HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12226 P 464TIII~ INDENTURE. uudr the 9th da)' t,t' December . in the yc'dr 2002 BETW£EN John L. Herb4S and Suzanne a. Rerb4s, hie v4fe. both reeid4ns 7 Robert Road hyvllle, New York 11790 ~nyltft~ ~part. and "' Raymond E. StrumS III, residing at 60 East 9th Street, ~336 New York, New York 10003 party t*f the ~*k*tmd part. WITNI&.~qI~'FII. that the pnny of the first purl. in ¢-~m~.id~rdti;,n nfTen I~dlu~ and ,qher valuable om~ideruti(m paid t~' Iht and described ne £ollow8; division tho premises herein described und ~und nov of Lteble~n, eouths&eterly cornit'of the premises here said point balms also feet northvesterly from tho westerly o~ the northerly lineof measured ulon~ a tours, ~6 degrees 41 '~nuc minutes 30 seconds vent; RUNNXNG THENCE South 5& desreen O0 went, alone na~d ~&nd nov or Formerly of Leibisin end throush*& 205.15 ~sst to the ordinary hish water mark of Arshamomoque Pond (Hll! THENCE alone said ordinary hish Pond to a point therein bevies a tis line on a &3 desress &O seconds west, 169.90 feet to land nov or of Spezlo; THENCE North 57 minutes 30 seconds East, alone land now or former~ of Spezio and an iron pipe to au iron pipe ou the line of hyview distance of 199.50 feet; THENCE 46 destane &l n~Lnutes 30 second8 Kant, alone said ~ine Seine and intended ~o be the sene premises conveyed to'the part~ of the first part IN w I'rNl.*-q.*~ WHERE( )V. [he party .)t' Ih,~ tint[ part hik% duly ¢ ~,L"CUb.N] this tk~.%l :the .I-.y ami .~nr I~ ~;p*dh *x~: written. · State .rNew %'flrk. C;mn;). id' ) ~,.: ille melte in Iti~ledthelr calxlck)~ies), Ihal It). hb/tiL, zf lb:ir iitlxlc .~Jcii Olq~.'anmL'e I~cl'~ve die ml~k'r4 ~: PL'd in iht' o.,um'v UK 'n ,w. ~ Fidelity f~llkml 'lllk IILqilrl~ll~. 4~dmllmm.- ur ~Ew York Schedt~le A T~tte Number aH221831 Und~hvrlter L4849~ · .Page I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Arshamomoque, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New .York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set in the southwesterly line of Bayview Avenue at · the divisi,op line between thelxemisas herein described and land now or formerly of Lieblein, being the southeasterly comer of the premises herein described, said ' . point.being also 425.82 fcet.ne~wasteriy from the extension waste~ of the. northerly line of Colony Road, maas[ired along a course ~f Nodh 46 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds west; RUNNING THENCE South 54 degrees 47 minute 00 seconds west, along said land now or formerly of Leiblein and through a monument, 205.15 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Arshamomoque Pond (Mill Creek); · THENCE along said ordinary high water mark of Arshamom. oque Pond to ~ point therein having a tie line on a course North 43 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds west, 16g.90 feet to land now or fonnedy of Sl~ezio; · THENCE Non'h 57'degrees. 58 minute 30 seconds. East, along said land now or forme~ of Spezio. and through an iron pipe to an iron pipe on the southwesterly line of Bayviow Avenue, a distance of 199.50 feet; .. THENCE South 46 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds East, along said southwesterly line of Bayview Avenue, a distance of ~60 feet to'thb ~nonumant at the point or place of BEGINNING. Nund)er of pa~e~ TORRENS S~'Jnl # Cenifi~le N ~ ,.,~' ~ - A~i(~vit Re~ C~ ~her Stamp ['Jute ~ / Mortsa~e T.x Stmnp FEnq Sub Total Real .'~c.i~iyTnx Serifa. Agtn~oy Veril~enti,M J 6 Dis, J Section [ E I,r]~ I 02050105 '~ooo o50oo o5oo 002000 LM Initials ~iona/Discharsea/Roleaeas List Properly Owners M'ailing'Addres., ~ RECORD & RI~TURN TO: RECORDED 2002 ~ 2~ 0210~:~ PN Ed~rd St.~-PO~.K P 464 DTtl 02-~0~67 R=cordinI / Fijian MmlI~nSc AUIL I. I~sic 'rsx 2. Addilhmul Tax Sub Total Spec./AH|I.. Or · ql'~c. 1Add. "lOT. M'I~. 'fAX Dual Town__ t~nl C(mniy Hdd for A~liunment .... ~lon T~ 'tim pr~fly cove~ by fllis nto~l~ is ~ will be isuprove~ ky a one or Iwo ramify ~ NO IFNO. ne np~wiul~ lux clause ~ ~c ff J8 [ Title C()lllpally inforsnalioet j_co. Ns,ne Sage Ilarbor ?Atte Aqenc¥, Ltd. I.'l'itle # ~'/.T~ I I;) I' J Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page TflJs'jxt~ t~m puff or thc att~ohcd ~ ( -~PI;:C'I FY 1'~i 'E CJI: IN~I RUI~ .tl3N'l' ) 'll~c I~mmiscs Jl~.l~ill is ~lt~ in SUI:~I.K ~U~IN', NEW Y~ In thc VIU AGE or ] ~[.ET or ~ ~l D ___ mad= b~: BOX.EX 5 THRU 9 MUST lie TYPED OR PRIN'II~.D IN BI.ACK INK ONI .Y I'RIOR TO RI.COlt, DING OR FILING. lOVER) S~FFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE T~pe of Instrument: DL~DS/D~D TRANSFER TAX N~MBER: 02-20167 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recoiled: LIBER~ Section~ Block: 052.00 05.00 EXAHINEDAND ~P~3EDAH FOLLOWS $815,000.00 ~2/2o/2oo2 02:00:34 PM D000 2226 002.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Inmtnment P&ge/FIZing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYB SURCHG BA-C'TY $5.00 NO gA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies aFT $30.00 NO SCTH Transfer tax $3,260.00 NO C~n.P~e. Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-20167 THI0 PAGE A PART OF TIIB INSTR~MBHT $5.oo NO $15.00 NO S25.00 NO $0.00 NO $o.oo NO $13,300.00 NO $16,662.00 Edward P,Ro~aine County Clerk, Su££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: ht~p://www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 PROPERTY INFORMATION ~ 2205 [ Ba~view Avenue REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~TATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARe OF REAL PROF~RT~ SERVICES RP- 5217 11971 6, SJlle j Herbig [ John L. [ I Herbig J Suzanne R. I SALE INFORMATION J I 10 / 19 [ 02 J ~J Sale eet'~een Relmives or Former Relatives 13. Full Saki Priee J i i ~8 [i 5~ i 010 r 0, J} r 0 I Sale of Buslness is l~luded in Sale P~ice J ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 18. Property Class L?.__L]~)_J -L J 19. t~¢ho~l District Name J ~1'31l ~'hn ld BUYER BUYER'S ATi'ORNEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY