HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12424 P 731'rllxsl~%TD~,mndethe ..~0Il' duyof RJQ~*Brr, b~* , . BR'rWEEN ROBERT BASSOLINO AND JOAN BASSOLINO, as Husband and Wife. residing nt 28-55 214th Street, Bn.vside, New York PATRICK RENCIVENGA, residing at 40 Clinton Street, Apt. 2F, Brooklyn, New York 11201 WITNBSUBTH, that th~ party of the firaL p~Ft, in ~on~iderution of t~n dollora nmi other valuoble consideration paid by the party of the second purL, does hereby IITunt and rL4easo unto the party of the second part, the heird or s~__,~___~_~ and a~ of th~ pnrty of tho seeond part rm'ew..r, ALL that certain plot, pieee or parcel oflnnd, with the buildinp and improvementa thereon erected, situate, lyinw and beinK in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED I IERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF BEING thc same premiscs described in deed to the grn_ntors recorded in [,IBER 3465 page356. TOOETHER with *il right, title and interest, if uny. of the party of t~., £n-dt port in and to any str~ots and romh abutting the nbo~ des~'tbod premises to the c~nt~r lin~ thsm~ TOGE'rHER with the appurtmmnm nnd alt tim est~to and rinht, of' the party of the first pa~ in und Lo auld prtquises; T~). IIA. VE A~T._? TO 1401_.1.) LI~ herein ip~mt~t unto tho party of the smcond p~rt. tho heird or successors mm nmgns ol the Pai%Y orthe sum pa forever. AND tho party of the f'tut part =venuit~ tirol ~e ~ of t~ tint ~ h~ ~ ~ or suge~ n~hi~ w~ ~ ~ ~mi~ hn~ ~ e~umh~ in n~ w~ wh~, ~M ~ ab~id. ~D ~ ~ ~ ~ flint ~ in ~plinn~ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~en I~w, ~nan~ t~t ~o ~ ~ ~o flint ~ wi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ji ~n~n~ ~d'wJH ~d ~ ~t M ~ ~ ~J~ ~ a ~ ~ M b ap~ fl~ ~ the pu~.~ ~ the ~t~ ~ im~mnt a~ ~11 a~ly_~ nme fl~ ~ ~ Wl'l~ ~OF. ~ ~y ~ tint ~ hoi duly ~ thb d~ the d~ u~ ~ar fi~ a~ w~. FAIRWAY ABSTRACT CORP. as authorisod agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Ol,' NEW YORK TITLE NO. FAIR 2212 (779-S-2212) SCHEDULE A ALL that cer~in plot, piec~ or parcel el~ land, with the buildings end impro~.mente ther~n erected, situate, lying and being in the Town oi'southold, County el'Suffolk and S~ate of New York, bounded and described ns follows: BEGINNING at a point in a line extending South 6 degrees 19 minutes 20 soconde We~t from the northwesterly cerner ofland now or formerly of the Harry G. Steinme~z Estate, which point of beginning ie distant 483.7{~ feet southerly from the said land of Steinmel~-: RUNNING THENCE South 6 degrees 19 minutes 20 ~conds West, a distance of 7§ feet; THENCE North 83 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds Weak a distance of 125 foot; THENCE North 6 degrees 19 mitmtae 20 8aconde East, 75 feet.; THENCE South 83 degree 40 minutes 40 seconds East, 125 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Dist: 1000 Section: 047.000 Premis~s being known as: Bloc.k: 02.00 Lot: 022.000 A( 'rk~ ~I.F.~ ;M FJ,'T t.'~ .NUW YOUK STATE dcffL JEW-mi Stufe of' New York. County of' 011 I II "~bl O~ bef'ore m~ the Ulld~r~J~ll~d. ~n~lly km~n to me ~ p~ to me ~ c~ ~is 0; ~i~- ~b~ to I~ wigan in~m~nt and ~ t~ by hi~e~hcir ~J~ra~q~) on individual(s), or thc ~'rson upon ~holf of which thc ACK,~OWLmJGM F.,'T OUTSmg ~KW York FFATE (aPL SUIt Of' , County of On pe~mully oppc~d ~fore mc, thc undcrsign~d. persmmlly known to mc or proved to me on the basis ut' smJs- su~fi~ to t~ wigan intel n~ ~km~ m ~ th~ ~'t~ut~ ;~ ~]~ in hi~M~ir ~,~t~i~). n~ t~ by hi,rAdar sisn~s) ~ I~ in~m~n~ ~ i~ividunl(s), or the ~rson u~n behalf of which Iht i~ivi~al(s) M~. ex~M ~ in~m. n~ thai ~h ifl- divid~l m~e ~h n~ ~o~ thc u~e~ig~ in State or · County of. ~ ss.: On perMnnlly appenn.