HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 830THXS ZND]tNTURE, mada the CARL PELLMAN residing at ISI W. 93aD Street, New York, NY 1002S=7S31 party of the flat part. and CilARLES MCEVILY AND STEPHANIE MCEVILY, as Husband and Wife, residing at 68 Roxen Road, Roekville Centre, NY I ~70 party ofcocond part, WITNBSSL'FH, that the party of the fiat par:, in coMJdamtJon of ten doilmrs and otber veluabie coneideraUen paid by the party of tho ncond part. does Jureby [rant and relnslo unto ~e puffy at'the second part. tho heirs or su",___-~ra and unions of the party of th, s,cond par rorer, r. ALL that aortein plot. pi,co or parcel et'land, with the buddings and improvements thereon ,r~t,d. situate, lying and beane ~ at Ar~amomoquo. Town of'southold, Suffolk County. N~w York, bounded and described ns follows: BEGINNING at a poim on the Southwesterly linc of* Bayview Avenue,, which marks the Noflhwosterly comer of*land now or f*ormerly of'Edward P. IUckeihanpt and running from said point orbeginning, North 46 degrees 41 minums 30 seconds West 100 f~et dong ~ Southwesterly lino of Bayview Avenue to a point; RLrNNING THENCE South 61 do,roes 05 minutes 50 seconds West 185 f-eat more or loss ~don~ other land now or f*ormerly of Sadie Pellman to the ordinary high water rn~ of*Arshomomoqnc Pond; RUNNING THENCE 100 feet more or less in a Southeasterly dirordon along the ordinary high water mark of At~homomoque Pond to land now or f*ormerJy of Edward P. Rickeihaupt; and RUNNING THENCE North 61 dellrees 05 min,_,!e~_ 50 se~__~_nds East 190 feet more or le~ along said land now or formerly of Edward P. Rickolhaupt to a point on the Southwcaterly line of Bayview Avenue, the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING the nsme premises described in dod Io tho ~rantor recorded ~26/92 in LINER 11526 pa~e 397. TOGETHER with all rijht, titJl and interest, if any, of tho party of the first parc in and to any straste and roads abuRing the above described premises to the niter lines dmroof; TOOKTHER with the appurtenances and all the ntm~ and rights of the party of the first parc in and .to said prmnism; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tho prumiens herin ~Tentod unto the party of the Mcend part, the hen or aucconors and anions o.r tho party o.r the cocond part forever. AND the party of tho first pitt covenants that the party oF tho first part has not dona or suffered anything wh,rsby th, enid premiss have been ,ncumbrsd in any way whatever, or~ept as at'oresaid; AND the party of the first park m.cornplianco with SeRies 13 of the Lien Law, covenantt that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consMaraUon as a truR fund to be applied first for tho purpaso of paying tho coat of tho Improvamant and will apply the sam first LO the payment of th, cost of the improvement before icing any part of aha tocol of'tho same for any other purpasa. '~ne word =party' shell be conatrund as if it read 'partbs' whanever the asnm. of thie indenture co r~lulrss. IN WITNRSS WHBREOF. 4o part}, of the first part has duly executed t~is dud tho day and year first above written. 8m~e or New York, County or ~UF~'~* ! ~.: signatu~s) ~ ~ i~n~ ~e ~v~l{s). ~ ~ ~n ~ ,ay. dMr~: tJu~ hg/$hc/~gy Ictw3n~S) ' hJs/her/d~Jr name(s) as i wimass dzmo. Stole or New York. County or ) ~.: On dm day (M' in It~ .vc~ befme nil Ihe unde~ignod, r, erg~dly appcared m ne u~ .m~vmu~q~) whmc nmnc(s) is (are) suhscribod m de: .~: Nme in h'..~h~, ciplci~bl), and da: by Ids/hafl~r mwn~n me individuaJis) acted, executod Ute imtmmom. 'A ' C,~'OV,'L~O~ffr FO,IM J~O~ ~ Offf~Dg Ngw Yo~ $rATg O, vLv: nmde such IqN~.ar~ hefc~ the ufKlmliPmd itt Ibc (IMrl ~M c~ or .r?wr ~..~[~ ,~ld~CarlvLs~*,Vl ~ Iii .~IW¢ or g~,Wllry or TITLE NO BARGAIN & SALE DB RR05302./54 NATIONAL TITLE [NSUR&NCB OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK D~TR]C'T 1000 SEC~ON 52 BLOCK 5 Coum'Y OR Tow. DAm. J~ C. ~ '11./00 HKT/q · O ~ '/02 H/ZL'X'.L'-XJOC, l~ 1'1952 4 Number of pages ~ TORRENS Serial # Cerlilicnle # P~or Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Puge / Filin~ Fee Handling TP-584 Nolntion EA-52 17 (County} EA-$217 (Slate) R.P.T.S,A. Comm. of Ed. Affldnvi~ Certif'~i Copy NYS Surcha~e Other Sub 5. (X) Sub Total 2005 ~ 12 11~16:~9 ~W Eduard 6t.E~ ~F L DTJ 04-40495 Recording I Iqlin8 Stnml~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Bns'~ T~ 2. Additional Tnx Sub Total SpecJA~it. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Aplmintment Mnmion Tax The I~pc~y cove~ by thi, rmm~u~e is or will be improved by a one ~ two family dwellin~ only. YES or NO If NO, .~e appropriate lax clause on page # of Ibis instrument. Thi~ p~ rm~,.s pan of e. ~hed z~9,~'~;,o/.4/ .4~/, ,J,~Z~- (SPECIFY TYPE. OF INSTRUMENT) The premises h~min is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Lq the Town.hip of ~,~0 ~4, 0 BOXi~ 6 TilRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRiNTFJ:) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRJOR TO RECORDINO OR FLUNG. (over) l ilil II il ii ii III IIIII il ii i ii l lllllllllllllll BI:/FIPOLX COOHTY CLERK RBCOILDB OIPIPZ~ R~CORZ:)ZHO PAGB Type of Znstrumo~tt DBIDS/~D Roce~p~ ~h~E ~ 05-0051134 ~S~R T~ ~BR~ 04-40495 LZBRRz D000~2386 P~: 830 ~000 052.00 05.00 006. 000 S64S, 000.00 Deed Received ~he FoXlow~j Fees IPo2: Abo~e Xns~nmon~ ReGoz~edz TAX X~iBnt 04-40495 F~lw&Td P. RomaLne Cotmt:¥ C~e=k, ~££o3J~ 05/Z2/200S L~s~6tSg AM --- . PLEASE .'~=.PI~. O.R, PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS. hep://www..orl~.i~a, re. ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR (~LJNTY USE ONLY .,~ I '. ~,..1.~. ~/,-~,~,~ ,g.y~ ~ .EAL PROPE.TY ~m.~.. REtoRT -' " -" RP - 5217 adlpm.ktmtdeud.ea, dnd I , ,1 J.e~Pmek d. Pnul ~~i~,.,' ~ L~__..,~m~ ' I --,~m. Ixl ,,,,. Io.I '.=.' .4 .0 I ~P~A...d~-~.~io..AkU,~P.~d [] Ds ~,l~ml~lv~l,~l HLJ Emmalm~mlNm~nwm LI I Fe~ 11. kkCmd~Ome 104 / 08 I Or, I A C lZDMoMSdolTrfmd~ I 0~t / 2~ / 05 I D F ~ o [ ~SSESSMEKT INFORMAMON · Dat~ sheuld millet the Ilmt Rnd Ammnm.nt Roll rand T4~ BI I 'St Vm, a,'-:::::::::: ~l~ I 04./051 17 TIIdMIlidVd~lddlinlkk~ ' ~ I . I 1000-052.00-05.00-006. 000 I I I I I I I I etl~ Ikl d d' ~ kul d'khlllu alnd n Iii. h .N mi ud w (to k bll d' q li~ M ~ M [ ~ b b ~ 631 298-1100 .I I NEW YORK STATE COPY