to me tht he/si~ ~ the same in his/her/tlMsk capacity(in), and ,~t_ by his/her/their sisnature(s) on the hstntment, th. individual(s), the IX~Son upon behalf of which the individualts) reed, executed the instrdtnenc (signature and off'ice of individual takJns aclmowledpnent) - ,., .. ~ds~ton ~~c~smwled~nent bY a SubscfibmsWjmess State of. ) ) SS.: County of ) Onthe dayof in theyear bef~e me. the und~ ~y appeared the subscribins witness to dm fo~soins humm~ent, with whom ! am personally acquab~ed, who, beinf by me duly sworn, did depose and my that heTshe resicics in (if tho place of relidm::e is Jn a city, include ibc street and street number, if any, thereof); that he/she knows to be the individual(s) dcscribed in and who executed the foresoin~ ~ that said subscribins witness was present and saw nM ez~cute the same; and that said wimess at the same time subsc~___h~_ hisflHn' name as wimess then~o. (sipmtore and office of individual taking acknowled~nent) RECORD AND RETURN TO: RA7067.16 NYSBA. PRACTK~ FGdOAS ~02 2 Serial # Certificate # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed I Moninje Tnx Stamp I Recording I Filin~ Stumps Pusg I Rlin8 Fee ____ ] i.M. ~C TaT' ~ -- Handling 5. 00 [ 2. Additional Tax ~ ~ TP-$84 ~ I Sub Tmnl N. lion __ ISpec~~Assit' EA-52 17 (Cotmty) ~ __ Sub Total I Spec. lAdd. ~ ~ EA-$21? (State} ~ ~ I TOT. MTG. TAX ~ ~ R.ET.S.A. ~~_~ .leld t~ojntmenc~ / Affidavit "' ~ TI e pr~ I~ covered by Ibis mo~I g~e is Certified Copy ~ or will improved by a one or two family only. NYS Surcluu'~c 15. 00 Sub T.I or NO O~her Grind Total //I.~ ~' if NO, se~ Gqx clnuse on - of this instrument. 4 Rcal Property fl~_'~lMt7 1000 05200 0200 026000 T~ s~i,..~ -~--~..-' A~y ~P * S~ C~ T~ Due ~ficadon [ K V~ ~ J ~ ~ -- . ~ l~v~ ' ' , V~t ~. . [ ~f~l~~~ ~ ~ ~ Mailin8 A~s n_ /~ ~ , , S. olk Connt R o ing & Endomement Pa e (S~i~ ~ OF I~R~) In ~ VI~GE ~ ~ML~ of BOX~ ~ ~U B MU~ BE ~P~ OR PR~ ~ IN B~CK INK ~LY PRI~ ~ RF~RDIN~ OR liB] IIll lira lift Iii lill lill Illl Hlllllll Illl ~ o4' Zn~trument:8 I~EDB/EJ~D ~lumber 04' l~agom, & Ro~®:L~t llumbez' t 05-0094255 ~RANBI~R ~AX ~i0MBER: 05-05723 1000 Deed Amounts 052.00 02.00 $643,500.00 THZB ZB ~ & BZLL Rocordeds 09/08/3005 Atl 011&7841 ~ L:I:Bn; D00012408 088 026.000 SS.OO $1S.00 Bio $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 S9,870.00 $13,596.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.etate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COIJNT~. USE ONLY ="'""'""'" ~ I RP- 5217 ~zs,,wk I ~, Y~,~, logo I ' / I doIPB~t, ,tof,P~ ~l,dnni~lk~dwlmSu~F~ [] I I I I I C~RTFICATION I BIJYER ~ ATr(X~NEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY