HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12229 P 606L THISINUENTURE, madeIhe dayof December, 2002 BE'rWEEN ~arl D. ~e~ter, Jr., residing at 2650 Wickham!Avenua~ Mattftuck, NY 11952, Carol R. D~nno~, residing at 1184 Corner Ketch Road~ Newark, Delaware 19711 end Joan R. Cochr&n, residing at 35510 Ridge Road, Willoughby, Ohio 44094 all as Tenants.in Common. partyofthefirstpar[.and '~ia C.D. Reiter's. a Par[aarehip w~h oEE~ces located 2650 ~c~ham ~ve.~ Na~E~uok NY 11952 WITNESSETH. that the parly of tile tirsl part. irt co.sidetatior~ of TEN and 00/l-00 ........ and other good and valuable consid~rst~on ' dollars lying and being in the 'l'u~v. or~;~t~lhuJ[i, ~(~t.tly OI eel'[elk a.d ~lal~ ul ~c~v Yu~k ns AI;Jl;~llU;S~qsc, subdiviJcd Ovlul~cr 22. 193(). O[I;~ W. Voi] Tuyl, I.k'e.~d Sm [~u.dm-~ li.c ul'a~id lul, ~t. mi.g p~.~llcl wilh Iht caslerly a.d wc~(crly ~klcs ursaid over n cum'sc suulh 2G~ I I cas[ [u I ~c m,u h~H). h~t..Im7 Ihc~et;f, said une-halfnEaaid I.~1 I G hav].B n frOldage ~a Iht s~,alhc~ ly ~idc ~fSI~IIe l{u.d u(25.~5 r~l. ~ ALL Iha[ ccr(ah~ I~a~c(, pJccc t.' imrccJ uf la.~. situnlc lyin8 sad bcl.E lo( gvur e CULIISC south 26" '17' ell~l to (ho s~,t~lhcrJ), b(~lrlLlia-y tllc~col~ seiki e rantor' s h r · 3 · Shdc I{o,ld ~,f 25.2 foci. g e ezn being the same person(s) as ~e named ?r=:Grantees in a certain deed in LIBER 12189 PAGE 335. abu[[i~g the above described p~et~tises [o the cenler lines tl~e~eol; TOOE]'I-I~R wilh lhe appu~tena~ces and all [he estate a~id ~igh[s o[ the pa~ly of lbo lirst pa~t in and [o se~ premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the secoad.pa~t forever. AND tl~e pady of fl~e fi~l pa~t, in COal;has,ce with Section 13 of Ihe Lien Law. covenaats [hat the ~ty of the [irsl par[ will ~eive the co~sido~alion for this conveyance sad will hold the righl ~o ~e~fve su~ conside~alion as a lrus[ fund ~o be appli~ Ii, st tut the purpose of payi.g the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first lo Ihe l.nymeo~ o~ the ~s[ or the i.~provenle.[ bef(.e esi~g any par[ o[ Ihe lotal o[ the same ~or a.y oU~er IN ~ITNESS WIIEI{~OF. the pa~ly u[ the [~ls[ pa, t has dilly executed Ibis deed the day arid year fits[ above IN PRESEI4CE OF: CARL D. RE~-TER, 'JR. ~AROL R. DENSON J~AN R. COCHRAN Form 3290 ' ¥~ ~E USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMEHT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE_ .. State of New york. COLJNy of SUffo 1 j~ SS: State of New York. County of ss: On the ~'~ day of ~ ~ in the year ~ ,t.--- On the day o! ill Ibm year Carl D. Re~ter, Jr. ND1 PAUL A. CAMINITI 8atisfm:tofy evddonce to be tho ir.iividual(s) whose ~mo(a) is capacity(les), and tlmt by hi~m~m~ s~natum(8) on the BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AOAIN~aT GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. TO SECTION 8LOCK LOT COU~4TY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS A(;l:1q(.I fi.TI). 1529 Main Street Port Jefferson, NY. 11777 R ETI, JP~LI~yLAIL TO: ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR USE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE ONLY ~m Fe~ wltb St~ C~nt~ ~ ~li~) On tbe.c~ day of ~.ff. , in tbe year 2002 befor~ me, the ~ll~g~ ~ ~p~ Carol R. Denson ~y ~ ~o ~ or p~ to ~ on ~ ~,k of~ti~m~ e~ m ~ t~ ~s) w~ ~s) ~ (~) ~d to ~ ~th~ ~ ~ ~l~g ~t~s) on ~ ~t, I~ ~d~(s), or ~ ~n u~n ~ofw~h ~ ~s) ~t~ ~m~ t~ i~ ~ t~t s~h ~i~ such ap~ ~fo= t~ unde~i~ ~ ~ovar~, Delaware ,/~ / ,/..~' ,~_ UNDA $. DilORIO r~,~'-/::ff-~'-~Jff.