HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 758Irnrm SOQ2 (.l~OO}.- Bmt~nin and Sslc Dced. with Co*chants nBninst Grantur's AcI~ - Individunl or Corporation. (Single bhect! OONSULT~QUR LIVYE~. BEFORE SIGHING TNIB INSTRUMEHT-TlaS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY I.~NY~ ONLY. BETWEEN EDMOND THOMAS ,,nd SUZANNE 11.lOMAS, Ns ~fa, bolh residing at 41 Knolkvood Drive, TIntm~ Fals, New Jersey O7724 pat~y of~e tim par~ and YASMINE D. ANAVI, reaming at 16 Jay Slreet, New Yodt. New York 10013 party of the r, econcl pan. WITNESSETH, that the pa~ of the first pan. in considwatitm often dollars nmi odmr valuabh: .c~demzim~ p~ld by Ihe party of d'.e r. eeond ~rk does hereby F, mm nnd release umo dx: Ixmy of the second pan. the heia ~ ~ nM ~m of ~ ~ of A I. k that certain plot. piece or pm'eel of land. with the I)uJMinlls and i,.i,.o,/emems thereon ~ simale, lying and being in the See attached Schedule A Descdption. Being the ~ame ixembe~ acquirad by Edmond Thonm~ and 8uzanne Thonms by deed dated November 11, 19g0 aM racerdsd on D~c~tber 21, lg~0 at Llbe~ 11194, Page 003. TO~I',-fI lEK with all fight, title and interest, if nny, uflhe pmty of the fir,~ pan. in and m any streets ~ mods abuttin8 thc hbo,. e- de~ril~l prem&,cs lO the center lines th,.'f~) f; TOGETllEK wilh lite appofzer, ancol& and Ill the CIS:a= mid rig, ha ill d'.~ pazl¥ ~.£d'.e flr,~ pa. in and to tmid i-,;¢,~i.,ms; TO IIAVs: AI%D TO IlOl.[) ~ premi~ herein Ln'anled unto the pafly of the seer.nd ['.dh. the heirs or sw. xx-ssoes und n,i~ns of'tho pa~r of the se*.'~md pun forever, AMD the p.u'ty of tim fitxl putt cov~anl6 that the party of'the first part h~ not done or r, uffeted anything v/nereid,, the ~md I~'~m~"~ have ~ el~mbered in any v,~y wt'Ate~,:r, excopt I1~ l&tbreiaid. AND the pa~y. of die first pan, in compliance w~th .e, eetioa I 3 of the l.len Law. cv. ven.~nt~ thnt the pa~jI IT,s! pa~ v,'ill f~-eive the con~ic~-'~tio n For thi~ cow.'eyan~ and will hold the right to receive such cons~-.fation ~s a trust ~nd to be applied fir~ fm't~e Imqx~ of payin~ the ~ of the impmvemc~ and will al~ly 1he same first to Ihe payment of the cc~t of the impmvemem betbre u~ng any pan of the total of Om s~me I~' nny olher puqx~e. The word "l~tly" shall ~c' corAtl~'d as ifil read 'paf~es" whe11~'e~ the sense of this indent.re so ~equire~. IN WITNESS WHE R EOF, dm pony of the fin~ p~n lu., duly e.xeeuted this demi the day :w.d year fin. t nbovg wrJtlt"fl. SCHEDULE A ALL that certain ~plot pi.e~, or parcel o.f land with the buildings and improvements · t~reon erected, s~mate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, Coumy of Suffolk, State of New York, shown and des~nnted on a certain map entitled, 'Map of .Oreenport. Shores, Section 1 Oreenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County New York, hied in me Suffolk County Clerk's Office, June 2~th, 1950, as Map number 1759" ~oUrVeyed by Otto V. an Tuyl, licensed surveyor, and known and designated as and by ts 18 and 19 on said map bein~ mere particularly bounded and described according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Shore Drive where the division line hetwcen lots 19 and 20 on the aforementioned map intersect said southeasterly side of S. bore Drive; RUNNING THENCE north 50 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds east, 100.00 feet; THENCE south 39 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds east, 133.71 feet; THENCE south $1 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west, 100.02 feet; THENCE no~h 39 deg_re? 21 minutes 30 seconds west, 131.53 feet to the southeasterly side of Shore Drive and the point and place of BEOINING. SAID premises being known as 1355 Shore Drive, Grcenport, NY. latiafacto~y evidence to be the Indivlduat(s) wheie name(s) Is (ara) sub~:dbed to the within instrument and a~cnmdedged to me thai hah, he/thee axeGuled ~he sBme In hiI/har/thatr Acknowledgement taken In NewY~rk ~tata State of New Yod(. County of . ss: On the dee of , in tho year , bofom me. the undemignad, pereoMIly apl~emd pamonally Imown Io nm or proved to me on the basis of .=Uatsl:~ory evidence to be the individual(s) ~ name(s) is (are) subscribed to the ~thin irmtmment and acknowledged to ma that he/she/thee executed the same In his/hor/~eir capacity(lei) and~I~l-~hiI/hor~d~J)oir ilgnature(s) on II~,~,.l~.