*d Ihc subscribing witness(cs) M thc f~p~ins in.mumem, wi~ w~ I nm ~mlly ~u~n~. w~, ~in8 ~ ~ duly swan. did ~ ~d ~y t~ ~ ~) in (~ thai he/she/they knqm~s) tu he the individual(s) degMhcd in ~d who exe~utL*d the going, instmnM:m'~ iht .*mid subscTibit~ wimc.qs(.es) wnu tWCTC) pr~**.~..nt and saw ~id e~*cute the smn~: and that todd witne~q(as) at thc sram time subscdhed his/her/their n~s) as a witness(cs) thereto. m~r,* ,~r ,~,m~. ,,~ ,~'r ~/~v 4r~*v~ ~r~. And that said sub~:rJhJng wimessieu) mudc uuch appearance before the undcrsillned in .) Wm! O,~'~'~A.%'T A~&i.qST ORA%TOR'S ACTS Fainv~y Abstract Corp. 100 Garden City Plaza Suite 500 A Garden City, NY 11530 aemrdel at Request e~ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY MI-:TURN BY MAII.TOz Prior Cfi. # Ed~rd P. Ro~aine O.~ OF fI3~FOLK COLNTV L DOOO1242a DT# ~-18717 Pt~ / Filing l~ ....... Mon~a~e Handlin~ . . ~..~ 1. B.~ Sub ~. N~bon ' ,, S~J~t. ~-52 17 (~)" . Sub ~. . , ." S~.-/A~. . ' ~-52]7(S~) _ ~ ~ ' ~.~.TAX . R.P.T.S.A. · ~ ~ ~wn ~M C~ty Comm. :0f ~. 5.. ~ u ~ld f~ A~t ~-- ~f~ ~t , ~i~ /~ [~ ~11 ~ ~ ~ a one or two ~s. Copy .... [ f~t~ dw~ 6n~y. S b I ' Y=~ or 0~ ~d ~ ~ I H NO, ~ ~ ~ cla~e on of ~s instant 4 District S~ction _R! _~___k Lot 1~,,,~ · 0-~-~-4q~,a 1000 04700 0200 022000 . ': Tax Service 'Agency ~ · . V~ ~d .. ~O~ . · -. I ' I ~. N~ Fatrval Abstract Corp. ~ _ .me & Endorsement P~ee ~is~f~~, '~ m ' ' TO · In the Townahip of ~ In the VII_I AGE .m'~of,, BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'rBD L~I BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I lllllllillllm [Il Illlllllll llilllll Ill Ill Iii I Illllllllllli SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCu RECORDTNG PAGE Type o~ Znstz~ent; DEBDB/DDD ~lm~er o~ Ps,ce: 4 Receipt ~,--her : 05-0128378 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-18717 District: 1000 Deed Anount: Reco~dedz LZBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 047.00 02.00 $421,000.00 bcei~d tb Fo11~l~ Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO HYB BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO ~-STATE TP-584 $5.00 HO Cert. Copte, ~ 830.00 ~ s~ ~sfer t~ $1,684.00 NO ~.Pres Fees Paid TRAlqBFER TAX NUMBERt 05-18717 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS X8 NOT A BILL Edward P.Rouatne County Clerk, 8u££oZk County 12/10/2005 08;26:58 AM D00012424 731 Lot: 022.000 Exen~t $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $5,420.00 NO $7,256.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFO~ ~'OUNTY USE ONLY -- -- ~. J l '~']~"~'~ ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · ' RP - 5217 I ~r~nport I I17_1__1 I zk~, I BencJ. venga I Patrick I I I I ~,~ I I~1 , , ,,~,. ..I1.~ I [] ~ ,~,.,,,, I X I ~s,~. I Bassolino I Xobert I I aassolino I aoan I L ~ip TIqol Il ~.~mkwntnlum I I I)1 I Nan-R~dm~-J V~Jm ~ F. mmdm~d I ISALE INr'ORM*llON I · ~.~c~ I 11 / 04 / 05 I * 8'IlBm'm"'il~ima'Fm~'~"m~" ~.~ee~l'rrm~m I II I .~C) / 05 I D ~h.,d.,~. I .. . i 4, 2,1 q ~~M~ ~ ..... 0, ~, ~ I .... I ~SM~ IN~B~N - ~ s~ ~ the ~VmdAmmmmtndlfrm104~05117. TaalAmmedVdm~ddlmm~kmmdm~l 4 6 0 0 I ~m~o~,~.-- I 2, 1,01.1__1 ~==.~n~l Greenport I 1000-047.00-02.00-022.000 I I I I I I I I CERllFICA~ON d' m~, ~mw-m ~mlm mmmm. I e mmlmm~m~ I~m:l hmrdm ~dll .dream mm k' dm m-- d'~m mqmd Immr mdmk, e m Ibm mmlbl mm1 k imf fdmm m 40 I C1Xnton St. ,Apt. 2F Brooklyn I NY I 11201 Bum AW Angerame Keith I 516 I 740-9730 NEW YORK STATE ] COPY