HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12390 P 744BETWEEN COLONIAL VILLAGE AT SOUTHOLD, INC. , a domestic corporat:J, on with offices at 55075 Route 25, Southo~d, N.Y. 11971 Party of thc fzst pm, and COLONIAL VILLAGE MANAGEMENT LLC, a limited ~iability company with offices at 55075 Rou~a 25, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Party ofthe second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the fi'st part, BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF ITS SHAREHOLDERS, in consideration of Tm Dollm's and other valuablo considerati6n paid by the patty of the second part. does ~ grant and release ~to the patty of tho second ~ the heirs or v_,¢_~es__sors and assigns of the pan'y of the second part forayer. ALL that oenaln plot, piece or parcel of land with tho buildings and impmvenm~ts thereon ere~t~l, sim~ lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk nad State of New York, bounded and das~ibed as follows: TOOI:.-IHER with nil fight, title and interest, if any, of tbe patty of the lust pa~ in and to any sa'eet~ and roads abutting the above d~_~ibed premises to thn center lines the~of; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the es~e and fights of the party of the f~st p~ in and to ~/d premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted onto the party ortho ~e~omi part, the heir~ or successors and assigns oftbe patty oftbe second part forever. AND the party oftbe first pa~ covenants IKet tho party oftbe tim part has not done or suffcazd anything whereby thc said prcmisas havo becn encumberod in any way whatev~, except as aforesaid. AND the ~ ofli~ fir~ pan. in compliso~ with S~fion 13 offl~ Lien Lnw, cov=nants that the p~y of the fl~t pa~ will m~ive tho comideration for this conveynm:e and will hold the fight to receive such cons/deral/on ~ s trust fund to be applied tim for the purpose ofpaying the cost of tbs improvement and will apply tbe ~zme first to the paymant of tbs cost of the impmverneat beforo using any pan of tho total oftho same for any offer pmpo~o, 'Fha word '¥at¥' shall be constmnd as if it mad "patties" when-.ver lbo sense of this indenture so ~cluiras. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the patay of the first party has duly executed this deed the day and year first abovo IN PRESENCE OF: COLONIAL VILLAGE AT SOUTHOLD, INC. 'WILLIAm'RICH, JIt/. '" - ' ¥ SCHEDULE A Title No.: 632-,~-7772 PARCEL I Ail that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, at SOUTHOLD, County of Suffolk and State of New York being bounded and d~cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly linc of Main Road at the southwesterly comer of land of Southold Fire District: THENCE along said line of Main Road south 69 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds west, 60.0 feet to land of Kmmer nnd DePettis; THENCE along said land, the following two courses and distance: I) north 20 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds west, 150.00 feet; 2) south 69 deigncs 01 minute 40 seconds west, 50.00 feet to land of Van Holthe; THENCE along said Inads, the following two courses and distances: 1) north 20 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds west, 50.00 feet; 2) south 69 degrees 01 minut~ 40 seconds west, 116.60 feet to lands of Conway,~'NCE along said lands and along lands of Mandel and Gabriel, north 20 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds west, 189.52 feet to lands of Southold Savings Bank; THENCE along said lands the following two courses and distances: 1) north 67 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds east, 200.00 feet; 2) north 20 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds west, i 81.35 feet; THENCE continuing along said land and along lands of Long Bland Railroad, north 66 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds east, 673.22 feet to the westerly line of Boisseau Avenue; THENCE along said line south 2 I degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds east, 275.33 feet to land of Slavonik; THENCE along said land and along land of Southold Fire District, south 69 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds west, 339.73 feet; THENCE continuing along said land of Southold Fire District the following four courses: 1) south 69 degrees 01 minute 40 seconds west, 185.0 feet; 2) south 18 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds eest, 8.50 feet; 3) south 69 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds west, 10.01 feet; 4) south 18 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds east, 320 feet to the point or place at BEGINNING. 'r~.toC. g ,~COAIG.~A~ /,^~/~ $ 6~052.'.