-~lpa,flly(lei), and that by hiI/horlthatr Ilgnstum(s) on the instrument, t~tlviduil(s) c~.JM~Ifn~iI~Gpjl~behelf~ I Ini~ment, Ute Indivtdcal(s) or the parian UlX~ I:~lf of which the IndMduat(s) Kid. axecutod the in~'~ureent. Acknewtadgement by 8ubeGdblng Witneei taken In New Acknewledgement taken out.cie NewYork State Yolk State Stata of Now Yod~, County of ,ss: 'Steteof NewJeriee ,Countyof. ~ '(or inseK District of Columbia. Tentlory, PeieieiIon or Foreign Count~/) On the clay of , in the year , be~ore rna, · thaundoreloned, pareonatlyappaared ! Onthe ~i3..deeof 8apt.~0.~.~theyeir 2005. before me. the undersigned, personally appeared am pamonally sainted, who being by me duly Iworn, did me on tho bails of depose end ely, th/hMshe/they reiIpa(s) in ; iiatactmy evidence to be the Individual(i) wheie came(s) (are) sul~:~ibed to the within Icatmment ,,nd acknowledged to me that he/she4hey know(s) that ho/~be/thiy IXeCutod the ,-,,me in his/her/~atr capacity(lei), to be the ;ndlvidual beic. dbed in and who executed the and that by hlircar/tlmlr signature(s) on the instrument, the foregoing instrument; that said iull:dblng witheII wes IndMd,II(s) or the parian upon behalf of which tho individUal(s) pre~ent and eiw-=id acled, executed Ihs inabumaat, arid that such individual made execute the same: and tl~t *-',Id witP,~ at the -,,me Ume such mp. peimnca bofom the undm'al;ned In the . ~ (~dd th~ ~ ~ 13<dltlcal aubdiv~ and ~e cet~,,~'r counm/or J.~--Z~ ~ I°th°r pI'ce th° 'ckn°wiedgem'nt wa' token)' .. .. SECTION 47 I~DMOND THOMAS end SUZANNE THOMAS, BLOCK 2 ~' - his wife TO COUNTYORTOWN ,_SUFFOLK COUNTY ~14/~1 I~ ~['~ H J~ ~IE ~I~ ~ [ 150 Eaat 581h Strcet, 16th Fleor NewYodc, NewYc~c 10155 '~ ..:. ..' .~0 MAMARONECK AVENUE ~UITE 202 : :' -. HARRISON. NY 10528 ' · ... , -. . ................... :-..- Number of Pqli~., TORRKNS Serial # Certificate # Deed / Monp~e Instrument '1 ,... ~11 Deed I Mor~,~e Tax ~nmp FEES Ecl~rd P.l~aaine · " CLERK OF ~UFFOI.~ COUmV ! - L (X~0012421 P?~ Ra~din~ I Filing, Smnlps Page / Filing Fee Handling '1'P-$~4 Notation EA-52 17 (County) · EA-$217 (State) Comm. or Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Other Initials · Sub Total Moflgose Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional 'Fax Sub Total Spec/AssR. Or Spec. lAdd. Real Property Tax Service ASa~, Verification ~ I.)aal County ~ GO io me '.'~ I The property covered b~ this mongaae is or J will be improved a (mc or two famil: Sub Total . -- I dwellin~ only. GRAND TOTAL ~q Z." [ IfNO. se'e~ ;tax clause'~ page It Fund Consideration CPF Tax Due Dist. Section B lock l.ot 05041969 xooo 04700 0200 027000 'rD I0 TD TD Sstisfnetions/Discharges~.eleases List Properly Owners Msilin Title Company Information RECORD & RETURN TO: Suffolk Co. Name Title # Recordin & Endorsement page forms pm of the attached TO (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS1RLIlV~qT ) The premises heroin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNI~', ~ YORK. In tb~ or HAIVlLEF of made by: BOXES 5 'iTIRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 'lO I "~CORDING OR F/LING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS 0FFTCE RECORDTNG PAGE ~er : 05-0122577 TAX NU~BZR: 05-Z6480 1000 Deed Amount: Recoz'ded: PAGE: Section: Blockl 047.00 02.00 $550,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Znetru~ent Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTH Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~mn. Prea Feee Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-16480 PAGE ZS A PART 0FTIIE XNSTRUMEHT THXS XS N0T A BZLL Edward P.Rmnaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 11/23/2005 02~13~30 PM D00012421 758 027.000 $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $9,500.00 NO $9,742.00 .~ · - ' ; ~)LEA'SE'TYPE O-R I~ESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON F-'~M · INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1. P,q~vco~m[ mmNumm1355 I ~Sh°re DrLve [ ~ I ~vl I ~ss~ne D. j [ 16 Jay Street I I Ney York L Sd,, I 'L'ho.-,s I ff. dmond I Thouas I Suzanne I SALE INFORMA'nON I 11. ~dl CeM/KI DMe 1LD~d&dlSTmlw~w I 09 /]~17' 20051 D ~ ~SE~ME~ IN~R~ON · ~ ~u~ ~ ~ I~ ~nal ~ ~1 and Tax Bill J iDLe. 10.01, Sec.,47, Block 2, Lot 27 I I i I I I I ~JYB~B ATTORNEY mR /? 2_/ , I NEW YORK STATE COPY