~ ~L/~ff .ff~. ,JJD_T_ARY PUBUC - DELAWARE "NOTARY PUBLIC My Oonw~ion F. xplms Nov. 26, 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR USE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE ONLY st:ate o~.~ County of.: ~$C,O ~.: (Cartiere Fence with State, Cauntry or Munte(~al~) 2o02 bero em ,the undersigned, personally appeared Joan R. Cochran personnlly known to me or pros, cd to mc on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to tl~ within instrument and acknowledged to me that hdslz/tbey executed the san~ in his/Ira'/their capacity(ies), that by his/her/~ signature(s) on the ~t, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) a~tcd, executed the instrument., and that such individual made such appearance before tbe undersigned in Willoughby, Ohio Number o f pages TOItREN$ Serial/f Certificate RECORDED 2~0~ Jan 10 ]0:19:46 Edward P. Rc~naine SUFFOLK ~OUNTV · L D00012229 P 606 DTt 02-22662 Deed I Mor~gaga inatmme~tt Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Pags / Filing Fee Ilandling 'FP-584 Nolation F~-$2 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slale) IL P.T.$.A. i"; C~t. of~. . ~]fl~ Copy Reg. Copy Other Initials ? SatJsractiolla,, -- Sub Total ~ub Total CIR~ND TOTAL Real Sorvic Ved/ication ' Dist. Section B lock 03001250 xooo oseoo o$oo ooeoov ( .Mo ^) RECORD & TO: CAMINITI.& GIBBON.S~ LLP. .' 53345'Main Road · · PO Box 846 · Sb'uth'6ld. NY 11971 ]~'cording / Fi/lng Stm~nps I. Basic Tax ' 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolol Sp~c./A~aiL Or Spe~./Add, TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town= Dual County__ Field for Apporl/onmont Transfer Tax Mansion Tax Tim property will be '-- _ _ ~,nge ss or owmlm~ only. YES_ or NO ffNO. see appropriato tax c~nansa o~ page # -~-- of Ibis lnstmmem. Communil Preservation Fund Consideration Amou.t $_ 0 CPF 'r&n Due $_0 improved__ X Caul 'l'lds page £onns putt oftl~ atta~md Ca~l D. I~eiter, 0~:. ~arol R. D~mon, Joan R. O~h~an ;' '; TO -- The C. D. f~eiter's Deed Title Cos Co. Name Title # ~' InformRfiOn & Endorsement (SPF-~ I'~ TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) . ]he premises herein is situaled in · SU['~OLK COUNTY', NEW YOI~L In thc Tovnt~hlp of ~ou~old In tho~ or HAMLET of G~eenooz'l: made by: BOXF_.S 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PR/OR TO RECORD/NO OR FILfNO. II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~,~er of Pages: 4 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-22662 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 056.00 06.00 EXM4II~DAND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 01/10[2003 10:19:46~ D00012229 606. Lot: 008.007 Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing $12.00 cee $5.00 EA-C~Y $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 aPT $30.00 · ransfer tax $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-22662 THIS PAGE IS Above Instrument Exempt NO Sand/ing NO N~S SURCHG NO EA-S~ATE NO Cart. Copies NO 8CTM NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $102.00 Edward P.Komaina County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http¥/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473 7222 C1. SWI$ Code REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c3. sook RP- 5217 1' Property [~'~O '~ r ~~ j S~~ i Southol~ ~J zs=~.~ l The C.D. Reiter's j ~ Reiter [ 2650 Wickham Ave., M~ttituck NY 1~951 __ __ Reiter L Cochran Carl D., Jr. L Joan R. I I SALE %NFORMATION I · 1000-56-6-8.7 J L ~ L J SUYE~R ~,~L-' /z ~:~-~ Carol R. Denson 2650 I Wickham Ave Mattituck NY 1195~2 SELLER Joan R. Cochran Caminiti 631 BUYER'SA~ORNE~y --- ~ Paul 765-5900 NEW YORKcopyS'FATE~