HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12212 P 899NY 11971 ~ dudl bm unummd n if~: mind '~m'~s' vdm~ m mm or,his iMmm~ mo mlsh~ Onllm dmyd I~, Illin dq, d ~ NO. 02..3'704-437~ I -SUFF AZ.L th~ ccrtzin plat. piece or parcel cd' hind, sit,~., lylnff, and ix:ia& a~ .Anhmt~nnq~, Town ol~ Somhold, Suffolk subdlTvi,sio~ oi' pl, opetly known u Smmaer Haves~ b~ to W'dliam G, Henc I~at ,~mfhold, ~ ~, T4ew ¥cx,k' h'Tled in the ~k C:oun~ ~ ~e~ Juty $, 1~'3~ ast~'~pNo, t133. / / ~ of Xn~txument: I~EDS/DDD Nulblz of hiE;is: 4 TRAM~ T.M[ :IG~MBI~: 02-09723 1000 PAGE: So~c:Lon: B:LOc~: 052.00 05.00 $X60,000.00 10/03/2002 01:5~:17 I'M D0001223.2 899 Lot:: 040.000 hge/r:L].XncJ J~[2.00 nC) UancU:Lug BA.-CTlr $5.00 I~0 IA-S'JMS T'~=584 $5.0O #O Ger~.,. Cop:Lell RI"T $30.00 HO SC'O( 'Z~--,- fer m $640.00 HO Ccmm. I,z'e. 02-09'/23 THZ8 PAGE $5. O0 I10 SiS. O0 $25.OO IlO $0.00 $0. O0 $200.00 $942.00 Cenirmale # IM~ QL # Oeed/~~ Deed I Mon_s _~ Tax Stump 3 Handlia~ EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.s.A. Cmnm. of i~ Affidavit C~W~J C~ 2002 0~t 0~ 0h~2t l? Pti Ed~rd P. Rmmtne L ~RX}12212 DT~ Recording I F'din8 Stamps Ml~t~a~ Amt. !. Basic Tax 2. Addi~mal Tax Sob Tolnl Sp~JA~v, it. Spe~. ladd, TOT. kTI'~G. TAX Dual Towa Held fi~*Appoinlnlent~ ar will he ~ Copy ~ --*'* family dwc41ing ualy. ----*r /<~.- .......SubTotal /*.a -- YES ........ m* NO ~ /"'~ Grand Tntal ~ "-'" .~ I If NO, nee aPPmlwlalc tax cinowe ~m Pmpeny Vcrirnsntion 6 1 so ti~fucfions/Dia.~ U~t P,-,¥erly Owuer~ Mailin~ Address Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa t SPf~II-*Y TYPE OF iNSTRUMENT) The pr~mts~.~ herein i~ silua~d in SUFI~OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In die VILLAGE BOXES & THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY flUOR TO RECORDING OR FI~. NST hap://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ' ' ~ STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP -5217 1. Property Location 2. Buyer Name 3. Tax Billing Address Indicate where foture Tax Bills are to be sent if other than buyer address lat bottom of formJ r STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed ~ST NAME COMPANY FIRST NAME I I 5. Deed Property ] # of Parcels OR Part of a Parcel I LAST NAME COMPANY (Only if Part of a Pan:el) Check as they apply: ~A. P ~nning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists [] 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer [] 4C. Parcel Ap~F6ved for Subdivision with Map Provided [] 7. Che~k the box below which most accurately des~ifbas the use of the property at t~e trn~ ,of~sale: A [] One Family Residential B [~ 2 or 3 Family Residential C ~ Residential Vacant Land D [~ Non-Residential Vacant Land Agricultural Commercia Apar;ment Entertainment Amusement 1( / 0224 Month Day Year 11. Sale Contract Date 12. Date of Sale ! Transfer ,,.,.,,..,.,.,- , , I ,(,,o, [Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash. o;ner properly or goods, or the assumotion of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount 14. Indicate the value of personal I 0 prope~y included in the sale ~ · 0 , Check the boxes below as they apply:. ' ~.8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] Industrial ~;~IOA. Property Located within an Agricultural District r~ Public Servic~ 10R.~Buyar received a disclosure notice indicating Forest that the property is in an Agricultural District 16. Year of Assessmont Roll f~om ] ~",~, :~J 17. Total Asses~ Valuo (of ag parcels in t~ansfor) . which ioformatfon taken ~ 18. Propm'tyClass ~-I I 19. SChoolDistriotName. ~C_~__~,// ~.~"% { 20. Tax Map IdmttiCmr(e)/Roll Identif',e~fe){If more than four. attach sheet with addlSoncl ,denthl.fe,) I I I I cert~y that ali of the items of infornmfion en~red on fids form are true and correct tm the best of my knowledge and belic~ and I understend thnt the maldng any w~ful false statement of material fact herefo w~ subjeet me fo the prov~dons of the penal law relative to the maldng and Slin~ of false instrument~ BUYER SELLER BUYER'S ATrORNEY LAST N~ME 'bi -q-b x,