~o"~. =100.00 g~'r 7~ = AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACT CORP. SCHEDULE A TITLE NO: 632-S-7772 PARCEL 2 All that certn/n plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, ne SOUTHOLD, County of Suffolk and State of New York being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Boisseau Avenue at the inte~,,ction of the easterly line of Boisseau Avenue with land of the Long Island Railroad Company and THENCE south 16 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds east, 100 feet along the easterly side of Boisseau Avenue; THENCE north 71 degrees 26 minutes-00 seconds east, 304.35 feet along other land of the party of the first part to land along a line parallel with the northerly boundary line of the land hereby conveyed to land of Komskis; THENCE north i degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds east, 106.10 feet along land of Komskis to land of the Long Island Railroad Company; THENCE south 71 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds west, 336.80 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. -! STATE OF NEW YORK ) ,) SS.~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) KENNETH Notary Pubiio, State ot New York Suffolk county - No. 01ZA4517618 Term ~xpir~ Februar,/R80 RO0? STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On0e dayof in the year 200 , before me. the undersigned, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory cvidc~7,c to b~ die illdiv~dn~d.f S) WhOS~ llflfrle(S) is (81'o) subscribed to dm within insmanent and acknowledged to ng ~hat hedshe/th~y executed thc same in his/her/their capngily(im) nnd th~ by his/he~/their signature(s) on insmnnent, the individual(s), or the pe~on upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, ~teeuted ingnm~nL Nota~ Public BARGAIN AN SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE NO. SECTION: 62.63. BLOCK: -I, -3 LOT: -24.7, -27.2 COUNTY: Suffolk COLONIAL VILLAGE AT SOUTHOLD, INC. TO COLONLAL VILLAGE MANAGEMENT LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO.' William Rich, Esq. P.O. Box 1015 Southold, NY 11971 Number uf puges ,_,/ TORRENS Serial Ccllil'icam Prior I.)eed. Mortgage In,~tnnnent Pag~ / Filing F~ Deed I Murlgqge Tsx Slmnp FEES 'rP-SP~I Nora[ion - EA-5217 (C-unty) Sub Tohd EA-5217 R.RT.S.A. Cmnm. ~.,f Ed. AIIidqvil Reg. C-py Dther 4 I Dist Re:d PlOpell.~ TaR ,~L' r'. ' Agency Veril icalinl! 5, Of) Sub lblal 05021125 zooo o~2oo ozoo o~oo~ 1000 06300 0300 027002 Sntisfimtion/Disclmrges/l{elease List Property Owner~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: WILl.lAM RICiI~ ESQ. P.O. BOX S(.)U'I'ItOI,I), NY 11971 RECORDED 2005 Jun O~ 01:47:11 PPI Ech~ard P. Roeaine CLF.~ OF · ~UFFOLI( ~ L DOO01 -*r590 P 744 Reconling I filing Stsmps Moflgngc Amt. I. Basic 'rax 2. Additiopal Tax Sul) Total Spec. / Assit. or ,qlU~C. / Add. 1'01: MTG TAX Dual Town __ Dual Counly __ Held for Aiq~ointme~t~. Transfer 'l~x ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this m(~§uge is or will be iml~wed by a o~e or (wu tinnily dwellin~ only. YES or NO __ If NO, see uppmprime tax ¢laa,~ un piige # or Ibis inslrulnent. 5 Communit,v Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 0 CPF 'mx Due. $ Il hnpmved ..~ Vacnnl I.mld 'i'o iD 1'1) TD BOX t':~ 6 TIIROUGH II MUS'F BE I'YPELI OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'FO RECORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Ill Ille Tow,ship of $OUTHOLI) Ill tile VILLAGE ~' IIAMLL"I' nf $OU'I'HOLD TO LLC lllade by: '1 his page forum i~nrt of the almched I) Ft EJ.} (SPECIFY TYI'E OF INSTRUMENT) _C..Q[.cQb[I~L V I I.~LA.G.~A:I~q.Q_U. II.'I.QJ,,.F), .... The pwmi.nis imrein is silnaled ill IHC. 7 'l~tle Cmnpany lnf~rmati~ ] ~Ir-BOG Uli': ABSTRACT CORP 'title ff 6,t2-S-7772 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages= 5 Receipt Number = 05-0059936 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-43516 District= 1000 Deed Amount= Recorded~ At= PAGE: Section z Block ~ 062.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $o.oo 06/03/2005 01147=11 PM D00012390 744 Lot ~ 024.00? Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $50.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Cmmn. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 04-43516 THIS PAGE XSA PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $1s.oo $165.00 $6.25 $o.oo $o.oo $271.25 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Su£folk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hep://WWW. Orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY I m. swls.co~ ~~'~ .-. I ,.~r , REAL. PROPERTYs~ oF~FER~w v~ RE~ ~ RP - 5217 1. Pmpe~ty 55075 I Route I southo~ z~ I Colonial Village Manaqement I RoRINIrelllll~la~ffldmttbedled I . 2 I IIofPlmell OR PartofaP~r~l I {Oely ~ Pa.t d a Pnn~] Cie,ak m they app.. ts~* I Colon, iai Villaqe at Southold~ Znc[ I I I A R D, F.' F O I Ji [ ASSES~eMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect th. Intam Firm[ AHe~smen! Roll and Tax Bill ltl~-- 14. I,]l-IllltsU.~N,ml Sou[hnld I 62.-1-24.7 I I J 63.-3-27.2 CERTIFICATION BUYER Col, onial Village Management LLC ./.,:, 55o'/5 I Route 25 Southold I NY I 11971 ~ELLER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Rich i wt[l['am 631 I 765-3436